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hura edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 9 revisions

VIM like browsing/action during Helm sessions

This hydra let you run certain helm actions to navigate and run actions on the items during a helm session.

(defhydra helm-like-unite (:hint nil
                           :color pink)
Nav ^^^^^^^^^        Mark ^^          Other ^^       Quit
_K_ ^ ^ _k_ ^ ^     _m_ark           _v_iew         _i_: cancel
^↕^ _h_ ^✜^ _l_     _t_oggle mark    _H_elp         _o_: quit
_J_ ^ ^ _j_ ^ ^     _U_nmark all     _d_elete
^^^^^^^^^^                           _f_ollow: %(helm-attr 'follow)
  ;; arrows
  ("h" helm-beginning-of-buffer)
  ("j" helm-next-line)
  ("k" helm-previous-line)
  ("l" helm-end-of-buffer)
  ;; beginning/end
  ("g" helm-beginning-of-buffer)
  ("G" helm-end-of-buffer)
  ;; scroll
  ("K" helm-scroll-other-window-down)
  ("J" helm-scroll-other-window)
  ;; mark
  ("m" helm-toggle-visible-mark)
  ("t" helm-toggle-all-marks)
  ("U" helm-unmark-all)
  ;; exit
  ("<escape>" keyboard-escape-quit "" :exit t)
  ("o" keyboard-escape-quit :exit t)
  ("i" nil)
  ;; sources
  ("}" helm-next-source)
  ("{" helm-previous-source)
  ;; rest
  ("H" helm-help)
  ("v" helm-execute-persistent-action)
  ("d" helm-persistent-delete-marked)
  ("f" helm-follow-mode))

(define-key helm-map (kbd "<escape>") 'helm-like-unite/body)
(define-key helm-map (kbd "C-k") 'helm-like-unite/body)
(define-key helm-map (kbd "C-o") 'helm-like-unite/body)


Auxiliary functions

These two functions ensure that you don't have to answer a yes-or-no question for each buffer that you've marked:

(defun helm-persistent-delete-marked ()
  "Kill buffer without quitting helm."
  (if (equal (cdr (assoc 'name (helm-get-current-source)))
        (helm-attrset 'kill-action
                      '(helm-persistent-kill-buffers . never-split))
        (helm-execute-persistent-action 'kill-action))
    (user-error "Only works for buffers")))

(defun helm-persistent-kill-buffers (_buffer)
       (dolist (b (helm-marked-candidates))
         (helm-buffers-persistent-kill-1 b))
      (setq helm-marked-candidates nil
            helm-visible-mark-overlays nil))
    (helm-force-update (helm-buffers--quote-truncated-buffer

You can use helm's own helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent if you want to answer these questions.


Provide an special key which starts up a nested Hydra that deals with actions depending on which kind of helm session we have (Buffer, File, Bookmark, Command etc). For instance, helm-swoop-edit vs helm-multi-swoop-edit.

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