diff --git a/docs/antora.yml b/docs/antora.yml
index 0f5cd6c8..e4624b91 100644
--- a/docs/antora.yml
+++ b/docs/antora.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: reveal.js-converter
title: Asciidoctor reveal.js
-version: '5.0'
+version: '5.3'
- modules/ROOT/nav.adoc
- modules/setup/nav.adoc
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor-revealjs/converter.rb b/lib/asciidoctor-revealjs/converter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 202257e3..00000000
--- a/lib/asciidoctor-revealjs/converter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1857 +0,0 @@
-# This file has been generated!
-module Asciidoctor; module Revealjs; end end
-class Asciidoctor::Revealjs::Converter < ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Base
- #------------------------------ Begin of Helpers ------------------------------#
- unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal'
- # This helper file borrows from the Bespoke converter
- # https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke
- require 'asciidoctor'
- end
- require 'json'
- # This module gets mixed in to every node (the context of the template) at the
- # time the node is being converted. The properties and methods in this module
- # effectively become direct members of the template.
- module Helpers
- EOL = %(\n)
- SliceHintRx = / +/
- def slice_text str, active = nil
- if (active || (active.nil? && (option? :slice))) && (str.include? ' ')
- (str.split SliceHintRx).map {|line| %(#{line}) }.join EOL
- else
- str
- end
- end
- def to_boolean val
- val && val != 'false' && val.to_s != '0' || false
- end
- # bool_data_attr
- # If the AsciiDoc attribute doesn't exist, no HTML attribute is added
- # If the AsciiDoc attribute exist and is a true value, HTML attribute is enabled (bool)
- # If the AsciiDoc attribute exist and is a false value, HTML attribute is a false string
- # Ex: a feature is enabled globally but can be disabled using a data- attribute on individual items
- # :revealjs_previewlinks: True
- # then link::example.com[Link text, preview=false]
- # Here the template must have data-preview-link="false" not just no data-preview-link attribute
- def bool_data_attr val
- return false unless attr?(val)
- if attr(val).downcase == 'false' || attr(val) == '0'
- 'false'
- else
- true
- end
- end
- # false needs to be verbatim everything else is a string.
- # Calling side isn't responsible for quoting so we are doing it here
- def to_valid_slidenumber val
- # corner case: empty is empty attribute which is true
- return true if val == ""
- # using to_s here handles both the 'false' string and the false boolean
- val.to_s == 'false' ? false : "'#{val}'"
- end
- ##
- # These constants and functions are from the asciidictor-html5s project
- # https://github.com/jirutka/asciidoctor-html5s/blob/a71db48a1dd5196b668b3a3d93693c5d877c5bf3/data/templates/helpers.rb
- # Defaults
- VOID_ELEMENTS = %w(area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link
- meta param source track wbr)
- ##
- # Creates an HTML tag with the given name and optionally attributes. Can take
- # a block that will run between the opening and closing tags.
- #
- # @param name [#to_s] the name of the tag.
- # @param attributes [Hash] (default: {})
- # @param content [#to_s] the content; +nil+ to call the block. (default: nil).
- # @yield The block of Slim/HTML code within the tag (optional).
- # @return [String] a rendered HTML element.
- #
- def html_tag(name, attributes = {}, content = nil)
- attrs = attributes.inject([]) do |attrs, (k, v)|
- next attrs unless v && (v == true || !v.nil_or_empty?)
- v = v.compact.join(' ') if v.is_a? Array
- attrs << (v == true ? k : %(#{k}="#{v}"))
- end
- attrs_str = attrs.empty? ? '' : ' ' + attrs.join(' ')
- if VOID_ELEMENTS.include? name.to_s
- %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>)
- else
- content ||= (yield if block_given?)
- %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>#{content}#{name}>)
- end
- end
- #
- # Extracts data- attributes from the attributes.
