This repository contains evaluation code for the paper Explaining Answers with Entailment Trees (EMNLP 2021), see below.
See for information on how to run the Entailer model from follow-up paper: Entailer: Answering Questions with Faithful and Truthful Chains of Reasoning (EMNLP 2022).
Dataset available at
This dataset is also published in a more readable format as part of this book:
EntailmentBank annotation tool can be found at
- conda create -n entbank python=3.7
- conda activate entbank
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the bleurt-large-512 model from
python eval/ \
--task "task_1" \
--split test \
--prediction_file PREDICTION-TSV-PATH \
--output_dir OUTPUT-PATH \
--bleurt_checkpoint "PATH to bleurt-large-512 model"
python eval/ \
--task "task_2" \
--split test \
--prediction_file PREDICTION-TSV-PATH \
--output_dir OUTPUT-PATH \
--bleurt_checkpoint "PATH to bleurt-large-512 model"
python eval/ \
--split test \
--prediction_file PREDICTION-TSV-PATH \
--output_dir OUTPUT-PATH \
--bleurt_checkpoint "PATH to bleurt-large-512 model"
Prediction file (PREDICTION-TSV-PATH) is a single column TSV file with datapoints in the same order as the public dataset jsonl file. Value of each line is the predicted proof in the DOT format. e.g.
$proof$ = sent2 & sent3 -> int1: the northern hemisphere is a kind of place; int1 & sent1 -> hypothesis;
For task 3, when using a custom retrieved set of sentences, the prediction file should instead be a jsonl file
where each line includes a 'worldtree_provenance'
field specifying what each sentence refers to,
as well as an 'id'
and 'slots'
+ 'proof'
field, following the format in this example:
{"id":"Mercury_SC_401371","slots":{"proof":"sent23 & sent3 -> int1: the sun rising and setting are kinds of events; int1 & sent4 -> hypothesis;"},
"worldtree_provenance":{"sent12":{"uuid":"a972-0cbb-3c14-b098","original_text":"cycles of day and night occur once per day"},
"sent4":{"uuid":"f8be-9407-d60e-6282","original_text":"the sun rising; setting occurs once per day"},...}}
title={Explaining Answers with Entailment Trees},
author={Dalvi, Bhavana and Jansen, Peter and Tafjord, Oyvind and Xie, Zhengnan and Smith, Hannah and Pipatanangkura, Leighanna and Clark, Peter},