Changelog for Nord Xcode — An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Xcode theme.
Nord Docs Transition — #9 ⇄ #10 (⊶ 278fa4b5) ↠ Transferred all documentations, assets and from „Nord Xcode“ to Nord Docs. Please see the corresponding issue in the Nord Docs repository to get an overview of what has changed for Nord Xcode and what has been done to migrate to Nord Docs.
Landing Page
Docs Page
Installation & Activation Guide
Asset Catalog Guide
Xcode 9 Asset Catalog Color Set — #2 ⇄ #3 (⊶ 4f3bd242) by @ornithocoder
↠ Added a color set for the asset catalog that were introduced in Xcode 9. It can be used in the Interface Builder and programmatically via UIColor(named:)
See Nord's official documentation to learn how to use the color set.
Asset Catalog Color Set
Xcode Interface Builder with Nord
Comment Color Brightness — #6 ⇄ #7 (⊶ 29bfdcd0)
↠ Implemented the frequently requested and long-time outstanding increase of the comment color (nord3
) brightness by 10% from a lightness level of ~35% to ~45%.
➜ Please see arcticicestudio/nord#94 for all details about this design change decision!
MIT License Migration — #4 ⇄ #5 (⊶ fb58b5d3) ↠ Migrated to the MIT license to adapt to the migration of the main Nord project. Detailed information can be found in the main task ticket.
Detailed information and install instructions can be found in the README and in the project wiki.
❯ Implemented the main color theme file Nord.xccolortheme
. (@arcticicestudio, #1, 8a9a2ac3)
2017-04-23 ❯ Project Initialization