- # @param attributes [Hash] (default: {})
- # @return [Hash] a Hash that contains only data- attributes
- #
- def data_attrs(attributes)
- # key can be an Integer (for positional attributes)
- attributes.map { |key, value| (key == 'step') ? ['data-fragment-index', value] : [key, value] }
- .to_h
- .select { |key, _| key.to_s.start_with?('data-') }
- end
- #
- # Wrap an inline text in a element if the node contains a role, an id or data- attributes.
- # @param content [#to_s] the content; +nil+ to call the block. (default: nil).
- # @return [String] the content or the content wrapped in a element as string
- #
- def inline_text_container(content = nil)
- data_attrs = data_attrs(@attributes)
- classes = [role, ('fragment' if (option? :step) || (attr? 'step') || (roles.include? 'step'))].compact
- if !roles.empty? || !data_attrs.empty? || !@id.nil?
- html_tag('span', { :id => @id, :class => classes }.merge(data_attrs), (content || (yield if block_given?)))
- else
- content || (yield if block_given?)
- end
- end
- ##
- # Returns corrected section level.
- #
- # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self).
- # @return [Integer]
- #
- def section_level(sec = self)
- @_section_level ||= (sec.level == 0 && sec.special) ? 1 : sec.level
- end
- ##
- # Display footnotes per slide
- #
- @@slide_footnotes = {}
- @@section_footnotes = {}
- def slide_footnote(footnote)
- footnote_parent = footnote.parent
- # footnotes declared on the section title are processed during the parsing/substitution.
- # as a result, we need to store them to display them on the right slide/section
- if footnote_parent.instance_of?(::Asciidoctor::Section)
- footnote_parent_object_id = footnote_parent.object_id
- section_footnotes = (@@section_footnotes[footnote_parent_object_id] || [])
- footnote_index = section_footnotes.length + 1
- attributes = footnote.attributes.merge({ 'index' => footnote_index })
- inline_footnote = Asciidoctor::Inline.new(footnote_parent, footnote.context, footnote.text, :attributes => attributes)
- section_footnotes << Asciidoctor::Document::Footnote.new(inline_footnote.attr(:index), inline_footnote.id, inline_footnote.text)
- @@section_footnotes[footnote_parent_object_id] = section_footnotes
- inline_footnote
- else
- parent = footnote.parent
- until parent == nil || parent.instance_of?(::Asciidoctor::Section)
- parent = parent.parent
- end
- # check if there is any footnote attached on the section title
- section_footnotes = parent != nil ? @@section_footnotes[parent.object_id] || [] : []
- initial_index = footnote.attr(:index)
- # reset the footnote numbering to 1 on each slide
- # make sure that if a footnote is used more than once it will use the same index/number
- slide_index = (existing_footnote = @@slide_footnotes[initial_index]) ? existing_footnote.index : @@slide_footnotes.length + section_footnotes.length + 1
- attributes = footnote.attributes.merge({ 'index' => slide_index })
- inline_footnote = Asciidoctor::Inline.new(footnote_parent, footnote.context, footnote.text, :attributes => attributes)
- @@slide_footnotes[initial_index] = Asciidoctor::Document::Footnote.new(inline_footnote.attr(:index), inline_footnote.id, inline_footnote.text)
- inline_footnote
- end
- end
- def clear_slide_footnotes
- @@slide_footnotes = {}
- end
- def slide_footnotes(section)
- section_object_id = section.object_id
- section_footnotes = @@section_footnotes[section_object_id] || []
- section_footnotes + @@slide_footnotes.values
- end
- ##
- # Returns the captioned section's title, optionally numbered.
- #
- # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self).
- # @return [String]
- #
- def section_title(sec = self)
- sectnumlevels = document.attr(:sectnumlevels, DEFAULT_SECTNUMLEVELS).to_i
- if sec.numbered && !sec.caption && sec.level <= sectnumlevels
- [sec.sectnum, sec.captioned_title].join(' ')
- else
- sec.captioned_title
- end
- end
- # Retrieves the built-in html5 converter.
- #
- # Returns the instance of the Asciidoctor::Converter::Html5Converter
- # associated with this node.
