diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3ae704f..425d549 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -49,14 +49,21 @@ Visit the [Releases page](https://github.com/artfulrobot/uk.artfulrobot.civicrm.
### 1b. Install it the Difficult way (developers)
-This extension requires the GoCardlessPro PHP library. Here's how to install from the \*nix command line. You need [composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/)
+The packaged version of this extension include the GoCardlessPro PHP libraries
+and exclude some dev-only bits including the `bin`, `cli` and `tests`
+This extension requires the GoCardlessPro PHP library. Here's how to install
+from the \*nix command line. You need
$ cd /path/to/your/extensions/dir
$ git clone https://github.com/artfulrobot/uk.artfulrobot.civicrm.gocardless.git
$ cd uk.artfulrobot.civicrm.gocardless
$ which composer >/dev/null && composer install || echo You need composer, pls see https://getcomposer.org/download/ Then repeat this command. (i.e. composer install)
-That should then bring in the GoCardlessPro dependency.
+That should then bring in the GoCardlessPro dependency and you should be good to
### 2. Install the extension and create a payment processor
@@ -221,8 +228,27 @@ some.
+## Developers: Importing from GoCardless
+If you clone from the github repo, you'll see a cli directory. This contains a
+script I used as a one-off to import some pre-existing GoCardless subscriptions.
+It's not a fully fledged tool but it may help others with one-off import tasks
+to build a tool for their own needs from that.
## Change log
+- 1.6 "stable"!
+ - Membership now supported thanks to work by William Mortada @wmortada and
+ Aidan Saunders @aydun, and this extension is in production use by quite a few
+ organisations so calling this release stable.
+ - GoCardless forms are now pre-filled with address, email, phone numbers if
+ you have collected those details before passing on to GoCardless.
+ - Updated GoCardlessPro library to 1.7.0 just to keep up-to-date.
- 1.5beta Should now respect a limited number of installments. Previous
versions will set up an open-ended subscription. You may not have wanted that
;-) Also updated GoCardlessPro library from 1.2.0 to 1.6.0
diff --git a/bin/package-release.sh b/bin/package-release.sh
index f00b3e2..175d075 100755
--- a/bin/package-release.sh
+++ b/bin/package-release.sh
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cd ../ || { echo "X hmm. failed to go up dir."; exit 1; }
# Remove any old versions.
rm -f "$PROJECT_NAME".zip "$PROJECT_NAME".tgz
-tar czf "$PROJECT_NAME".tgz "$PROJECT_NAME" --exclude='**/.git*' --exclude='**/bin' --exclude='**/tests'
+tar czf "$PROJECT_NAME".tgz "$PROJECT_NAME" --exclude='**/.git*' --exclude='**/bin' --exclude='**/tests' --exclude='**/cli'
# PR wanted: if you can get zip to behave the same way as tar, please replace this clugey hack!
mkdir temp && cd temp || { echo "X failed making temp dir to create zip file"; exit 1; }
diff --git a/cli/import-from-gc.php b/cli/import-from-gc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc59326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/import-from-gc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+subscriptions()->list(['params' => [
+ 'status' => 'active',
+print count($subscriptions->records) . " active subscriptions\n";
+foreach ($subscriptions->records as $subscription) {
+ // Try to find the ContributionRecur record. The GoCardless subscription ID
+ // is stored as the recurring contrib's `trxn_id`.
+ $recur = civicrm_api3('ContributionRecur', 'get', [
+ 'trxn_id' => $subscription->id,
+ ]);
+ if ($recur['count'] == 0) {
+ // CiviCRM does not know this subscription.
+ $mandate = $gc_api->mandates()->get($subscription->links->mandate);
+ $customer = $gc_api->customers()->get($mandate->links->customer);
+ // Find Contact in CiviCRM by the email. (See assumptions.)
+ $contact = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'get', ['email' => $customer->email, 'sequential' => 1]);
+ print "No recur record for subscription $subscription->id $customer->email $customer->given_name $customer->family_name. Found $contact[count] in CiviCRM.\n";
+ $yn = '';
+ if ($contact['count'] == 1) {
+ print "Create recurring contribution? (N)";
+ $yn = strtoupper(trim(fgets(STDIN)));
+ }
+ if ($yn != 'Y') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Create recurring contribution and related successful contributions.
