The Layer Zero docs provide details on how to configure the security properties of your OApps. Here is a practical set of steps.
We will be calling the ILayerZeroEndpointV2
with setConfig
on both chains for each application.
Recall our setup for toucan:
3 on the voting chain:
- ToucanRelay (S,R*)
- AdminXChain (R)
- OFTTokenBridge (S,R)
3 on the execution chain:
- ToucanReceiver (S*, R)
- ActionRelay (S)
- GovernanceOFTAdapter (S,R)
S indicates the contract is OAppSender R indicates the contract is OAppReceiver
- indicates the contract is technically a Sender/Receiver, but does not have logic to use the functionality yet.
See Itemising The Calls for the list of calls we need to make.
The format of setConfig
// Chain A set config for SEND
// Chain B set config for RECEIVE
- Set the send and receive libraries for each endpoint - you don't need to do this if set already but the libraries should match your config.
- Note that this needs to be done for every
endpoint.setSendLibrary(app, eid, sendLibAddresss);
endpoint.setReceiveLibrary( /* "" */, receiverLibAddress);
There are 2 types of config that have the following encoding as bytes
Executor config:
[type==1(8)]tuple(uint32 maxMessageSize, address executorAddress)
ULN Config:
[type==2(8)]tuple(uint64 confirmations, uint8 requiredDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNThreshold, address[] requiredDVNs, address[] optionalDVNs)
The bare minimum is to grab a DVN and Executor from the places below and set 1 DVN and 1 confirmation: this should only be used for testing.
Scroll to the bottom of this tx to see an example config.
For each OApp that implements Send it needs send and receipt config to be set. So contracts that ONLY implement receive don't need to set send config.
In our case that means:
- AdminXChain, ToucanReceiver
Don't need to set send config.
Relay -> Receiver:
- Send on relay
- Receive on receiver
ActionRelay -> AdminXchain
- Send on relay
- Receive on admin
Adapter <-> Bridge
- Send on Adapter
- Send on Bridge
- Receive on Adapter
- Recieve on Bridge