- def html5_converter
- converter.instance_variable_get("@delegate_converter")
- end
- def convert_inline_image(node = self)
- target = node.target
- if (node.type || 'image') == 'icon'
- if (icons = node.document.attr 'icons') == 'font'
- i_class_attr_val = %(#{node.attr(:set, 'fa')} fa-#{target})
- i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-#{node.attr 'size'}) if node.attr? 'size'
- if node.attr? 'flip'
- i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-flip-#{node.attr 'flip'})
- elsif node.attr? 'rotate'
- i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-rotate-#{node.attr 'rotate'})
- end
- attrs = (node.attr? 'title') ? %( title="#{node.attr 'title'}") : ''
- img = %()
- elsif icons
- attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
- attrs = %(#{attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
- attrs = %(#{attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
- img = %()
- else
- img = %([#{node.alt}])
- end
- else
- html_attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
- html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
- html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
- img, src = img_tag(node, target, html_attrs)
- end
- img_link(node, src, img)
- end
- def convert_image(node = self)
- # When the stretch class is present, block images will take the most space
- # they can take. Setting width and height can override that.
- # We pinned the 100% to height to avoid aspect ratio breakage and since
- # widescreen monitors are the most popular, chances are that height will
- # be the biggest constraint
- if node.has_role?('stretch') && !(node.attr?(:width) || node.attr?(:height))
- height_value = "100%"
- elsif node.attr? 'height'
- height_value = node.attr 'height'
- else
- height_value = nil
- end
- html_attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
- html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} height="#{height_value}") if height_value
- html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
- html_attrs = %(#{html_attrs} style="background: #{node.attr :background}") if node.attr? 'background'
- img, src = img_tag(node, node.attr('target'), html_attrs)
- img_link(node, src, img)
- end
- def img_tag(node = self, target, html_attrs)
- if ((node.attr? 'format', 'svg') || (target.include? '.svg')) && node.document.safe < ::Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE
- if node.option? 'inline'
- img = (html5_converter.read_svg_contents node, target) || %(#{node.alt})
- elsif node.option? 'interactive'
- fallback = (node.attr? 'fallback') ? %() : %(#{node.alt})
- img = %()
- else
- img = %()
- end
- else
- img = %()
- end
- [img, src]
- end
- # Wrap the element in a element if the link attribute is defined
- def img_link(node = self, src, content)
- if (node.attr? 'link') && ((href_attr_val = node.attr 'link') != 'self' || (href_attr_val = src))
- if (link_preview_value = bool_data_attr :link_preview)
- data_preview_attr = %( data-preview-link="#{link_preview_value == true ? "" : link_preview_value}")
- end
- return %(#{content})
- end
- content
- end
- def revealjs_dependencies(document, node, revealjsdir)
- dependencies = []
- dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/zoom/zoom.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealZoom) } }" unless (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_zoom', 'disabled')
- dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealNotes) } }" unless (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_notes', 'disabled')
- dependencies << "{ src: '#{revealjsdir}/plugin/search/search.js', async: true, callback: function () { Reveal.registerPlugin(RevealSearch) } }" if (node.attr? 'revealjs_plugin_search', 'enabled')
- dependencies.join(",\n ")
- end
- # Between delimiters (--) is code taken from asciidoctor-bespoke 1.0.0.alpha.1
- # Licensed under MIT, Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Dan Allen and the Asciidoctor Project
- #--
- # Retrieve the converted content, wrap it in a `
` element if
- # the content_model equals :simple and return the result.
- #
- # Returns the block content as a String, wrapped inside a `
` element if
- # the content_model equals `:simple`.
- def resolve_content
- @content_model == :simple ? %(
) : content
- end
- # Capture nested template content and register it with the specified key, to
- # be executed at a later time.
- #
- # This method must be invoked using the control code directive (i.e., -). By
- # using a control code directive, the block is set up to append the result
- # directly to the output buffer. (Integrations often hide the distinction
- # between a control code directive and an output directive in this context).
- #
- # key - The Symbol under which to save the template block.
- # opts - A Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):
- # * :append - A Boolean that indicates whether to append this block
- # to others registered with this key (default: false).