+ print "looking up payments\n";
+ $payments = $gc_api->payments()->list(['params' => [
+ 'subscription' => $subscription->id,
+ ]]);
+ $payments_to_copy = [];
+ foreach ($payments->records as $payment) {
+ if ($payment->status == 'confirmed' || $payment->status == 'paid_out') {
+ $payments_to_copy[] = [
+ 'receive_date' => $payment->charge_date,
+ 'total_amount' => $payment->amount/100,
+ ];
+ }
+ else print "Not importing $payment->status payment $payment->id\n";
+ }
+ $contact = $contact['values'][0];
+ $params = [
+ 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'amount' => $subscription->amount / 100,
+ 'currency' => 'GBP',
+ "frequency_unit" => preg_replace('/ly$/', '', $subscription->interval_unit),
+ "frequency_interval" => $subscription->interval,
+ "start_date" => $subscription->start_date,
+ "create_date" => $subscription->start_date,
+ "modified_date" => $subscription->start_date,
+ "end_date" => $subscription->end_date,
+ "trxn_id" => $subscription->id,
+ "contribution_status_id" => 1, // 1:Completed, 2: pending, 3: cancelled, 4: failed, 5: in progress ...)
+ "is_test" => 0,
+ "cycle_day" => 1,
+ "payment_processor_id" => 3, // GoCardless, Live
+ "financial_type_id" => 20, // Donation (regular)
+ "payment_instrument_id" => 23, // named direct_debit_gc
+ ];
+ print "creating...with " . json_encode($params, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+ $result = civicrm_api3('ContributionRecur', 'create', $params);
+ if ($result['id']) {
+ $recur_id = $result['id'];
+ print "✔ Created ContributionRecur $recur_id\n";
+ foreach ($payments_to_copy as $_) {
+ $_ += [
+ 'contact_id' => $contact['id'],
+ "payment_instrument_id" => GC_IMPORT_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_ID,
+ //"trxn_id" => '', // Think this should probably be set to something. xxx
+ 'currency' => 'GBP',
+ "financial_type_id" => GC_IMPORT_FINANCIAL_TYPE_ID,
+ 'contribution_recur_id' => $recur_id,
+ 'is_test' => 0,
+ 'contribution_status_id' => 1, // 1: Completed.
+ ];
+ print json_encode($_, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+ $result = civicrm_api3('Contribution', 'create', $_);
+ if (!$result['is_error']) {
+ print "✔ Created payment $result[id]\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print_r($result);
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print_r($result);
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //print json_encode($recur['values'][$recur['id']], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+ }
diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock
index d8cf30e..0330f96 100644
--- a/composer.lock
+++ b/composer.lock
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
"_readme": [
"This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
- "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file",
+ "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
"This file is @generated automatically"
"content-hash": "dba616a41007c57462c7b6719bee1897",
"packages": [
"name": "gocardless/gocardless-pro",
- "version": "1.6.0",
+ "version": "1.7.0",
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/gocardless/gocardless-pro-php.git",
- "reference": "a459565e2392886adacf05ad369c56ef432216ca"
+ "reference": "39413c73a6a798a62c855833e85b65c8cb9b3fbf"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/gocardless/gocardless-pro-php/zipball/a459565e2392886adacf05ad369c56ef432216ca",
- "reference": "a459565e2392886adacf05ad369c56ef432216ca",
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/gocardless/gocardless-pro-php/zipball/39413c73a6a798a62c855833e85b65c8cb9b3fbf",
+ "reference": "39413c73a6a798a62c855833e85b65c8cb9b3fbf",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"direct debit",
- "time": "2018-04-26T10:37:17+00:00"
+ "time": "2018-05-22T12:28:03+00:00"
"name": "guzzlehttp/guzzle",
diff --git a/info.xml b/info.xml
index 2e25c9f..2dc4376 100644
--- a/info.xml
+++ b/info.xml
@@ -16,18 +16,22 @@
- 2017-01-16
- 1.5-beta
- beta
+ 2018-11-16
+ 1.6
+ stable
+ 5.0
+ 5.3
+ 5.8
This is a stand-alone extension. It may conflict with Veda
Consulting's UK Direct Debit and GoCardlessDD extensions; uninstall those
before installing this. Note that uninstalling a payment processor that has
payments will kill your CiviCRM install(!). You can just disable it
instead. If you need SmartDebit as well as GoCardless then you'll need the
- UK Direct Debit one, but running these together is untested.
+ UK Direct Debit one, but running these together is untested.