A small and static Next.js frontend for Hyperion
You can set Hyperion base url in a dotenv .env
yarn install
yarn dev
The base url of this project is /calypsso
You will find:
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/register
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/activate?activation_token=12345
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/activate?activation_token=12345&external=true
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/recover
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/reset-password?reset_token=12345
- http://localhost:3000/calypsso/login?client_id=Titan&response_type=code&scope=API&redirect_uri=https://localhost:8000/static.html&code_challenge=3sMJwwv1xfZK6yay-HkpseTGMUrmwWx5B9zVAxGfrb0=&code_challenge_method=S256
First you need to compile the Next.js project
yarn install
yarn build
The build pages will be located in the /out directory. The small Python package sources are located in /python.
You can install it locally in an other python project using
pip install "path/to/calypsso"
To use it, you need to mount CalypSSO at the subpath /calypsso
For exemple with FastAPI, you could do:
from fastapi import FastAPI
# Define your app
app = FastAPI(
# ...
# Mount CalypSSO app at the subpath /calypsso
calypsso = get_calypsso_app()
app.mount("/calypsso", calypsso)
You need to edit CalypSSO version in python/calypsso/__about__.py.
Then make a release on GitHub and add a tag. The tag should match v*.*.*