- # * :content - String content to be used if template content is not
- # provided (optional).
- # block - The template content (in Slim template syntax).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # - content_for :body
- # p content
- # - content_for :body, append: true
- # p more content
- #
- # Returns nothing.
- def content_for key, opts = {}, &block
- @content = {} unless defined? @content
- (opts[:append] ? (@content[key] ||= []) : (@content[key] = [])) << (block_given? ? block : lambda { opts[:content] })
- nil
- end
- # Checks whether deferred template content has been registered for the specified key.
- #
- # key - The Symbol under which to look for saved template blocks.
- #
- # Returns a Boolean indicating whether content has been registered for this key.
- def content_for? key
- (defined? @content) && (@content.key? key)
- end
- # Evaluates the deferred template content registered with the specified key.
- #
- # When the corresponding content_for method is invoked using a control code
- # directive, the block is set up to append the result to the output buffer
- # directly.
- #
- # key - The Symbol under which to look for template blocks to yield.
- # opts - A Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):
- # * :drain - A Boolean indicating whether to drain the key of blocks
- # after calling them (default: true).
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # - yield_content :body
- #
- # Returns nothing (assuming the content has been captured in the context of control code).
- def yield_content key, opts = {}
- if (defined? @content) && (blks = (opts.fetch :drain, true) ? (@content.delete key) : @content[key])
- blks.map {|b| b.call }.join
- end
- nil
- end
- # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/html5.rb (method is private)
- def append_link_constraint_attrs node, attrs = []
- rel = 'nofollow' if node.option? 'nofollow'
- if (window = node.attributes['window'])
- attrs << %( target="#{window}")
- attrs << (rel ? %( rel="#{rel} noopener") : ' rel="noopener"') if window == '_blank' || (node.option? 'noopener')
- elsif rel
- attrs << %( rel="#{rel}")
- end
- attrs
- end
- # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/html5.rb (method is private)
- def encode_attribute_value val
- (val.include? '"') ? (val.gsub '"', '"') : val
- end
- # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/semantic-html5.rb which is not yet shipped
- # @todo remove this code when the new converter becomes available in the main gem
- def generate_authors node
- return if node.authors.empty?
- if node.authors.length == 1
- %(
- #{format_author node, node.authors.first}
- else
- result = ['
- node.authors.each do |author|
- result << "
#{format_author node, author}
- end
- result << '
- result.join Asciidoctor::LF
- end
- end
- # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/semantic-html5.rb which is not yet shipped
- # @todo remove this code when the new converter becomes available in the main gem
- def format_author node, author
- in_context 'author' do
- %(#{node.sub_replacements author.name}#{author.email ? %( #{node.sub_macros author.email}) : ''})
- end
- end
- # Copied from asciidoctor/lib/asciidoctor/converter/semantic-html5.rb which is not yet shipped
- # @todo remove this code when the new converter becomes available in the main gem
- def in_context name
- (@convert_context ||= []).push name
- result = yield
- @convert_context.pop
- result
- end
- 'all'
- ]
- # Generate the Mathjax markup to process STEM expressions
- # @param cdn_base [String]
- # @return [String]
- def generate_stem(cdn_base)
- if attr?(:stem)
- eqnums_val = attr('eqnums', STEM_EQNUMS_NONE).downcase
- unless STEM_EQNUMS_VALID_VALUES.include?(eqnums_val)
- eqnums_val = STEM_EQNUMS_AMS
- end
- mathjax_configuration = {
- tex: {
- inlineMath: [Asciidoctor::INLINE_MATH_DELIMITERS[:latexmath]],
- displayMath: [Asciidoctor::BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS[:latexmath]],
- processEscapes: false,
- tags: eqnums_val,
- },
- options: {
- ignoreHtmlClass: 'nostem|nolatexmath'
- },
- asciimath: {
- delimiters: [Asciidoctor::BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS[:asciimath]],
- },
- loader: {
- load: ['input/asciimath', 'output/chtml', 'ui/menu']
- }
- }
- mathjaxdir = attr('mathjaxdir', "#{cdn_base}/mathjax/#{MATHJAX_VERSION}/es5")
- %() +
- %()
- end
- end
- #--
- end
- # More custom functions can be added in another namespace if required
- #module Helpers
- #end
- # Make Helpers' constants accessible from transform methods.
