layout | sidebar | ||
single |
- Create a raster and fill with values
- Open a raster and fill with values
- Sum two rasters cell-by-cell
- Multiply raster by constant
- Apply a custom function on a four-cell moving window
- Calculate statistics for a circular moving window
- Calculate statistics for a square moving window
- Use the optional value type for nodata values
- Iterate over square windows centered on each cell
- Create a raster of random values based on a probability distribution
- Apply a function to a subsection of a raster
- Raster
- Raster View
- Raster Iterator
- Random Accessible Raster Iterator
- Proxy Reference
- Indicator
- Indicator Generator
- moving_window_indicator
- [make_subraster_window_view]
- access(enum)
- GDALDataType(enum)
- any_raster
- any_blind_raster
- raster_algebra_wrapper
- optional
- filesystem::path
- gdal_raster_view
- padded_raster_view
- pair_raster_view
- tuple_raster_view
- transform_raster_view
- uniform_raster_view
- [random_raster_view]
- [circular_window_view]
- [circular_edge_window_view]
- [square_window_view]
- [square_edge_window_view]