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2090 lines (1461 loc) · 60.7 KB

StageBloc API V1

Use the StageBloc API to develop custom, standalone integrations with StageBloc.

Under Development

The API is actively evolving - please check back here for updates and changes.

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All of StageBloc's documentation is up on GitHub for you to fork, modify, and improve. Join us over there to request features, add suggestions, and report bugs. What are you waiting for? Git to it!

General Information

The root URL of the API is It can generally be assumed that writing endpoints use POST requests and reading endpoints use GET requests.


Connecting with the StageBloc API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard. You must first create a StageBloc account and then register your application in the StageBloc backend to receive a client ID and secret that will allow users to connect with your application. To do this, click on your account at the top of the page and then "Account Settings" followed by "Developer Center".

Requests can be be made with just a client_id parameter, but this is restricted to reading (listing) endpoints. In order to make use of any writing (editing) endpoints, an access token (i.e. validated user) must be present.


All dates returned are in GMT / UTC (+0000) unless otherwise specified. The format of these dates follows PHP date() function function and is Y-m-d H:i:s (i.e. 2014-01-01 12:00:00).

Responses are returned as JSON. To receive a JSONP response, include a GET parameter named jsonp specifying the name of your callback method.

Often times, large objects will be returned with just their ID instead of the whole object if they are nested within the main response. To have these objects expanded, just pass a GET parameter named expand with the comma separated string of the keys you want to expand. For instance, passing expand=user would then return the JSON for an entire user as opposed to just the ID of that user.

There are a lot of different model objects represented in the API. If you pass expand=kind with your requests, each object type will have a unique kind key in the JSON with a value of the object that the JSON structure represents. This can be useful for knowing what type of object to parse that JSON into if you're using native objects in your language as opposed to just arrays.

The general structure of a success response can be seen below. The data key will contain the actual response data whereas the metadata key will contain informational content about the request.

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {

The general structure of an error response can be seen below.

    "metadata": {
        "code": 400,
        "error_type": "InvalidData",
        "error": "The error string to present to the user",
        "dev_notes": "Some notes to help a developer debug the issue"
    "data": null


StageBloc uses the OAuth2 authentication process to get an access token from a request token. The access token is then used to make all subsequent requests.

Access tokens can be revoked on a per-application basis at any point in time by the user in their settings area in the StageBloc backend.

Depending on the endpoint, differing levels of authentication exist. Some endpoints require that the authenticated user be a fan while other require that they be an admin of the account. For those that require being an admin, some require a specific level of admin privileges, such as an editor or an author. Appropriate error messages will be shown if you try to access an endpoint you don't have access to.

A client_id must usually be passed with each request depending on the authentication level of that endpoint. However, if the request is made on behalf of an authenticated user, a client_id is not necessary.

Once an access token is received, it should be passed with the request as an HTTP header: Authorization: OAuth <access token here>


This endpoint is used to get a request token.

username (required)

the email or username of the user trying to authenticate

password (required)

the password of the user trying to authenticate

response_type (required)

the response type you'd like to receive

possible value is `code`

client_id (required)

the ID of the application this user is connecting to (applications can be created in the backend of StageBloc)

possible values are any client ID that matches a registered application

redirect_uri (required)

the redirect URI tied to the application you're connecting the user to

possible values are the URI that matches the application being used

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "code": "<client ID here>"


This endpoint is used to get an access token once a request token is received.

client_id (required)

the ID of the application this user is connecting to (applications can be created in the backend of StageBloc)

possible values are any client ID that matches a registered application

client_secret (required)

the secret of the application this user is connecting to

possible values are the client secret that matches the application of the passed client ID

grant_type (required)

the grant type being requested

possible value is `authorization_code`

code (required)

the request token code received after connecting with the `/oauth2` endpoint

possible values are any string received during the authentication / connection process


whether or not to include the authenticated user's admin accounts with the `access_token` in the response

accepted values are `true` or `false`

defaults to `false`

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "access_token": "<access token here>",
        "scope": "non-expiring",
        "user": 1,
        "admin_accounts": [
            <admin accounts here if requested>


These endpoints revolve around StageBloc accounts and their data. An account can have any number of admins, and all content on StageBloc is tied to an account.


Creates a new account and makes the currently authenticated user an admin for that account

POST Parameters

name (required)
stagebloc_url (required)

the URL of the account on StageBloc (i.e.


an image file to use for the account's image


Gets a listing of various types of accounts for a user

GET Parameters


what to order the accounts by (possible values include "created", "modified", and "accountName")


whether or not to include accounts the user is an admin of (defaults to true)


whether or not to include accounts the user is follow (defaults to true)

Example Response

An array of accounts (see /account endpoint for structure)


Gets an account's information from its ID.

Updates an account by its ID. Only admins of the account can use this endpoint.

