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File metadata and controls

356 lines (265 loc) · 10.1 KB
module File5

import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
import Data.List.Elem

record Fix (f : Type -> Type)  where
  constructor Rec
  unFix : Lazy (f (Fix f))

After getting accustomed to the algebra of data types we are going to add two new things: type application, and substitution.

Type Application will allow us to instanciate types that have variables in them. A type such as Maybe has one variable, once it's instanciated completely it will be something like Maybe Int or Maybe String.

Effectively, applying a type to another type will replace all occurences of the variable with the type we give in argument.

namespace Application
  data CFT : Nat -> Type where
    Var : Fin n -> CFT n
    Zero : CFT n
    One  : CFT n
    Plus : CFT n -> CFT n -> CFT n
    Times : CFT n -> CFT n -> CFT n
    Mu : CFT (S n) -> CFT n
    Apply : CFT (S n) -> CFT n -> CFT n

We've just added one constructor Apply which requires its first argument to have at least one variable, and another one that has one less variable in it.

We can now create the type maybe

  MaybeDesc : CFT 1
  MaybeDesc = Plus One (Var 0)

  BoolDesc : CFT 0
  BoolDesc = Plus One One

  MaybeBool: CFT 0
  MaybeBool = Apply MaybeDesc BoolDesc

MaybeBool now describes the type of Maybe Bool

What is now left is to implement ToType to accomodate for our additional constructor:

  ToType : CFT n -> Vect n Type  -> Type
  ToType (Var x) xs = index x xs
  ToType Zero xs = Void
  ToType One xs = Unit
  ToType (Plus x y) xs = Either (ToType x xs) (ToType y xs)
  ToType (Times x y) xs = Pair (ToType x xs) (ToType y xs)
  ToType (Mu x) xs = Fix (ToType x . (:: xs))
  -- ToType (Apply x y) xs = ?apply_type

if we look into the type of the hole apply_type we see that we are asked to return a Type and are given both CFT n and CFT (S n). We could just return ToType y xs because the size of the context xs matches y, but that would be wrong because this would just return the type of the argument of the application.

 0 n : Nat
   y : CFT n
   x : CFT (S n)
   xs : Vect n Type
apply_type : Type

Beacuse we are given x and y we could just recursively call ToType on y and use the result to extend the context xs in order to have a value of type Vect (S n) Type and then use ToType again on x` with our augmented vector:

  ToType (Apply x y) xs =
    let arg = ToType y xs -- first we compute the argument
    in ToType x (arg :: xs) -- then we extend the context and compute x

We can now write application of types with descriptions we've already seen. Here is the definition of Nat as the application of List on One

  ListDesc : CFT 1
  ListDesc = Mu (Plus One (Times (Var 1) (Var 0)))

  ListType : Type -> Type
  ListType x = ToType ListDesc [x]

  NatDesc : CFT 0
  NatDesc = Apply ListDesc One

  NatType : Type
  NatType = ToType NatDesc []


  • Add constructors for Nil and Cons of type ListType.

  • Using those list constructors, build constructors for Zero : NatType and Succ : NatType -> NatType.

  • Implement booleans as the application of Maybe with One, and implement the True and False constructuer for it.

  • Implement Maybe as the application of Either with Zero,

  • Implement Unit as the application of List with Zero

Programming limitations

One thing we cannot do that should work is that we cannot replace a variable by a term that has itself variables.

For example the following will fail:

  Identity : CFT 1
  Identity = Var 0

    AppId : CFT 1
    AppId = Apply Identity MaybeDesc

This is because we required each application to be with a term that has strictly less variables. We can cheat by allowing the context to be flexible and adding dummy variables:

  IdentityN : CFT (1 + n)
  IdentityN = Var 0

  AppId : CFT 1
  AppId = Apply IdentityN MaybeDesc

Here is another example that ought to work. We're applying Either to List in hopes of creating a type that will be a list of eithers. The resulting type should have two type variables, one for each side of the either.

List : CFT 1 Either : CFT 2

List $ Either : CFT 2

  EitherDesc : CFT 2
  EitherDesc = Plus (Var 0) (Var 1)

    ListEitherDesc : CFT 2
    ListEitherDesc = Apply ListDesc EitherDesc

This was a little bit optimistic since even Idris does not allow us to write:

    EitherList' : Type -> Type -> Type
    EitherList' = List Either

But we can write

  EitherList : Type -> Type -> Type
  EitherList a b = List (Either a b)

Wouldn't it be nice if we could write those program in our type language?

