Name | Type | Description | Notes |
emails | [Email] | ||
id | str | The unique identifier for the user | [optional] [readonly] |
parent_id | str, none_type | The parent user id | [optional] |
username | str, none_type | The username of the user | [optional] |
first_name | str, none_type | The first name of the person. | [optional] |
last_name | str, none_type | The last name of the person. | [optional] |
title | str, none_type | The job title of the person. | [optional] |
division | str, none_type | The division the person is currently in. Usually a collection of departments or teams or regions. | [optional] |
department | str, none_type | The department the person is currently in. Deprecated in favor of the dedicated department_id and department_name field. | [optional] |
company_name | str, none_type | The name of the company. | [optional] |
employee_number | str, none_type | An Employee Number, Employee ID or Employee Code, is a unique number that has been assigned to each individual staff member within a company. | [optional] |
description | str, none_type | A description of the object. | [optional] |
image | str, none_type | The URL of the user's avatar | [optional] |
language | str, none_type | language code according to ISO 639-1. For the United States - EN | [optional] |
status | str, none_type | The status of the user | [optional] |
password | str, none_type | The password of the user | [optional] |
addresses | [Address] | [optional] | |
phone_numbers | [PhoneNumber] | [optional] | |
custom_mappings | {str: (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type)}, none_type | When custom mappings are configured on the resource, the result is included here. | [optional] [readonly] |
updated_at | str, none_type | The date and time when the user was last updated. | [optional] [readonly] |
created_at | str, none_type | The date and time when the user was created. | [optional] [readonly] |
pass_through | PassThroughBody | [optional] | |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |