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File metadata and controls

444 lines (332 loc) · 12.2 KB



A range is an integer within a fixed interval. The interval is written <low>..<high> where low and high are both inclusive. Ranges default to the low end of their interval.

> type T : 1..3;
> var t : T;
> t
> t = 3
> t

Assigning to a range outside its interval will result in a BoundsError and leave the value unchanged.

> t = 4
ModelingBoundsError: Cannot assign value of 4 to range T: 1..3;
> t


A record is a compound object made up of a fixed number of fields (called a struct in some languages). Each field is identified by name and has an associated type. A default record simply has all its fields defaulted.

> type Scores : record {
.   home: 0..99,
.   away: 0..99,
. }
> var scores : Scores;
> scores
Scores { home: 0, away: 0 }
> scores.home = 50
> scores.away = 30
> scores
Scores { home: 50, away: 30 }

Records can also be created and assigned wholesale:

> scores = Scores {
.   home: 20,
.   away: 30,
. }
> scores
Scores { home: 20, away: 30 }


An either type is a compound object that is in one of many possible variants. A default either type is set to its first variant.

Enum-Like Either Types

The simplest either types distinguish between names, like enum in C:

> type TrafficLight : either { Green, Yellow, Red };
> var tl : TrafficLight;
> tl
> tl = Yellow;
> tl
> tl = False;
ModelingTypeError: Cannot assign False (EitherVariant) to variable of type TrafficLight

These simple variant names (Green, Yellow, and Red) are placed in the outer namespace, so they must be unique across all accessible either definitions.

You can use == to compare simple variant names, or you can use match statements:

> var go : Boolean;
> match tl {
.   Green { go = True; }
.   Yellow { go = True; /* reckless driver */ }
.   Red {go = False; }
. }
> go

In a match statement, all variants must be accounted for, or use the default keyword to catch all the rest.

The built-in type Boolean is an either type defined as follows:

type Boolean: either {

Use Boolean when there are two possibilities and the context makes it obvious what True and False mean. Otherwise, define your own either type.

Compound Either Types

Variants of an either type can also carry data, like a nested record. The compiler ensures that this data is only accessed when it's valid.

> type Person : either {
.   Dead,
.   Alive {
.     heartRate: 1..200,
.     asleep: Boolean,
.   },
. };
> var p : Person;
> p
> p = Alive { heartRate: 80, asleep: False };
> p
Alive { heartRate: 80, asleep: False }

Note that we can't write p == Alive, nor can we write p.heartRate. A match statement is the only way to get at a Person's heart rate:

> match p {
.   Dead {
.     isResting = True;
.   }
.   Alive(details) {
.     isResting = (details.heartRate < 100);
.   }
. }
> isResting

The variable in parenthesis in a match statement variant makes a copy of the variable. As a result, this would be an incorrect way to go to sleep:

> match p {
.   Dead { /* resting quite well already */ }
.   Alive(details) {
.     details.asleep = True;
.   }
. }
> p
Alive { heartRate: 80, asleep: False }

The correct implementation assigns back to the variable:

> match p {
.   Dead { /* resting quite well already */ }
.   Alive(details) {
.     p = Alive { heartRate: 80, asleep: True };
.   }
. }
> p
Alive { heartRate: 80, asleep: True }

When you have variables that are only valid sometimes, try to express that using either types rather than convention. This will help avoid bugs and reduce redundancy in your state variables.


Various collection types are baked into the compiler.

Arrays are fixed length.

The following collections are of varying length (up to a fixed limit) and present similar interfaces:

  • Set: no duplicates, no ordering
  • MultiSet: allows duplicates, no ordering
  • OrderedSet: no duplicates, preserves insertion order
  • Vector: allows duplicates, preserves insertion order


Arrays are of fixed size and capacity and contain values of uniform type. They are indexed by a specified range type.

> var bools : Array<Boolean>[11..14];
> bools
[11: False, 12: False, 13: False, 14: False]
> bools[12] = True
> bools
[11: False, 12: True, 13: False, 14: False]

Use a for loop to iterate through an array by reference:

> for b in bools {
.   b = !b;
. }
> bools
[11: True, 12: False, 13: True, 14: True]


Sets contain distinct values of uniform type, and have a varying size up to a fixed capacity. Like arrays, they are declared with a range type that determines their capacity. Use push to add items to sets.

> var boolSet : Set<Boolean>[22..25];
> boolSet
> push(boolSet, True);
> push(boolSet, False);
> boolSet
{False, True}
> push(boolSet, False);
> boolSet
{False, True}

You can use a for loop to iterate through the items of a set by reference, just like arrays.

The function pop removes an unspecified item from a non-empty set:

> var b : Boolean = pop(boolSet);
> b
> b = pop(boolSet);
> b
> b = pop(boolSet);
ModelingBoundsError: Cannot pop from empty set {}

The function remove removes a particular item from a set. It returns True if something was removed, False otherwise.

> push(boolSet, True)
> boolSet
> print remove(boolSet, True);
> print remove(boolSet, True);
> boolSet

Ordered Sets

An OrderedSet is just like a Set but the indexing is meaningful and retained. The pushes and pops obey stack-like FIFO ordering.

