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Rough guide to adding new graded necessity modalities (graded by pre-ordered semirings) to Granule

All source files in this guide are relative to frontend/src/Language/Granule unless otherwise stated.

For the sake of examples, I' assume here you are adding a new graded modality whose semiring is called Fruit

1. Syntax

First decide what syntax you need for the grades. Grades can already be numerical (natural numbers or floating point numbers) or type constructors (capitalised names like Haskell) or omegas ∞ or intervals r..s or products r ,, s or sets.

If your new semiring can be encapsulated by some type constructors (represented internally as TyCon) then you do not need to add anything to the lexer (Syntax/Lexer.x) or parser (Syntax/Parser.y).

Grades are parsed into types, provided by the Syntax.Type Type ADT. If you need to parse something new then you may need to augment Type as well. Adding new data constructors there is fine. Do this and re-compile and follow the errors. You will need to add a bunch of boilerplate to do with unification, type quality, freshening, etc. So it is better if you can get away with using type constructors of numbers or sets!

Regardless of the above choices, you may want to add custom pretty printing, so check out the Syntax.Pretty module for this.

2. Primitives

You need to add a new primitive type for this "coeffect". Built-in (primitive) type constructors are given in Language.Granule.Primitives (Checker/Primitives.hs). Add a line to typeConstructors for the type, e.g., (mkId "Fruit", (kcoeffect, [], False)) There is a section for this labelled -- Coeffect types.

If the members of your semiring are also type constructors then also add these here, e.g., (mkId "Apple", (tyCon "Fruit", [], False))

If you have other operations you want to define on the semiring, then you might want to add these here as type-level operators, e.g., specifying their kind (Type) as funTy (tyCon "Fruit") (tyCon "Fruit") and so on.

If have specialised computation level operations using your grades then best thing to do is probably add the in the Granule code inline here defined via builtinSrc which uses the special keyword BUILTIN on definitions. Basically treat this as a place to give the type signatures. If you are using BULTIN, you will need to give an interpretation for these primitives in the evaluator Interpreter.Eval by extending the builtIns list in there.

3. Equalities

The default approach for dealing with graded modalities is compile everything to SMT. If you don't want to do that, you will need to do work in Language.Granule.Types which defines type equality mainly via the function equalTypesRelatedCoeffectsInner.

For a reference you might want to look down to the last case of this function (roughly line 355) and see how type equality drops down to speicalise functions for handling effect types (monoid) (effApproximates) and session types (sessionInequality).

I'll assume now you want to use the SMT approach. In which case you need to look at a Language.Granule.Constraints.

3.1. Compiling to SMT

The key functions you will need to modify are freshSolverVarScoped and compileCoeffect and also the symbolic representation used by Granule in

  • A good starting point is to decide how you want to represent your semiring in the SMT solver. You will need to modify Language.Granule.Checker.Constraints.SymbolicGrades (Checker/Constraints/SymbolicGrades.hs). This modules defines SGrade which is a unified symbolic representation for grades, and the gives various functions over this like symGradeTimes which defines the semiring multiplication and symGradePlus which defines the semiring addition symGradeEq which defines equality. The ordering and units are handled in Language.Granule.Checker.Constraints (more later). Add an extra data constructor to SGrade. You might then define some other data type (see SNatX as an example) or build your representation our of some other symbolic feature already provided by the SMT backend like SInteger, SBool.

  • Once you've add the extra data constructor, you should add cases to some or all of the following:

    • match - tells SMT when the representations "match"
    • natLike (OPTIONAL) - if your underlying representation is supposed to be naturals
    • symbolicMerge - probably recursively defined onto the internal rep
    • symGradeLess (OPTIONAL) - if you want an additional < ordering (not the same as the pre-order
    • symGradeEq - eqaulity
    • symGradeMeet - (OPTIONAL) [partial] meet operation (may or may not cohere with preorder, up to you) This comes from a user using the meet operator (not the type checker itself)
    • symGradeJoin - similar to the above
    • symGradePlus - semiring addition
    • symGradeTimes - semiring multiplication
  • Now you need to go into the Constraints module (Checker/Constraints.hs) and updated freshSolverVarScoped which works out how to compile a symbolic variable for all the different kinds of grade. This function is specialised on the type of grade (third argument), so you will most likely want to add a new case for your particular semiring type. e.g., add a case matching (TyCon (internalName -> "Fruit")). You can look at the others for the general pattern, but this is a CPS-style functiom, where the last argument is the continuation in which you are binding this fresh solver variable. For example:

    freshSolverVarScoped quant name (TyCon (internalName -> "Fruit")) q k =
        quant q name (\solverVar -> k (cond, SFruit solverVar))

where cond is a symbolic SMT expression giving any constraints on the fresh variables (e.g., if there is some representational constraints involved). Otherwise the type of solverVar will get resolved to whatever you said the representation is. Look at the other cases for inspiration!

Depending on your SMT representation you may need to add an instance of QuantifiableScoped. But if you are just using integers, bools, floats, or combinations of other SymGrades, then you won't need to.

  • You will probably need to add several cases to the compileCoeffect function which explains how to translate/compile the type representation of grades into SGrades:

    • Compile your semiring elements. This will of course depend on how you represented your semiring in Type. I'll assume that you managed to do it with TyCon (constructors), so now we should add cases for these. Note the first parameter is the grade term, the second is the type of it, so you probably want to match on the second paramter first, e.g.

      compileCoeffect grade (TyCon (internalName -> "Sec")) _ = do
         return (SSec rep, cond)

    where rep is your SMT representation and cond is any other conditions that come with this (might just be sTrue, i.e., no further constraints).

    • Find the case of compileCoeffect dealing with TyGrade k' 0 - this is where you need to say how 0 (semiring additive unit) is compiled. This is a big case matching on the coeffect type k. You can probably just add a case to the part matching on a TyCon internal name.

    • Find the case of compileCoeffect dealing with TyGrade k' 1 - this is where you need to saw how 1 (semiring multiplicative unit) is compiled. Similar approach as for 0.

    • Lastly add a case to approximatedByOrEqualConstraint which defines the semiring predorder where approimatedByOrEqualConstraint r s means that r <= s according to our theory, e.g., that s overapproximates r. For example, if we were doing BLL then this would be the normal natural number ordering since 1 use is less than 2 uses.