POST Parameters


Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "url": "http:\/\/",
        "stagebloc_url": "demo",
        "name": "Demo Account",
        "description": "Description here...",
        "type": "business",
        "stripe_enabled": true,
        "verified": true,
        "photo": {
            <see structure for a photo response>
        "user_is_admin": true,
        "user_role": "read_only"

Response Explanation


whether or not the user is an admin in some capacity for this account


if the user is an admin, this will be what type of admin they are ("owner", "editor", "author", "read_only", or "fan_club_moderator")


POST /account/{accountId}/follow
This endpoint allows a user to follow an account.
Note: If the tier the user is trying to follow is a paid tier, that functionality is not possible through the API.

DELETE /account/{accountId}/follow
This will have a user unfollow an account regardless of the tier they are on

POST Parameters

tier (required)

the tier the user wants to follow this account on

must be either 1, 2, or 3


an expiration date to use for this membership

must be a valid datetime string

by default the system will determine a time to use for the expiration based on the tier's settings, but you can use this to override that

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "user": { ... see the structure for a user object in /user endpoints ... },
        "account": {
				... see the structure for an account object in /account endpoints ...


POST /account/{accountId}/store/item/create Creates a new store item, its child options and a base image for this store item. In the case of a physical store item it also configures the shipping price handlers for this new store item.

POST Parameters

store_item (required)

an object containing all information to be associated with this store item

store_item[options] (required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL or EXPERIENCE)

an array of objects representing each option (for a t-shirt each option may represent a size, a color, or a combination of the two, etc)

Each element in this array may contain the following fields:

`name` _(required)_

    the name to display when there are multiple options under the store item

`sku` _(optional default: Generated)_

    an identifier used to distinguish between this option and other options under the same store item

`vendor_sku` _(optional default: null)_

    an identifier used for Purchase Order generation, useful if the Vendor providing this merchandise has a different SKU system from your system

`upc` _(optional default: null)_

    an identifier used to submit download/sales information to SoundScan or Buzz Angle

`quantity` _(optional default: null)_

    null or a non-negative integer representing how much stock is currently on hand

`low_stock_threshold` _(optional default: 10)_

    a non-negative integer representing how much stock should been on hand before the StageBloc system attempts to remind you that stock is low

`additional_price` _(optional default: 0)_

    a non-negative integer representing the additional price to charge if this option is selected by the user (useful if an XXL t-shirt is more expensive than other variations, for example)

`weight` _(required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)_

    a non-negative decimal number indicating the weight in OUNCES of this option (used for shipping price calculation)

`height` _(required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)_

    a non-negative decimal number indicating the height in INCHES of this option (used for shipping price calculation)

`width` _(required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)_

    a non-negative decimal number indicating the width in INCHES of this option (used for shipping price calculation)

`length` _(required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)_

    a non-negative decimal number indicating the length in INCHES of this option (used for shipping price calculation)

`sort_order` _(optional default: generated end of list)_

    a non-negative integer representing the position to display this option relative to other options

`cost_of_goods` _(optional default: null)_

    a non-negative decimal representing the cost to purchase this item from your vendor, used in generating Purchase Orders

`back_stock_count` _(optional default: null)_

    null or a non-negative integer representing how many back orders you are willing to accept once there are no longer any more of this item ON HAND.

`status` _(optional default: NORMAL)_

    a string representing the status for this option, one of: NORMAL, DISABLED

store_item[shipping_price_handlers] (required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)

an array of objects representing each shipping price handler to be offered to a user attempting to purchase this item. The object may include additional handling fees and options depending on the type of handler indicated.

Each element in this array may contain the following fields:

`name` _(required)_

    a string identifying which Shipping Price Handler to enable, one of: FLAT_RATE, USPS, TOWNSEND, BELLTOWER, RLP, FEDEX, CUSTOM_TABLE, PICK_UP, DELIVERY_AGENT, UPS

`price` _(optional)_

    a non-negative integer, an additional price on top of the charges indicated by APIs for USPS, UPS, and FEDEX. For FLAT_RATE, this is the amount to charge a user selecting this shipping method.

`media-mail` _(optional applies to USPS only)_

    a boolean, true if you want to offer USPS Media Mail pricing for this item

store_item[type] (required)

a string indicating the type of store item to create, currently supported: PHYSICAL, EXPERIENCE

store_item[price] (required)

a decimal number indicating the base price for this store item

store_item[sort_order] (optional default: append to end of list)

an integer indicating the position relative to the other store items

store_item[title] (required)

a string (up to 150 characters) representing the title of the store item


a string representing the description of the store item (html supported, script tags will be stripped)


a string representing a category in which to group this store item

store_item[status] (optional default: OKAY)

a string representing the status of the store item, one of: OKAY, PRIVATE, SOLD_OUT

store_item[exclusive] (optional default: false)

a boolean, true if this should only be presented to users who are following the account

store_item[featured] (optional default: false)

a boolean, true if this should be considered a FEATURED item (Accessible through some special SB Theme Engine Modules)

store_item[fulfiller_id] (required for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL)

an integer ID for a fulfiller already configured in StageBloc which is associated with this account

store_item[vendor_id] (optional for store_item[type] set to: PHYSICAL default: null)

an integer ID for a vendor already configured in StageBloc which is associated with this account

store_item[unpublish_date] (optional default: null)

a datetime representing when this store item should be removed from the store (state will be set to PRIVATE if status is OKAY)

store_item[unpublish_date_timezone] (optional default: null)

a string representing the timezone the unpublish date is to be considered from. one of:

store_item[lock_time] (optional default: null)

an integer representing the number of SECONDS this item can be sitting in a cart before it is removed and the user must re-add it to the cart in order to complete their purchase. (Useful for high turnover items or specialty items with low stock)