TODO: specify better

Variable Declarations

Done using the keyword var, as seen above. All variables must be declared with an explicit type.

The intent is to provide proper block scoping. As of this writing, this has not been tested very well.

Declaring a variable with a name that shadows another will (should, at least) result in a compiler error.

> var x : Boolean;
> while True { var y: Boolean; break; }
> print y;
ModelingLookupError: 'y' is not a variable/constant in scope, attempted access
> while True { var x: Boolean; break; }
ModelingTypeError: Cannot shadow variable x (False) with False

Control Structures

If Statements

The standard stuff; if, else, and else if statements should work like you expect. No parentheses are normally required around the expression (if you have an empty code block and a single identifier for your condition, you may need parentheses to disambiguate parsing; it's rare but came up in the toomanybananas example). Braces are required around the code blocks.

 > if bananas > 0 {
 .   bananas -= 1;
 .   state = Happy;
 . } else if (notePresent) {
 .   // Roommate at store: try again later
 . } else {
 .   notePresent = True;
 .   state = GoingToStore;
 . }
 > if bananas == 3 {
 .   bananas = 4;
 . }

Match Statements

These are described in the Either Types section above.

For Loops

Only for-each loops are provided, and these are described in the Containers section above. break and continue work as in most languages.

TODO: define modification during iteration.

While Loops

The standard stuff. break and continue work as in most languages.

> while True {
.   // useless loop
.   break;
. }

Prefer for-each loops when possible, since termination is more obvious.

Functions and Operators

Built-In Operators

  • Negation is defined over Boolean: !x
  • Equality is defined over all types: x == y, x != y.
  • Ordering is defined over ranges and integer literals: x < y, x <= y, x >= y, x > y.
  • The standard arithmetic operators are defined over ranges and integer literals: x + y, x - y, x * y, x / y (truncating), x % y.
  • The same have shorthand for assigment: x += y (syntactic sugar for x = x + y), x -= y, x *= y, x /= y, x %= y.
  • Logical and and or are defined over Boolean: x && y, x || y (short-circuiting).

Built-In Functions

  • push(c: Collection, i: Item): add item to non-full container
  • pop(c: Collection) -> Item: remove some item from non-empty container
  • remove(c: Collection, i: Item) -> Boolean: remove given item from container, return whether it was removed
  • contains(c: Collection, i: Item) -> Boolean
  • size(c: Collection) -> Integer: current number of items in container
  • capacity(c: Collection) -> Integer: maximum possible size for container
  • empty(c: Collection) -> Boolean: size(c) == 0
  • full(c: Collection) -> Boolean: size(c) == capacity(c)
  • urandom<A>() -> A where A is a range: uniform random number in range
  • urandomRange(low: Integer, high: Integer) -> Integer: uniform random number between low and high, inclusive
  • pow(Integer, Integer) -> Integer: exponentiation

User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions are defined as follows:

> function mod4(digit: 0..9) -> 0..4 {
.   return digit % 4;
. }
> print mod4(9);
> print mod4(8);

Functions are permitted to read and write global state, and no return type is required:

> var b : Boolean;
> function setToTrue() { b = True; }
> setToTrue()
> b

All arguments are copied into the function, and the return value (if any) is copied out (pass-by-value).

Execution Model

After initialization, rules are fired one at a time, nondeterministically. All invariants are re-checked in between firing rules.


Statements placed at the top-level of a module are executed when the module is loaded. This can be used to initialize state.


A rule is a named block of code that modifies the global state. One rule can be applied at a time. A rule is said to be active if applying it would change the state and inactive otherwise (TODO: this definition fails for non-deterministic rules).

> var counter : 0..9;
> rule doubleIncrement {
.   counter = (counter + 2) % 10;
. }

Note that after a rule is applied, its stack is gone. Any changes need to be saved back to the global variables.


Sometimes you'll want to define a rule that applies to each of many variables within a container. The rule-for syntax combines a rule definition with a for loop.

By placing a normal for loop within a rule, the single rule will apply to all objects atomically:

> rule move {
.   for elevator in elevators {
.     // move elevator
.   }
. }

Using rule-for declares several rules, one for each object. In this example, elevators move at different times (each elevator moves atomically, but they do not move as a group atomically).

> rule move for elevator in elevators {
.   // move elevator
. }

State Invariants

An invariant is a named block of code that runs assertions on the global state. Invariants are checked in between applying rules.

invariant counterIsEven { . assert counter % 2 == 0; . }

Note that you can also use assert within a rule or a function.

Currently, the compiler won't stop you from changing state in an invariant. Seriously, don't do that.

Inductive Invariants

An inductive invariant is a type of invariant that needs to access both the previous and the current state. For example, a state invariant can't express that an integer monotonically increases, but an inductive invariant can (prev.x <= curr.x).

TODO: Implement and document.


keyword external is like rule but user-controlled during simulation (not fired automatically)

keywords later, past, and Time are for synchronous models

keyword param is for arguments to models but is pretty broken right now

keyword reset sets all the variables to their default values. It ought to re-run model initialization code, but it doesn't yet.

keyword Output is a container you can push values into for the runtime to drain