In this section we demonstrate how to prepare an environment with PyTorch.
- Linux (Windows is not officially supported)
- Python 3.6+
- PyTorch 1.8 or higher
- CUDA 10.1 or higher
- NCCL 2
- GCC 4.9 or higher
- mmcv-full 1.4.7 or higher (use
for fast installation)
We have tested the following versions of OS and softwares:
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 and CentOS 7.2
- CUDA: 10.0/10.1/11.0/11.2
- NCCL: 2.1.15/2.2.13/2.3.7/2.4.2 (PyTorch-1.1 w/ NCCL-2.4.2 has a deadlock bug, see here)
- GCC(G++): 4.9/5.3/5.4/7.3/7.4/7.5
We recommend that users follow our best practices to install OpenMixup.
Step 0. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.
conda create -n openmixup python=3.8 -y
conda activate openmixup
Step 1. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the official instructions, e.g., on GPU platforms:
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
# assuming CUDA=10.1, "pip install torch==1.8.1+cu101 torchvision==0.9.1+cu101 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f"
Step 2. Install MMCV using MIM. We recommend the users to install mmcv-full from the source using MIM (or it will install from the source with pip in step 4). You can also use pip install mmcv
for fast installation.
pip install -U openmim
mim install mmcv-full
Step 3. Install other third-party libraries (not necessary). Please install pyGCO for PuzzleMix (used for cut_grid_graph, DON'T USE pip install gco==1.0.1
conda install faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch # optional for DeepCluster and ODC, assuming CUDA=10.1
pip install opencv-contrib-python # optional for SaliencyMix (cv2.saliency.StaticSaliencyFineGrained_create())
Step 4. Install OpenMixup. To develop and run openmixup directly, install it from the source:
git clone
cd openmixup
pip install -v -e .
# "-v" means verbose, and "-e" means installing in editable mode;
# or "python develop"
Step 5. Install Apex (optional), following the official instructions, e.g.
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
If some errors occur when you install Apex from the source, you can try python install
for fast installation. Note that we recommend using PyTorch AMP for mixed precision training in high versions of PyTorch.
The git commit id will be written to the version number with step d, e.g. 0.1.0+2e7045c. The version will also be saved in trained models.
Following the above instructions, openmixup is installed on
(editable) mode, and any local modifications made to the code will take effect immediately (except for the running experiments). You can install it topip/conda
bypip install .
and the local modifications will not take effect without reinstalling it. -
If you are installing
for the first time,ImportError:
will occur, which can be solved byapt install libgl1-mesa-glx
. If you would like to useopencv-python-headless
instead ofopencv-python
, you can install it before installing MMCV. Refer to issue #48 for some errors encountered with the version ofcv2
. -
Some errors with mmcv installation can be solved according to the issue of MMCV, e.g., using
for issue #10962.
According to MMSelfSup, if you need to evaluate your pre-training model with some downstream tasks such as detection or segmentation, please also install Detectron2, MMDetection and MMSegmentation.
If you don't run MMDetection and MMSegmentation benchmark, it is unnecessary to install them.
You can simply install MMDetection and MMSegmentation with the following command:
pip install mmdet mmsegmentation
For more details, you can check the installation page of MMDetection and MMSegmentation.
MMCV contains C++ and CUDA extensions, thus depending on PyTorch in a complex way. MIM solves such dependencies automatically and makes the installation easier. However, it is not a must. To install MMCV with pip instead of MIM, please follow MMCV installation guides. This requires manually specifying a find-url based on PyTorch version and its CUDA version.
For example, the following command install mmcv-full built for PyTorch 1.10.x and CUDA 11.3.
pip install mmcv-full -f
We provide a Dockerfile to build an image.
# build an image with PyTorch 1.10.0, CUDA 11.3, CUDNN 8.
docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile --rm -t openmixup:torch1.10.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8 .