[GET] /account/{accountId}/content
Gets an activity stream of recent content from the account.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/fans
Gets a list of fans for the account.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


how to order the returned results

accepted values are "created", "name", "email", and "username"

defaults to "created"


which order to return the results in

accepted values are ASC or DESC

defaults to DESC

Example Response

This will be a listing of user objects, so check out the user endpoints for the structure


[GET] /account/{accountId}/children/{type}
Gets the children accounts of a parent account. The {type} is optional and omitting it will return children accounts of all types. Otherwise, simply take the type of children accounts you are looking for, replace the spaces with dashes, and use that as the {type}.

In the response, child_account_types will show all of the types regardless of the {type} requested.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "child_account_types": [
        "child_accounts": [
            <child accounts listed here>

Response Explanation


An array of strings of the different types of children accounts the parent account has setup


An array of account objects (see account listing endpoint for structure). It will also add a `child_account_type` key to each account specifying the type it is


These endpoints revolved around the application requests are being made on behalf of.


[POST] /application/push/token
Allows an application to give StageBloc a push notification for a user so that they can be messaged via push notifications from the StageBloc backend.
Note: For iOS development, you'll need to upload your Apple Push Notification Certificate so we can authenticate push notifications with your tokens. Please contact us to handle this.

POST Parameters

token (required)

the push notification token for this user

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "message": "Token successfully saved!"


These endpoints revolve around StageBloc users and their data. A user on StageBloc can be an admin for any number of accounts, and their login is tied to their email address. A user can also be a fan of any number of accounts. These endpoints allow for management of both admin and fan relationships between users and their accounts.


Creates a new user on StageBloc.

POST Parameters

email (required)
The email address to use for the user

password (required)

birthday (required)

An account ID for an account to follow / join the Fan Club of during signup, this will then send a Fan Club welcome email instead of the generic StageBloc signup email


The username for this user, it must be unique across all of StageBloc and only accepts letters, numbers, and underscores.

Accepts "male" or "female"

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 8,
        "url": "https:\/\/\/user\/testuser",
        "created": "2009-10-27 14:29:16",
        "name": "Test User",
        "username": "testuser",
        "bio": "Biography here...",
        "color": "70,170,255",
        "birthday": "1995-07-05",
        "gender": "male",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "photo": {
            "width": 525,
            "height": 500,
            "images": {
                "thumbnail_url": "",
                "small_url": "",
                "medium_url": "",
                "large_url": "",
                "original_url": ""
		"access_token": "<access_token_here>",
        "scope": "non-expiring"

Response Explanation


the RGB value of the color the user has chosen in our backend


Gets the currently authenticated user's information.

Updates the currently authenticated user's information.

POST Parameters


Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 8,
        "url": "https:\/\/\/user\/testuser",
        "created": "2009-10-27 14:29:16",
        "name": "Test User",
        "username": "testuser",
        "bio": "Biography here...",
        "color": "70,170,255",
        "birthday": "1995-07-05",
        "gender": "male",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "photo": {
            "width": 525,
            "height": 500,
            "images": {
                "thumbnail_url": "",
                "small_url": "",
                "medium_url": "",
                "large_url": "",
                "original_url": ""

Response Explanation


this is only included for the currently authenticated user (i.e. won't show up for users other than the authenticated one)


this is only included for the currently authenticated user (i.e. won't show up for users other than the authenticated one)


the user's photo

the width and height are the dimensions of the originally uploaded photo


[GET] Gets a user by their user ID

Example Response

See the response for /users/me, it will be structured the same.


GET /users/{userId}/content/updates
This returns a listing of content that this user has created across any account they are a part of. Each content object returned in this response will have its kind value automatically expanded, and the structure of the content type will match it as if you were loading that single object via its own endpoint. Looking at the structure of a audio response, for example, will show you what an audio object in the array of content returned here will be formatted like.

GET Parameters

filter (required)
A comma separated string for the type(s) of content to be returned. Allowed values are audio, blog, event, photo, status, store, and video.


GET /users/{userId}/content/likes
This returns a listing of content that this user has liked across StageBloc. Each content object returned in this response will have its kind value automatically expanded, and the structure of the content type will match it as if you were loading that single object via its own endpoint. Looking at the structure of a audio response, for example, will show you what an audio object in the array of content returned here will be formatted like.

