Please use the website to make changes to the data.
Please cite our work if you use MathMLben:
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andr\'{e} and Scharpf, Philipp and Meuschke, Norman and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
address = {Fort Worth, Texas, USA},
title = {Improving the {Representation} and {Conversion} of {Mathematical} {Formulae} by {Considering} their {Textual} {Context}},
isbn = {978-1-4503-5178-2},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3197026.3197058},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th {ACM}/{IEEE} on {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
publisher = {ACM},
month = may,
year = {2018},
keywords = {mathml, mathmlben, survey, translation},
pages = {233--242},
- log in to the server (e.g., drmf-beta)
- run
sudo useradd gouldi
sudo mkdir /srv/gouldi
sudo chown gouldi /srv/gouldi
sudo su gouldi
mkdir "${HOME}/.npm-packages"
echo "prefix=${HOME}/.npm-packages" > ~/.npmrc
vi .bashrc
- Allow gouldi to restart apache
use visudo
to add the following config
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache2
- type Gi to reach the end of the file and switch vi to insert mode and paste the following block
# Unset manpath so we can inherit from /etc/manpath via the `manpath` command
unset MANPATH # delete if you already modified MANPATH elsewhere in your config
export MANPATH="$NPM_PACKAGES/share/man:$(manpath)"
- run
npm i -g pm2
git clone
cd GoUldI/
pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production setup
- update
sudo su gouldi
cd GoUldI
git pull
pm2 deploy production update
sudo apt-get install apache2-suexec-custom
sudo a2enmod suexec
sudo service apache2 restart
drmf-beta:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat 100-gouldi-deploy.conf
Listen 34513
<VirtualHost *:34513>
SuexecUserGroup gouldi gouldi
ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" "/home/gouldi/GoUldI/"
DocumentRoot /home/gouldi/GoUldI
<Directory /home/gouldi/GoUldI>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted