- bump terraform flinter container
- bump terraform tools
- upgrade Python to 3.9+
- azure: expand git config values
- azure: add a template to commit changes and request merge
- upgrade Python to 3.8+
- drop support for Python 3.7
- update commitlint pre-commit hook
- flinters: upgrade terraform flinters
- azure: bump the container versions
- python: update Python flinter containers to run against Python 3.8
- azure: bump container versions
- heroku: update configuration after dyno has been scale down
- python: black requires bump for 3.9 support
- azure: bump the container versions
- python: relax Python version used for the tools
- relax constraint on Python version, allow any 3.7+ runtime
- azure: bump the container versions
- tools: update release-manager dependencies
- bump pre-commit-hooks to 4.0.1
- merge version bumps from dependabot
- upgrade commitlint to 15.0.0
- upgrade nitpick to 0.29.0
- bump Node engine to 14.x
- azure: rollback to previous Heroku version, not previous database
- azure: add missing Heroku API key env var
- azure: rollback app and database on heroku deploy failure, closes #3180
- azure: bump the container versions, closes #2887
- python: add import-linter in the toolchain, closes #2884
- azure: bump the container versions, closes #2859
- python: add flake8-bugbear to catch opinionated problems, closes #2848
- python: update flake8 and its dependencies, closes #2422
- azure: hook extra steps in maintenance mode during deployment, closes #2834
- introduce Terraform quality assurance config, closes #2718
- nitpick: remove terrascan from nitpick config
- tag the Terraform flinters as well
- azure: update the checkout reference before releasing, closes #2757
- add a Terraform flinter container, closes #2730
- nitpick: introduce the Terraform nitpick specification, closes #2756
- execute the release stage on Ubuntu 20.04, closes #2716
- azure: execute QA stages on Ubuntu 20.04, closes #2713
- azure: bump the container versions, closes #2588
- azure: bump the container versions, closes #2555
- python: default Python version in pre-commit to 3.7, closes #2554
- python: simplify isort's configuration, closes #2553
- parametrize the Heroku proc type in the deploy job, closes #2515
- update the container versions to 1.25.1, closes #2424
- update yarn dependencies, closes #2425
- python: upgrade isort to 5.8.0, closes #2423
- update pre-commit to 2.12.0
- python: upgrade black to 20.8b1, closes #2320
- upgrade nitpick to 0.26.0, closes #2292
- azure: bump the container versions, closes #1846
- propagate the Prettier update to containers, closes #1845
- nitpick: bump required prettier version to 2.2.1, closes #1843
- let prettier format the changelog in-place, closes #1643
- make explicit the call to prettify the changelog, closes #1641
- styles: do not require local packages served elsewhere, closes #1635
- azure: make the semantic version release job use the container, closes #1634
- python: downgrade pre-commit to 2.2.0, closes #1457
- azure: do not execute conditional steps on failure, closes #1262
- azure: allow to reset database while deploying to Heroku, closes #1260
- propagate the new flinters versions, closes #1204
- add a flinter for regular Python projects, closes #1203
- python: ignore contrib'ed modules tests as well, closes #1171
- azure: propagate the styles update, closes #1095
- update isort & co and ignore contrib'ed modules, closes #1134
- update nitpick to 0.22.2, closes #1094
- update the Javascript dependencies, closes #1050
- fully parametrize deploy-container-to-heroku job template
- azure: template deployment to Heroku, closes #984
- create container recipes to replace pre-commit steps, closes #838
- python: propagate the pre-commit hooks version bump, closes #821
- common: upgrade pre-commit-hooks to 2.5.0
- azure: add a node variation on the quality assurance stage
- invalidate cached virtual environments on Python updates, closes #619
- azure: introduce Poetry templates
- azure: introduce the Quality Assurance stage templates, closes #593
- python: make pre-commit an extra dependency within "linters", closes #597
- add an Azure Pipeline template to trigger a semantic release, closes #587
- add an Azure Pipeline template to validate commit messages, closes #589
- add an Azure Pipeline template to validate toolchain conformity, closes #588
- sign release objects with GPG, closes #584
- tweak the conventional commits changelog preset, closes #586
- python: Add isort missing dependency and specify line length, closes #560
- create new releases when master is updated, closes #583
- lint commit messages, closes #582
- common: Add bashate to lint shell scripts on pre-commit, closes #568
- Create a new style for Django projects based on Python, closes #556
- python: Take on flake8 configuration approved in the Django repo
- python: Use prettier as a pre-commit hook
- python: Add the isort pre-commit hook
- Define the Python styles off the SCF engine, closes #554
- Initiate the nitpick styles, closes #541