GET Parameters

filter (required)
A comma separated string for the type(s) of content to be returned. Allowed values are audio, blog, event, photo, status, store, and video.

Fan Clubs

Users on StageBloc can join Fan Clubs associated with accounts. By default an account doesn’t have a Fan Club set up, but creating one adds extra functionality such as having three different membership tiers and requiring payment for joining the Fan Club.


GET /account/{accountId}/fanclub
This will return the details about the Fan Club.

POST /account/{accountId}/fanclub
This will create or update a Fan Club that belongs to the account with the given accountId.

POST Parameters

The title of the Fan Club as a whole (as opposed to any tier)

The description of the Fan Club as a whole (as opposed to any tier)

Whether or not to have the moderation queue on for this Fan Club.

tier_info (required)
An array structured similar to the return data for each array in the response below used to setup each tier. If one of the tier keys is missing from this array, that tier will be removed from the Fan Club. Instead of the two returned membership values, pass a membership_length parameter as a value in seconds that must match either zero, one month, three months, six months, or a year using number of seconds in a day (86,400) multiplied by the days in that interval (months are assumed to be 30 days in length).

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "title": "Awesome Fan Club",
        "description": "This fan club is so cool!",
        "account": 1,
        "moderation_queue": false,
        "tier_info": {
            "1": {
                "title": "Basic Membership",
                "description": "",
                "price": 0,
                "discount": 0,
                "membership_length_interval": 1,
                "membership_length_unit": "once",
                "renewal_price": null,
                "can_submit_content": false
            "2": {
                "title": "Standard Membership",
                "description": "",
                "price": 10,
                "discount": 0,
                "membership_length_interval": 3,
                "membership_length_unit": "month",
                "renewal_price": null,
                "can_submit_content": true
            "3": {
                "title": "Premium Membership",
                "description": "You get a T-Shirt with this tier!",
                "price": 50,
                "discount": 10,
                "membership_length_interval": 1,
                "membership_length_unit": "year",
                "renewal_price": 10,
                "can_submit_content": true
        "allowed_content_sections": {
            "blog": true,
            "statuses": false,
            "photos": true,
            "videos": true,
            "audio": true

Response Explanation

membership_length_interval and membership_length_unit

together these represent how long the membership lasts

the unit can be "once", "year", or "month"


the discount (in percentage points) that this tier gives fans off of store items for this account


the types of content fans are able to submit to this Fan Club


GET /account/{accountId}/fanclub/dashboard
This endpoint will return various stats and information about the account's fan club (similar to the data shown on the fan club dashboard in the StageBloc backend)

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "kind": "fan_club_dashboard",
        "totals": {
            "fans": 27,
            "likes": 17,
            "comments": 78,
            "posts": 21,
            "gender": {
                "male": 10,
                "female": 17,
                "unknown": 0
            "tiers": {
                "1": {
                    "name": "Free Tier",
                    "fans": 10
                "2": {
                    "name": "Basic Tier",
                    "fans": 5
                "3": {
                    "name": "Premium Tier",
                    "fans": 12


GET /account/fanclubs/{type}
This endpoint retrieves a listing of Fan Clubs on StageBloc. The accepted values for type are following, featured, or recent with featured being the default. Note that for featured Fan Clubs, limit and offset are ignored as it will return all featured Fan Clubs at the time.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 20


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


These endpoints revolve around the ability to upload and stream audio through StageBloc. Audio consists of both individual tracks and those tracks being organized into various playlists.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/audio
This endpoint can used to list all the audio for a certain account.

[POST] /account/{accountId}/audio
This endpoint can be used to create a single audio track for an account. It currently only allows actual uploads as opposed to also allowing SoundCloud or other third party source URLs.

GET Parameters


an audio playlist ID to limit the audio results to

accepted values are an ID of any playlist that belongs to the same account

defaults to none


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `created`, `modified`, and `recordedDate`

defaults to `created`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

POST Parameters

audio (required)

the contents of the audio file itself

title (required)

the title of the track


the description of the track


whether or not this audio track should be public (defaults to true)


whether or not this audio track should be exclusive

Example Response

	"metadata": {
	"data": [{
		"id": 773,
		"title": "The Best Track ever",
		"duration": 123,
		"description": "",
		"lyrics": "",
		"photo": 0,
		"account": 1,
		"created_by": 8,
		"created": "2014-11-14 17:48:40",
		"modified_by": 8,
		"modified": "2014-11-14 17:49:04",
		"short_url": "http:\/\/\/a\/ek",
		"stream_url": "https:\/\/\/1\/stream\/607_20120327_192954_1_101.mp3",
		"embed_code": "\u003Ciframe src=\u0022https:\/\/\/audio\/773\u0022 style=\u0022width:250px;height:70px;border-radius:6px\u0022\u003E\u003C\/iframe\u003E",
		"sticky": false,
		"exclusive": false,
		"private": false,
		"in_moderation": false,
		"custom_field_data": [ ],
		"is_fan_content": false,
		"comment_count": 0,
		"like_count": 0,
		"user": 8,
		"edit_url": "https:\/\/\/demo\/admin\/audio\/edit\/773",
		"user_has_liked": false

Response Explanation


the length (in seconds) of this track


the URL to use to stream this audio file (could be a StageBloc URL or a third party one such as SoundCloud)


if this audio track was submitted by a fan, this handles if it is still in moderation or not


whether or not this audio was submitted by a fan or not


if the request as made with a logged in user, this will signify if that user has liked the track or not


if you have custom data set on audio for your account, the slugs will show up as keys here with their values


[GET] /account/{accountId}/audio/{audioId}
This endpoint can be used to get a single audio track from an account.

