- /dev/hell (@dev_hell)
- Chris Hartjes (@grmpyprogrammer)
- Ed Finkler (@funkatron)
- 5-minute Geek Show (@5minutegeekshow)
- Matt Stauffer (@stauffermatt)
- PHP Round Table (@phproundtable)
- Sammy Kaye Powers (@SammyK)
- PHP Town Hall (@phptownhall)
- Ben Edmunds (@benedmunds)
- Amanda Folson (@AmbassadorAwsum)
- Three Devs and a Maybe
- Michael Bud (@michaelbud6)
- Fraser Hart (@FraserHartDev)
- Lewis Cains (@LCainsWebDev)
- Edd Mann (@edd_mann)
- That Podcast
- Beau Simensen (@beausimensen)
- Dave Marshall (@davedevelopment)
- Voices of the Elephant
- Cal Evans (@CalEvans)
These discuss web development in general but cover PHP and its subcommunities sometimes.
- Full Stack Radio (@fullstackradio)
- Adam Wathan (@adamwathan)
- Changelog
- Adam Stacoviak (@adamstac)
- Jerod Santo (@jerodsanto)