See which algorand-typescript
stubs are implemented by the algorand-typescript-testing
library. See the Concepts section for more details on the implementation categories. Refer to the algorand-typescript
stubs API for the full list of the stubs for which the algorand-typescript-testing
library provides implementations referenced in the table below.
Name | Implementation type |
Account | Emulated |
Application | Emulated |
Asset | Emulated |
BaseContract | Emulated |
BigUint | Native |
Box | Emulated |
BoxMap | Emulated |
BoxRef | Emulated |
Bytes | Native |
CompiledContract | Mockable |
CompiledLogicSig | Mockable |
Global | Emulated |
GlobalState | Emulated |
LocalState | Emulated |
OnCompleteAction | Native |
OpUpFeeSource | Native |
StateTotals | Emulated |
TemplateVar | Emulated |
TransactionType | Native |
Txn | Emulated |
Uint64 | Native |
compile | Mockable |
emit | Emulated |
ensureBudget | Emulated |
err | Native |
log | Emulated |
logicSig | Emulated |
logicsig | Emulated |
string | Native |
urange | Native |
arc4.Address | Native |
arc4.Bool | Native |
arc4.Byte | Native |
arc4.Contract | Emulated |
arc4.DynamicArray | Native |
arc4.DynamicBytes | Native |
arc4.StaticArray | Native |
arc4.StaticBytes | Native |
arc4.Str | Native |
arc4.Struct | Native |
arc4.Tuple | Native |
arc4.UFixedNxM | Native |
arc4.UintN | Native |
arc4.UintN128 | Native |
arc4.UintN16 | Native |
arc4.UintN256 | Native |
arc4.UintN32 | Native |
arc4.UintN64 | Native |
arc4.UintN8 | Native |
arc4.UIntN | Native |
arc4.abimethod | Emulated |
arc4.methodSelector | Native |
arc4.baremethod | Emulated |
gtxn.ApplicationTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.AssetConfigTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.AssetFreezeTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.AssetTransferTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.KeyRegistrationTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.PaymentTxn | Emulated |
gtxn.Transaction | Emulated |
itxn.applicationCall | Emulated |
itxn.assetConfig | Emulated |
itxn.assetFreeze | Emulated |
itxn.assetTransfer | Emulated |
itxn.keyRegistration | Emulated |
itxn.payment | Emulated |
itxn.submitGroup | Emulated |
op.AcctParams | Emulated |
op.AppGlobal | Emulated |
op.AppLocal | Emulated |
op.AppParams | Emulated |
op.AssetHolding | Emulated |
op.AssetParams | Emulated |
op.Block | Emulated |
op.Box | Emulated |
op.EllipticCurve | Mockable |
op.GITxn | Emulated |
op.GTxn | Emulated |
op.Global | Emulated |
op.ITxn | Emulated |
op.ITxnCreate | Emulated |
op.JsonRef | Mockable |
op.Scratch | Emulated |
op.Txn | Emulated |
op.VoterParams | Emulated |
op.addw | Native |
op.appOptedIn | Emulated |
op.arg | Emulated |
op.balance | Emulated |
op.base64Decode | Native |
op.bitLength | Native |
op.bsqrt | Native |
op.btoi | Native |
op.bzero | Native |
op.concat | Native |
op.divmodw | Native |
op.divw | Native |
op.ecdsaPkDecompress | Native |
op.ecdsaPkRecover | Native |
op.ecdsaVerify | Native |
op.ed25519verify | Native |
op.ed25519verifyBare | Native |
op.exp | Native |
op.expw | Native |
op.extract | Native |
op.extractUint16 | Native |
op.extractUint32 | Native |
op.extractUint64 | Native |
op.gaid | Emulated |
op.getBit | Native |
op.getByte | Native |
op.gloadBytes | Emulated |
op.gloadUint64 | Emulated |
op.itob | Native |
op.keccak256 | Native |
op.len | Native |
op.mimc | Mockable |
op.minBalance | Emulated |
op.mulw | Native |
op.onlineStake | Mockable |
op.replace | Native | | Native |
op.setBit | Native |
op.setByte | Native |
op.sha256 | Native |
op.sha3_256 | Native |
op.sha512_256 | Native |
op.shl | Native |
op.shr | Native |
op.sqrt | Native |
op.substring | Native |
op.vrfVerify | Mockable |