Example Response

See the response for /audio, it will be structured the same except that it won't be in an array.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/audio/playlists
This endpoint can be used to list audio playlists that are available for an account.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `created` and `modified`

defaults to `created`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

Example Response

	"metadata": {
	"data": [{
		"id": 1,
		"title": "Best Music of the 90s",
		"description": "",
		"short_url": "http:\/\/\/ap\/4q",
		"embed_code": "\u003Ciframe src=\u0022https:\/\/\/audio\/playlist\/198\u0022 style=\u0022width:250px;height:320px;border-radius:6px\u0022\u003E\u003C\/iframe\u003E",
		"created_by": 1,
		"created": "2014-11-14 11:17:50",
		"modified_by": 1,
		"modified": "2014-11-19 21:37:25",
		"comment_count": 0,
		"like_count": 0,
		"custom_field_data": [ ],
		"artist": "",
		"label": "",
		"audio": 4,
		"user_has_liked": false

Response Explanation


StageBloc has audio playlist widgets for playlists that you can use by embedding this code on an HTML page if you so choose


admins can add a special artist to a playlist if it something different than the name of the account


the number of tracks in the playlist, or an array of audio objects if you pass specify to expand "audio" as a parameter


if you have custom data set on events for your account, the slugs will show up as keys here with their values


[GET] /account/{accountId}/audio/playlist/{playlistId}
This endpoint can be used to get an individual audio playlist.

Example Response

See the response for /audio/playlists, it will be structured the same except that it won't be in an array.


These endpoints revolve around the ability to upload and view photos on StageBloc. Photos consist of both individual images as well as those images being organized into various photo albums.


[POST] /account/{accountId}/photo
Uploads a photo to an account.

POST Parameters

photo (required)
The photo file itself

title (required)
The title to use for the photo

A longer description of the photo

If the photo is being posted by an admin as a fan photo, this can be set to true

Example Response

See the endpoint for listing an individual photo for the response structure


[GET] /account/{accountId}/photos
Lists photos from an account.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `created` and `modified`

defaults to `created`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 3311,
        "title": "Super Cool Image",
        "created": "2014-12-07 23:37:32",
        "modified": "2014-12-07 23:37:36",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/p\/Z6",
        "description": "",
        "width": 534,
        "height": 654,
        "sticky": false,
        "exclusive": false,
        "in_moderation": false,
        "is_fan_content": false,
        "comment_count": 0,
        "like_count": 0,
        "images": {
            "thumbnail_url": "http:\/\/\/production\/photos\/1\/thumbnail\/20141207_233732_1_3311.jpeg",
            "small_url": "http:\/\/\/production\/photos\/1\/small\/20141207_233732_1_3311.jpeg",
            "medium_url": "http:\/\/\/production\/photos\/1\/medium\/20141207_233732_1_3311.jpeg",
            "large_url": "http:\/\/\/production\/photos\/1\/large\/20141207_233732_1_3311.jpeg",
            "original_url": "http:\/\/\/production\/photos\/1\/original\/20141207_233732_1_3311.jpeg"
        "user": 8,
        "custom_field_data": {
            "is-cool": true

Response Explanation

width & height

the width / height in pixels of the originally uploaded image


an array of image URLs that are various sizes


[GET] /account/{accountId}/photo/{photoId}
This endpoint can be used to get a single photo from an account. Note that if the photo is fan submitted or exclusive, it will require that the request be made by a logged in user who has access to that account as a fan or admin.

Example Response

See the response for /photos, the photo object will be structured with the same keys / values (just not in an array).


[GET] /account/{accountId}/photos/albums
Lists photos albums from an account.

GET Parameters


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `created` and `modified`

defaults to `created`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 1724,
        "title": "Photo Album Title",
        "description": "",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/pa\/vJ",
        "created_by": 1,
        "created": "2014-12-04 13:44:26",
        "modified_by": 8,
        "modified": "2014-12-16 22:38:56",
        "like_count": 0,
        "custom_field_data": [],
        "photos": 1

Response Explanation


the number of photos this photo album has

if you specify to expand the photos key, it will be an array of the photos for this album (structured the same as the photo listing endpoint)


[GET] /account/{accountId}/photos/album/{albumId}
This endpoint can be used to get a single photo album from an account.