Note: Make sure you've installed the nvidia-container-toolkit.
It is recommended to symlink your dataset root (assuming $YOUR_DATA_ROOT
) to $OPENMIXUP/data
If your folder structure is different, you may need to change the corresponding paths in config files.
We support following datasets: CIFAR-10/100, Tiny-ImageNet, ImageNet-1k, Place205, iNaturalist2017/2018, CUB200, FGVC-Aircrafts, StandordCars. Taking ImageNet for example, you need to 1) download ImageNet; 2) create the following list files or download meta files under $DATA/meta/: train.txt
and val.txt
contains an image file name in each line, train_labeled.txt
and val_labeled.txt
contains filename label\n
in each line; train_labeled_*percent.txt
are the down-sampled lists for semi-supervised evaluation. 3) create a symlink under $OPENMIXUP/data/
Assuming that you usually store datasets in $YOUR_DATA_ROOT
(e.g., for me, /home/xhzhan/data/
This script will automatically download PASCAL VOC 2007 into $YOUR_DATA_ROOT
, prepare the required files, create a folder data
and make a symlink VOCdevkit
bash tools/prepare_data/ $YOUR_DATA_ROOT
At last, the folder with all related datasets looks like:
├── openmixup
├── benchmarks
├── configs
├── data
│ ├── meta [used for 'ImageList' dataset]
│ ├── ade
│ ├── cifar10
│ ├── cifar100
│ │ ├── cifar-100-batches-py
│ │ ├── cifar-100-python.tar
│ │── coco
│ │── CUB200
│ ├── FGVC_Aircrafts
│ │ | ├── images (contains all train & val)
│ ├── ImageNet
│ │ ├── train
│ │ | ├── n01440764
│ │ | ├── n01443537
│ │ | ...
│ │ | ├── n15075141
│ │ ├── val
│ │── iNaturalist2017
│ │── iNaturalist2018
│ ├── Places205
│ │ ├── images256
│ │ | ├── a
│ │ | | ├── abbey
│ │ | | ├── airport_terminal
│ │ | | ...
│ │ | ├── b
│ │ | ...
│ │ | ├── y
│ │── StanfordCars
│ │ ├── test
│ │ ├── train
│ │── STL10
│ │ ├── test
│ │ ├── train
│ ├── TinyImageNet
│ │ ├── train
│ │ | ├── n01443537
│ │ | ...
│ │ ├── val
│ │ | ├── images (contains all train & val)
│ ├── VOCdevkit
│ │ ├── VOC2007
│ │ ├── VOC2012
Here is a full script for setting up openmixup with conda and link the dataset path. The script does not download full datasets, you have to prepare them on your own.
conda create -n openmixup python=3.8 -y
conda activate openmixup
conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision -y
git clone
cd openmixup
python develop
# download 'meta' and move to data/meta
unzip -d data/meta
# download full classification datasets
ln -s $CIFAR10_ROOT data/cifar10
ln -s $CIFAR100_ROOT data/cifar100
ln -s $IMAGENET_ROOT data/ImageNet
ln -s $TINY_ROOT data/TinyImagenet
# download VOC datasets
bash tools/prepare_data/ $YOUR_DATA_ROOT
If there are more than one openmixup
on your machine, and you want to use them alternatively, the recommended way is to create multiple conda environments and use different environments for different versions. The develop
mode is recommanded if you want to add your own codes in openmixup
Another way is to insert the following code to the main scripts (
or any other scripts you run)
import os.path as osp
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)), '../'))
Or run the following command in the terminal of corresponding folder to temporally use the current one.
- PyTorch-1.8 has a bug in the AdamW optimizer, which will cause some errors in DDP training. See this issue.
- PyTorch-1.8 or higher has a bug in printing logs to the console. The log and log.json files are not affected.
- The training hangs / deadlocks in some intermediate iterations. See this issue. This bug is fixed in the higher versions of PyTorch>=1.6.