In this Advanced Demo you will be implementing a serverless reminder application. The application will load from an S3 bucket and run in browser .. communicating with Lambda and Step functions via an API Gateway Endpoint Using the application you will be able to configure reminders for 'pet cuddles' to be sent using email.
This advanced demo consists of 6 stages :-
- STAGE 1 : Configure Simple Email service
- STAGE 2 : Add a email lambda function to use SES to send emails for the serverless application
- STAGE 3 : Implement and configure the state machine, the core of the application
- STAGE 4 : Implement the API Gateway, API and supporting lambda function
- STAGE 5 : Implement the static frontend application and test functionality <= THIS STAGE
- STAGE 6 : Cleanup the account
In this stage of the application you will create an S3 bucket and static website hosting which will host the application front end.
You will download the source files for the front end, configure them to connect to your specific API gateway and then upload them to S3.
Finally, you will run some application tests to verify its functionality.
Move to the S3 Console
Click Create bucket
Choose a unique bucket name
Ensure the region is set to US East (N.Virginia) us-east-1
Scroll Down and UNTICK Block all public access
Tick the box under Turning off block all public access might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public
to acknowledge you understand that you can make the bucket public.
Scroll Down to the bottom and click Create bucket
Go into the bucket you just created.
Click the Permissions
Scroll down and in the Bucket Policy
area, click Edit
in the box, paste the code below
"Principal": "*",
(being careful NOT to include the /*
) with the bucket ARN, which you can see near to Bucket ARN
Click Save Changes
Next you need to enable static hosting on the S3 bucket so that it can be used as a front end website.
Click on the Properties Tab
Scroll down and locate Static website hosting
Click Edit
Select Enable
Select Host a static website
For both Index Document
and Error Document
enter index.html
Click Save Changes
Scroll down and locate Static website hosting
Under Bucket Website Endpoint
copy and note down the bucket endpoint URL.
Download and extra this ZIP file Inside the serverless_frontend folder are the front end files for the serverless website :-
- index.html .. the main index page
- main.css .. the stylesheet for the page
- whiskers.png .. an image of whiskers !!
- serverless.js .. the JS code which runs in your browser. It responds when buttons are clicked, and passes and text from the boxes when it calls the API Gateway endpoint.
Open the serverless.js
in a code/text editor.
. replace it with your API Gateway Invoke URL
at the end of this URL.. add /petcuddleotron
it should look something like this
Save the file.
Return to the S3 console
Click on the Objects
Click Upload
Drag the 4 files from the serverless_frontend folder onto this tab, including the serverless.js file you just edited.
Click Upload
and wait for it to complete.
Click Exit
Verify All 4 files are in the Objects
area of the bucket.
Open the PetCuddleOTron URL
you just noted down in a new tab.
What you are seeing is a simple HTML web page created by the HTML file itself and the main.css
When you click buttons .. that calls the .js
file which is the starting point for the serverless application
Ok to test the application
Enter an amount of time until the next cuddle ...I suggest 120
Enter a message, i suggest HUMAN COME HOME NOW
then enter the PetCuddleOTron Customer Address
in the email box, this is the email which you verified right at the start as the customer for this application.
before you do the next step and click the button on the application, if you want to see how the application works do the following
open a new tab to the Step functions console
Click on PetCuddleOTron
Click on the Logging
tab, you will see no logs
CLick on the Executions
tab, you will see no executions..
Move back to the web application tab (s3 bucket)
then click on Email Minion
Button to send an email.
Got back to the Step functions console
make sure the Executions
Tab is selected
click the Refresh
Click the execution
Watch the graphic .. see how the Timer state
is highlighted
The step function is now executing and it has its own state ... its a serverless flow.
Keep waiting, and after 120 seconds the visual will update showing the flow through the state machine
- Timer .. waits 120 seconds
invokes the lambda function to send an emailNextState
in then moved through, then finallyEND
Scroll to the top, click ExeuctionInput
and you can see the information entered on the webpage.
This was send it, via the JS
running in browser, to the API gateway, to the api_lambda
then through to the statemachine
Click PetCuddleOTron
at the top of the page
Click on the Logging
Because the roles you created had CWLogs
permissions the state machine is able to log to CWLogs
Review the logs and ensure you are happy with the flow.
At this point thats everything .. you now have a fully functional serverless application
- Loads HTML & JS From S3 & Static hosting
- Communicates via
to API Gateway - uses
as backing resource - runs a statemachine passing in parameters
- state machine sends email
- state machine terminates
No servers were harmed, or used even, in this production :)
Thats everything for this advanced demo, in STAGE6 you will clear up all of the services used for this advanced demo.