Example Response

See the response for /photos/albums, it will be structured the same except that it won't be in an array.


These endpoints revolve around the ability to upload and stream video through StageBloc. Video consists of both individual videos and those videos being organized into various playlists.


[POST] /account/{accountId}/video/
This endpoint can be used to upload a video to an account. Once uploaded, there will be a slight delay before it can play while it converts. This request must be made by a logged in fan or admin of the account. Depending on the access level of the logged in user, it will become fan content or official content.

POST Parameters

video (required)

the contents of the video file itself

title (required)

the title of the video


whether to force this content to be submitted as fan content (versus official content, only applies if the logged in user is an admin of the account)


the description of the video


whether or not this video should be exclusive

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Test API Upload",
        "description": "",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/v\/B",
        "video_url": null,
        "embed_code": "\u003Ciframe width=\u0022640\u0022 height=\u0022360\u0022 src=\u0022\/\/\/e\/4jpzTNGy\u0022 frameborder=\u00220\u0022 allowfullscreen\u003E\u003C\/iframe\u003E",
        "created": "2014-12-03 17:38:50",
        "modified": "2014-12-03 17:38:50",
        "in_moderation": false,
        "is_fan_content": false,
        "comment_count": 0,
        "like_count": 0,
        "user": 8,
        "user_has_liked": false

Response Explanation


only relevant to videos not uploaded directly to StageBloc, this would be the link to the video on the third party site


the embed code of the video to include in HTML

Store and Commerce

These endpoints revolve around StageBloc store and commerce data in the backend. They can be used for tasks including retrieving store items and orders, updating orders, or getting analytics from a store.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/store/dashboard
This endpoint is used to get stats and data regarding commerce and sales (very similar to the data shown on the Store dashboard in the StageBloc backend). It will provide all time, overall stats regarding your store and its revenue as well as results per country you've had at least one order in.

When dealing with monetary values, the currency will be USD.

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "kind": "store_dashboard",
        "totals": {
            "revenue": 4054.27,
            "shipping_handling": 1252.82,
            "tax": 60.82,
            "orders": 211
        "revenue": {
            "fan_club": 843.90,
            "store": 3090.05
        "averages": {
            "order_price": 19.21,
            "fan_value": 137.54
        "top_buyers": [{
            "user": {
            	... see the structure for a user object in /user endpoints ...
            "amount_spent": 2731.59
        "countries": {
            "USA": {
                "name": "United States of America",
                "total_orders": 131,
                "total_revenue": 3158.57


[GET] /account/{accountId}/store/items
This endpoint is used to get a listing of store items belonging to an account.

GET Parameters


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `created`, `modified`, and `price`

defaults to `created`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 131,
        "type": "physical",
        "account": 1,
        "title": "Test Shirt",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/st\/3g",
        "description": "",
        "sold_out": false,
        "exclusive": false,
        "featured": false,
        "created": "2014-08-03 19:11:19",
        "created_by": 8,
        "modified": "2014-08-03 19:27:45",
        "modified_by": 8,
        "fans_name_price": true,
        "category": null,
        "prices": [{
            "currency": "usd",
            "price": 12
        "shipping_providers": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Flat Rate",
            "price": 3
        }, {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "USPS",
            "origin_zip_code": "53103",
            "handling_fee": 2
        "on_sale": false,
        "options": [{
            "name": "Main",
            "sku": "7HWE49JA",
            "upc": null,
            "unlimited": true,
            "sold_out": false,
            "quantity": null,
            "low_stock_threshold": 10,
            "weight": 2,
            "weight_unit": "ounces",
            "height": 0,
            "width": 0,
            "length": 0
        "photo": 3231,
        "photos": 5
    }, {
        "id": 124,
        "type": "bundle",
        "account": 1,
        "title": "All sorts of stuff",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/st\/39",
        "description": "",
        "sold_out": false,
        "exclusive": false,
        "featured": false,
        "created": "2014-07-31 11:59:17",
        "created_by": 8,
        "modified": "2014-08-05 16:30:15",
        "modified_by": 8,
        "fans_name_price": false,
        "category": null,
        "prices": [{
            "currency": "usd",
            "price": 20
        "living_bundle": false,
        "bundled_items": {
            "store_items": [ ... ],
            "audio": [ ... ],
            "audio_playlists": [ ... ]
        "on_sale": false,
        "photo": null,
        "photos": 0

Response Explanation


the type of store item this is

possible values are "physical", "experience", "digital", or "bundle"


the available shipping methods for this store item, only shows up for items of type "physical"


the various SKUs available for this product and their related data


the store items that are in this bundle, only shows up for items of type "bundle"

other store items, audio tracks, or audio playlists can be bundled and will be listed under their respective section in this array


the number of photos this store item has

if you specify to expand the photos key, it will be an array of the photos for this item


[GET] /account/{accountId}/store/items/{itemId}
This endpoint is used to get a single store items belonging to an account.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/store/coupon/{couponId}
This endpoint is used to get a single store coupon belonging to an account.

