Bunnyhop physics for Natural Selection 2 with NS1 (half life mod) style balance
In a nutshell: Modified ground physics values, Air Control on classes Fade, Skulk, Onos, Marine and Exosuit have been negated to 0, and swapped over with Half-Life style physics. In reality, the code is actually the same as Quake 2/3 Air Strafe physics, except that there's a speed limit of 30 quake units per second (see http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=830797565 for the conversion rate) and an air acceleration value of 10 * 30ups per second.
For more information on half life, quake 3 and quake 1 style balanve air physics, see this calculator:
MEGA (Updated): https://mega.nz/#!Vf53DTLD!sYyiPuGbLq7oyeObA3YeM47Qcd72AYLVIyIpwvgDetU
Dropbox (Outdated but has a preview): https://www.dropbox.com/s/34qsdm2fkb8p71d/Strafe%20Jumping%20Maths.xlsx
Other than the air physics change, Marines' NS2 land-jump penalties of lower jump height / air control / air acceleration is set to 0, but the 20% speed loss is maintained (which means like in NS1, it is somewhat possible to bhop up stairs easier than going off a ledge)