- Helpers.constants.each do |const|
- const_set(const, Helpers.const_get(const))
- end
- #------------------------------- End of Helpers -------------------------------#
- register_for "revealjs", "reveal.js"
- def initialize(backend, opts = {})
- super
- basebackend "html" if respond_to? :basebackend
- outfilesuffix ".html" if respond_to? :outfilesuffix
- filetype "html" if respond_to? :filetype
- supports_templates if respond_to? :supports_templates
- delegate_backend = (opts[:delegate_backend] || "html5").to_s
- factory = ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Factory
- converter = factory.create(delegate_backend, backend_info)
- @delegate_converter = if converter == self
- factory.new.create(delegate_backend, backend_info)
- else
- converter
- end
- end
- def convert(node, transform = nil, opts = {})
- meth_name = "convert_#{transform || node.node_name}"
- opts ||= {}
- converter = respond_to?(meth_name) ? self : @delegate_converter
- if opts.empty?
- converter.send(meth_name, node)
- else
- converter.send(meth_name, node, opts)
- end
- end
- #----------------- Begin of generated transformation methods -----------------#
- def convert_notes(node, opts = {})
- node.extend(Helpers)
- node.instance_eval do
- converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty?
- _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf
- end
- end
- def convert_inline_anchor(node, opts = {})
- node.extend(Helpers)
- node.instance_eval do
- converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty?
- _buf = ''; case @type;
- ; when :xref;
- ; refid = (attr :refid) || @target;
- ; _slim_controls1 = html_tag('a', { :href => @target, :class => [role, ('fragment' if (option? :step) || (attr? 'step'))].compact }.merge(data_attrs(@attributes))) do; _slim_controls2 = '';
- ; _slim_controls2 << (((@text || @document.references[:ids].fetch(refid, "[#{refid}]")).tr_s("\n", ' ')).to_s);
- ; _slim_controls2; end; _buf << ((_slim_controls1).to_s); when :ref;
- ; _buf << ((html_tag('a', { :id => @target }.merge(data_attrs(@attributes)))).to_s);
- ; when :bibref;
- ; _buf << ((html_tag('a', { :id => @target }.merge(data_attrs(@attributes)))).to_s);
- ; _buf << ("[".freeze); _buf << ((@target).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze);
- ; else;
- ; _slim_controls3 = html_tag('a', { :href => @target, :class => [role, ('fragment' if (option? :step) || (attr? 'step'))].compact, :target => (attr :window), 'data-preview-link' => (bool_data_attr :preview) }.merge(data_attrs(@attributes))) do; _slim_controls4 = '';
- ; _slim_controls4 << ((@text).to_s);
- ; _slim_controls4; end; _buf << ((_slim_controls3).to_s); end; _buf
- end
- end
- def convert_ruler(node, opts = {})
- node.extend(Helpers)
- node.instance_eval do
- converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty?
- _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze);
- ; _buf
- end
- end
- def convert_stem(node, opts = {})
- node.extend(Helpers)
- node.instance_eval do
- converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty?
- _buf = ''; open, close = Asciidoctor::BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS[@style.to_sym];
- ; equation = content.strip;
- ; if (@subs.nil? || @subs.empty?) && !(attr? 'subs');
- ; equation = sub_specialcharacters equation;
- ; end; unless (equation.start_with? open) && (equation.end_with? close);
- ; equation = %(#{open}#{equation}#{close});
- ; end; _slim_controls1 = html_tag('div', { :id => @id, :class => ['stemblock', role, ('fragment' if (option? :step) || (has_role? 'step') || (attr? 'step'))] }.merge(data_attrs(@attributes))) do; _slim_controls2 = '';
- ; if title?;
- ; _slim_controls2 << ("