Finally one important thing to mention is that we allow non-sensical type applications:

  Weird : CFT 0
  Weird = Apply One One

Clearly the type One has no variables in it so there is no sense in applying an argument to it, and yet it works. This is becasue we do not check that applications are done with something that expects an argument as input.

Addressing limitations

To fix all those issues we are going to update our language with a typing context. That is, in addition to keeping track of how many variables we need, we are also going to track what kind of variables we are dealing with. In order to avoid any confusion between idris types and the types inside our language, we are going to call the later "kinds". This is also to remain consistent with existing literature about haskell where the "type of types" is called a kind.

Our language, therefore, has two kinds: Either we are a plain kind, like One, Zero, or a fully applied type like Either Nat Nat, or we are a function kind. Function kinds can be applied but plain kinds cannot, Maybe is one because it expects to be given a type argument before being fully applied.

infixr 1 =>>

data Kind : Type where
  Plain : Kind
  (=>>) : Kind -> Kind -> Kind

We use a custom operator to ease the reading of those kinds, I read the operator as the "fat arrow" which is mean to be the idris analogous of ->. Think of it as the outline of a regular arrow.

Our typing context (or kinding context?) is now a list of kinds, rather than a natural number, here is a helpful alias:

Context : Type
Context = List Kind

We need to keep track of an additional parameter and that is the kind of the term we are building. Without it, we cannot ensure that we apply the correct values together. With context and kind taken into account, our type declaration looks like this:

data TyC : (0 _ : Context) -> (0 _ : Kind) -> Type where

We rewrite our usual definitions as before but we adapt our types to match our new Context rather than Nat. Previously we used Fin n to ensure that our variables were within the range n of variables. Now, we use the type Elem from Data.List.Elem which ensure we only refer to elements that are present in the list. Here is what the documentation says about it:

Main> :doc Elem
data Data.List.Elem.Elem : a -> List a -> Type
  A proof that some element is found in a list.
  Totality: total
  Visibility: public export
    Here : Elem x (x :: xs)
      A proof that the element is at the head of the list
    There : Elem x xs -> Elem x (y :: xs)
      A proof that the element is in the tail of the list

Here replaces our FZ and There replaces FS.

  -- a type variable, it has kind `e`
  Var : e `Elem` ctx -> TyC ctx e

The other definitions follow from what we've written for our previous implementation, we just replace our variable counter n by a context variable ctx:

  -- Zero and One are plain types
  Zero : TyC ctx Plain
  One  : TyC ctx Plain

  -- Times only works on plain types
  Times : TyC ctx Plain
       -> TyC ctx Plain
       -> TyC ctx Plain

  -- Plus only works on plain types
  Plus : TyC ctx Plain
      -> TyC ctx Plain
      -> TyC ctx Plain

  -- Mu has kind `a`
  Mu : TyC (a :: ctx) a
    -> TyC       ctx a

We haven't implemented our application constructor and that's because we will actually need two things for this to work.

Application can only work on a term of kind a =>> b and would only work if we provide if a term of kind a, it would return a term of kind b. This is pretty much exactly function application that you know from languages such as Idris:

  -- Type application
  App : {a : _}
     -> TyC ctx (a =>> b)
     -> TyC ctx a
     -> TyC ctx b

Now if we leave it at that we notice a problem. There is actually no way to create a value of kind a =>> b which means we can never use the constructor. We therefore need to find a way to construct values of a =>> b. To make up for this we introduce the constructor Lam which stands for "lambda" or "lambda abstraction". It allows to change a term with a value a in context to a term without the value in context but with a kind a =>> b.

  -- lambda abstraction
  Lam : TyC (a :: ctx) b
     -> TyC ctx (a =>> b)

Effectively it's the inverse operation of App. App removes instances of a =>> b and Lam creates them.

The names don't lie, we ended up implementing the simply typed lambda calulus in our description languages. While we do not have an interpreter or semantics for this language, we can build terms for them and they will allways be correctly typed. Typically we cannot apply One to One anymore:

  failApply : TyC [] Plain
  failApply = App One One

Here is how to implement Either:

EitherDesc : TyC (Plain :: Plain :: ctx) Plain
EitherDesc = Plus (Var Here) (Var (There Here))


  • Implement EitherLam : TyC ctx (Plain =>> Plain =>> Plain)

  • Implement MaybeDesc using EitherLam and One

  • Implement ListDesc, it should be very similar to the version without contexts.

  • Here is the same Identity as before but with typed contexts:

Identity : TyC [n] n
Identity = Var Here
  • Apply MaybeDesc to Identity to achieve what was not possible with CFT

  • Apply EitherDesc to ListDesc to obtain this signature:

ListEitherDesc : TyC ctx (Plain =>> Plain =>> Plain)