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "account": 1,
        "title": "Awesome Coupon",
        "discount_ype": "percent",
        "amount": 10,
        "apply_to": "order",
        "exclusive": false,
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null,
        "timezone": "America\/New_York",
        "created": "2014-09-09 19:40:52",
        "created_by": 8

Response Explanation


the type of discount this is

possible values are "percent" or "amount"


what part of the purchase this coupon applies to

possible values are "order", "shipping", or "membership"


if the coupon is only valid for a certain date range, this will be the start date of that range


[GET] /account/{accountId}/store/orders
This endpoint is used to get retrieve orders that have been made in your store.

When dealing with monetary values, the currency will be USD unless otherwise specified.

GET Parameters


how to order the returned items

accepted values are `ordered` and `totalAmount`

defaults to `ordered`


what direction to order the returned items

accepted values are `ASC` and `DESC`

defaults to `DESC`


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 580,
        "account": 1,
        "ordered": "2014-08-10 23:18:02",
        "shipped": false,
        "currency": "usd",
        "total": 26.62,
        "total_usd": 26.62,
        "shipping_amount": 5.6,
        "tax_amount": 1.02,
        "stripe_charge_id": "<Stripe charge ID>",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "user": { <user object> },
        "address": {
            "street_address": "12345 Main Street",
            "street_address_2": "",
            "city": "Chicago",
            "state": "IL",
            "postal_code": "60647",
            "country": "US"
        "transactions": [{
            "id": 2968,
            "modified": "2014-08-10 23:18:03",
            "amount": 0,
            "quantity": 1,
            "item": {
                "type": "store",
                "object": { <store object> }
            "shipping": {
                "method": "USPS Priority Mail",
            "shipment": {
                "id": 12,
                "shipped": null,
                "tracking_number": "HS2334JFGS0"
        }, {
            "id": 2969,
            "modified": "2014-08-10 23:18:03",
            "amount": 0,
            "quantity": 1,
            "item": {
                "type": "audio",
                "object": { <audio obkect> }
    }, {
        "id": 579,
        "account": 1,
        "ordered": "2014-08-10 20:25:55",
        "shipped": false,
        "currency": "usd",
        "total": 31.17,
        "total_usd": 31.17,
        "shipping_amount": 7,
        "tax_amount": 1.17,
        "stripe_charge_id": "<Stripe charge ID>",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "user": null,
        "address": {
            "street_address": "555 Main Street",
            "street_address_2": "",
            "city": "Chicago",
            "state": "IL",
            "postal_code": "60642",
            "country": "US"
        "transactions": [{
            "id": 2966,
            "modified": "2014-08-10 20:25:57",
            "amount": 23,
            "status": "Paid",
            "quantity": 1,
            "item": {
                "type": "store",
                "object": { <store object> }
            "shipping": {
                "provider": "USPS",
                "method": "USPS Priority Mail",
                "shipped": null,
                "tracking_number": null

Response Explanation


this will be `null` if the order was a guest checkout


this will list the items in this order

transactions item type

this will list the type of item that was ordered

possible values are "audio", "audio_playlist", "store", "theme", and "fan_club_subscription"


[POST] /account/{accountId}/store/orders/{orderId}
This endpoint can be used to update various elements about orders.

POST Parameters

shipped (required)
A date string that specifies when this order was shipped

An optional tracking number for when this item was shipped

An optional carrier that this was shipped with for use with the tracking_number


Statuses on StageBloc are shorter text updates that account's are able to schedule and post to both StageBloc itself and their connected social networks.


[POST] /account/{accountId}/status
This endpoint can be used to post a status to StageBloc.

POST Parameters

text (required)
The text of the status to post

The latitude of the user posting the status to tie a location to it

The longitude of the user posting the status to tie a location to it

Examples Response

See the response for listing a single status post


[GET] /account/{accountId}/status/{statusId}
This endpoint can be used to get a single status post on StageBloc.

[DELETE] /account/{accountId}/status/{statusId}
This endpoint can be used to delete a single status post on StageBloc. Only admins of the account with the right admin level or the original fan who posted the status are capable of deleting it.

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/s\/2",
        "text": "New status post!",
        "in_moderation": false,
        "is_fan_content": false,
        "published": "2014-08-19 20:31:29",
        "comment_count": 0,
        "like_count": 1,
        "user": 8


[GET] /account/{accountId}/status/{statusId}/likers
This endpoint can be used to list the users who have liked this status on StageBloc.

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [
        <array of user objects here>


Events on StageBloc can be many different things including shows, conferences, or really anything.


[GET] /account/{accountId}/events
This endpoint can be used to list the events for an account.

