diff --git a/panoramix/forms.py b/panoramix/forms.py
index f287f5ca03bf0..70da120c57109 100644
--- a/panoramix/forms.py
+++ b/panoramix/forms.py
@@ -134,6 +134,34 @@ def __init__(self, viz):
"The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you "
"can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', "
"'1 day' or '56 weeks'")),
+ 'link_length': FreeFormSelectField(
+ 'Link Length', default="200",
+ choices=self.choicify([
+ '10',
+ '25',
+ '50',
+ '75',
+ '100',
+ '150',
+ '200',
+ '250',
+ ]),
+ description="Link length in the force layout"),
+ 'charge': FreeFormSelectField(
+ 'Charge', default="-500",
+ choices=self.choicify([
+ '-50',
+ '-75',
+ '-100',
+ '-150',
+ '-200',
+ '-250',
+ '-500',
+ '-1000',
+ '-2500',
+ '-5000',
+ ]),
+ description="Charge in the force layout"),
'granularity_sqla': SelectField(
'Time Column', default=datasource.main_dttm_col,
diff --git a/panoramix/static/panoramix.css b/panoramix/static/panoramix.css
index 85ce8bece6c71..ea0753f4dc2fa 100644
--- a/panoramix/static/panoramix.css
+++ b/panoramix/static/panoramix.css
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ legend {
border-color: #AAA;
opacity: 0.3;
-.dashboard .gridster li {
+.gridster li.widget{
list-style-type: none;
border: 1px solid gray;
overflow: hidden;
diff --git a/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.css b/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3787a274a8fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.css
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.directed_force path.link {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #000;
+ stroke-width: 1.5px;
+.directed_force #chart {
+ height: 100%;
+.directed_force circle {
+ fill: #ccc;
+ stroke: #000;
+ stroke-width: 1.5px;
+ stroke-opacity: 1;
+ opacity: 0.75;
+.directed_force text {
+ fill: #000;
+ font: 10px sans-serif;
+ pointer-events: none;
diff --git a/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.js b/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..33bb53a1194d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/panoramix/static/widgets/viz_directed_force.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+Modified from http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/5141278
+function viz_directed_force(data_attribute) {
+ var token = d3.select('#' + data_attribute.token);
+ var xy = token.select('#chart').node().getBoundingClientRect();
+ var width = xy.width;
+ var height = xy.height - 25;
+ var radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
+ var link_length = data_attribute.form_data['link_length'];
+ if (link_length === undefined){
+ link_length = 200;
+ }
+ var charge = data_attribute.form_data['charge'];
+ if (charge === undefined){
+ charge = -500;
+ }
+ var render = function(done) {
+ d3.json(data_attribute.json_endpoint, function(error, json) {
+ if (error != null){
+ var err = '
' + error.responseText + '
+ token.html(err);
+ done();
+ return '';
+ }
+ links = json.data;
+ var nodes = {};
+ // Compute the distinct nodes from the links.
+ links.forEach(function(link) {
+ link.source = nodes[link.source] ||
+ (nodes[link.source] = {name: link.source});
+ link.target = nodes[link.target] ||
+ (nodes[link.target] = {name: link.target});
+ link.value = +link.value;
+ var target_name = link.target.name;
+ var source_name = link.source.name;
+ if (nodes[target_name]['total'] === undefined)
+ nodes[target_name]['total'] = link.value;
+ if (nodes[source_name]['total'] === undefined)
+ nodes[source_name]['total'] = 0;
+ if (nodes[target_name]['max'] === undefined)
+ nodes[target_name]['max'] = 0;
+ if (link.value > nodes[target_name]['max'])
+ nodes[target_name]['max'] = link.value;
+ if (nodes[target_name]['min'] === undefined)
+ nodes[target_name]['min'] = 0;
+ if (link.value > nodes[target_name]['min'])
+ nodes[target_name]['min'] = link.value;
+ nodes[target_name]['total'] += link.value;
+ });
+ var force = d3.layout.force()
+ .nodes(d3.values(nodes))
+ .links(links)
+ .size([width, height])
+ .linkDistance(link_length)
+ .charge(charge)
+ .on("tick", tick)
+ .start();
+ var svg = token.select("#chart").append("svg")
+ .attr("width", width)
+ .attr("height", height);
+ // build the arrow.
+ svg.append("svg:defs").selectAll("marker")
+ .data(["end"]) // Different link/path types can be defined here
+ .enter().append("svg:marker") // This section adds in the arrows
+ .attr("id", String)
+ .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
+ .attr("refX", 15)
+ .attr("refY", -1.5)
+ .attr("markerWidth", 6)
+ .attr("markerHeight", 6)
+ .attr("orient", "auto")
+ .append("svg:path")
+ .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");
+ var edgeScale = d3.scale.linear()
+ .range([0.1, 0.5]);
+ // add the links and the arrows
+ var path = svg.append("svg:g").selectAll("path")
+ .data(force.links())
+ .enter().append("svg:path")
+ //.attr("class", function(d) { return "link " + d.type; })
+ .attr("class", "link")
+ .style("opacity", function(d){
+ return edgeScale(d.value/d.target.max);
+ })
+ .attr("marker-end", "url(#end)");
+ // define the nodes
+ var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
+ .data(force.nodes())
+ .enter().append("g")
+ .attr("class", "node")
+ .on("mouseenter", function(d){
+ d3.select(this)
+ .select("circle")
+ .transition()
+ .style('stroke-width', 5);
+ d3.select(this)
+ .select("text")
+ .transition()
+ .style('font-size', 25);
+ })
+ .on("mouseleave", function(d){
+ d3.select(this)
+ .select("circle")
+ .transition()
+ .style('stroke-width', 1.5);
+ d3.select(this)
+ .select("text")
+ .transition()
+ .style('font-size', 12);
+ })
+ .call(force.drag);
+ // add the nodes
+ var ext = d3.extent(d3.values(nodes), function(d){return Math.sqrt(d.total);})
+ var circleScale = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain(ext)
+ .range([3, 30]);
+ node.append("circle")
+ .attr("r", function(d){return circleScale(Math.sqrt(d.total));});
+ // add the text
+ node.append("text")
+ .attr("x", 6)
+ .attr("dy", ".35em")
+ .text(function(d) { return d.name; });
+ // add the curvy lines
+ function tick() {
+ path.attr("d", function(d) {
+ var dx = d.target.x - d.source.x,
+ dy = d.target.y - d.source.y,
+ dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ return "M" +
+ d.source.x + "," +
+ d.source.y + "A" +
+ dr + "," + dr + " 0 0,1 " +
+ d.target.x + "," +
+ d.target.y;
+ });
+ node
+ .attr("transform", function(d) {
+ return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; });
+ }
+ done(json);
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ render: render,
+ resize: render,
+ };
+px.registerWidget('directed_force', viz_directed_force);
diff --git a/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html b/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
index 4a11000aef751..40e7bb2f230d1 100644
--- a/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
+++ b/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@