GET Parameters


the direction to list results in

accepted values are "ASC" or "DESC"

defaults to "DESC"


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0


what to order the results by

accepted values are "created", "startDateTime", "endDateTime"

defaults to "startDateTime"


whether or not to include upcoming events

accepted values are true or false

defaults to true


whether or not to include past events

accepted values are true or false

defaults to true

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 1611,
        "title": "Awesome Thing Happening!",
        "description": "",
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/e\/tM",
        "ticket_price": 0,
        "ticket_link": "",
        "start_date_time": "2014-10-12 11:00:00 -04:00",
        "end_date_time": "2014-10-12 14:00:00 -04:00",
        "timezone": "America\/New_York",
        "comment_count": 1,
        "like_count": 0,
        "attending_count": 0,
        "custom_field_data": {
            "is-sold-out": false
        "location": {
            "name": "StageBloc Office",
            "street_address": "935 W Chestnut",
            "street_address_2": "",
            "city": "Chicago",
            "state": "IL",
            "postal_code": "12345",
            "country": "UA",
            "latitude": 0,
            "longitude": 0
		"user_has_liked": false,
		"user_is_attending": "maybe"

Response Explanation


a link to a third party service where tickets for this events can be purchased

start_date_time & end_date_time

the start / end date and time of the event, unlike other timestamps they won't be in GMT time but will specify an offset from GMT


the timezone the event is in which is specified by the hour offset in the start and end time


if the request is made with a logged in user, this will specify "yes", "no", or "maybe"


if you have custom data set on events for your account, the slugs will show up as keys here with their values


Comments can be made on almost all types of content in StageBloc.


POST /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId}/comment
This endpoint will create a comment on a piece of content. The user must be a fan of the account the content belongs to.
Note: contentType can be one of audio, blog, photo, status, video, event, or store.

POST Parameters

text (required)

the text of the comment


if this is a reply to another comment, this would be the ID of the original comment

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": {
        "id": 6,
        "text": "This is my awesome comment!",
        "user": 204,
        "created": "2013-02-27 19:51:46",
        "account": 1,
        "reply_to": 0,
        "reply_count": 0,
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/c\/b\/7",
        "in_moderation": false,
        "content": {
            "id": 7724,
            "content_type": "blog"


GET /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId}/comments
Retrieves comments for a particular piece of content on StageBloc.
Note: contentType can be one of audio, blog, photo, status, video, event, or store.

GET Parameters


the direction to list results in

accepted values are "ASC" or "DESC"

defaults to "DESC"


the number of items to limit the response to

accepted values are any positive number

defaults to 50


how much to offset the returned items by

accepted values are any number greater than or equal to zero

defaults to 0

Example Response

    "metadata": {
        "http_code": 200
    "data": [{
        "id": 1,
        "text": "I made a comment on this really cool thing!",
        "user": 8,
        "created": "2014-09-15 15:38:36",
        "account": 1,
        "reply_to": 0,
        "reply_count": 0,
        "short_url": "http:\/\/\/c\/a\/2",
        "in_moderation": false,
        "content": {
            "id": 768,
            "title": "An audio track!",
            "description": "",
            "lyrics": "",
            "artist": "",
            "photo": 0,
            "account": 1,
            "created_by": 8,
            "created": "2014-11-11 15:13:52",
            "modified_by": 8,
            "modified": "2014-11-11 15:14:05",
            "short_url": "http:\/\/\/a\/ef",
            "stream_url": "https:\/\/\/dev\/1\/stream\/975_20141111_151352_1_768.mp3?response-content-type=audio%2Fmpeg",
            "embed_code": "\u003Ciframe src=\u0022https:\/\/\/audio\/768\u0022 style=\u0022width:250px;height:70px;border-radius:6px\u0022\u003E\u003C\/iframe\u003E",
            "sticky": false,
            "exclusive": false,
            "in_moderation": false,
            "is_fan_content": false,
            "comment_count": 3,
            "like_count": 0,
            "user": 8,
            "custom_field_data": {
                "episodenumber": "1"
            "content_type": "audio"

Response Explanation


the content object this comment was made on (will match the same JSON structure as listing these objects in their respective endpoints), by default this will be collapsed unless expand=content is used


a string specifying what type of content this comment was made on (i.e. what type of content the `content` key conforms to)


StageBloc as a network has a lot of social functionality built in that allows fans to interact with content. Those endpoints are outlined here.


POST /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId}/like
This endpoint is used for liking content in the API. Allowed content types (for the contentType parameter) include the main content types you'll find across our endpoints: audio, blog, event, photo, status, store, video.

DELETE /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId}/like
This will remove a like from a piece of content.

Upon a successful like (or removal of a like), the JSON returned will simply be the same you'd receive from a /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId} GET request.


POST /account/{accountId}/{contentType}/{contentId}/flag
This endpoint is used for flagging content in the API. This mostly applies to fan submitted content within Fan Clubs to ensure the content is kept at a high standard. Allowed content types (for the contentType parameter) include the main content types that fans are able to submit: audio, blog, photo, status, video.

POST Parameters

The type of flagging this is. Accepted values are duplicate, offensive, copyright, or prejudice.

This specifies why the user is flagging this content and should be a sentence or two provided by the end user using your application.