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File metadata and controls

359 lines (295 loc) · 12.1 KB



The smartReports package is designed to simplify and streamline the creation of plots, tables, and reports in R. It comprises three main functions:

  • buildPlot: Facilitates the creation of various types of plots using ggplot2, highcharter, or plotly.
  • buildTable: Renders tables using flextable, gt, or kableExtra, offering extensive formatting options for different output formats.
  • buildReport: Generates comprehensive reports in multiple formats such as HTML, PDF, or Word using rmarkdown and quarto, integrating plots and tables created with buildPlot and buildTable.

The smartReports package provides a unified interface for generating visualizations, tables, and reports with consistent styling and customization options.


To install the development version of smartReports from GitHub, use the following commands:

# Install devtools if you haven't already

# Install smartReports from GitHub



Renders tables using flextable, gt, or kableExtra with extensive formatting options for different output formats such as HTML, PDF, and DOCX.


  library = "gt",
  format = "html",
  font.size.header = 14,
  font.size.body = 12, = "Arial", = "Arial",
  caption = NULL,
  font.bold.header = TRUE,
  font.bold.body = FALSE,
  font.bold.all = NULL,
  font.size.all = NULL, = NULL, = FALSE, = TRUE,
  vlines.color = "grey",
  hlines.color = "grey",
  vlines.size = 1,
  hlines.size = 1,
  align.header = "center",
  align.body = "left"


  • .x: A data frame or data table to be rendered as a table.
  • library: The library to be used for rendering. Options are "flextable", "gt", and "kable".
  • format: The output format. Options are "html", "pdf", and "docx".
  • font.size.header: Numeric. Font size for the table header.
  • font.size.body: Numeric. Font size for the table body.
  • Character. Font family for the table header.
  • Character. Font family for the table body.
  • caption: Character. The table caption.
  • font.bold.header: Logical. Whether to bold the header font.
  • font.bold.body: Logical. Whether to bold the body font.
  • font.bold.all: Logical. If TRUE, bolds all text. Overrides font.bold.header and font.bold.body.
  • font.size.all: Numeric. Font size for all text. Overrides font.size.header and font.size.body.
  • Character. Font family for all text. Overrides and
  • Logical. Whether to show vertical lines.
  • Logical. Whether to show horizontal lines.
  • vlines.color: Character. Color of vertical lines.
  • hlines.color: Character. Color of horizontal lines.
  • vlines.size: Numeric. Thickness of vertical lines.
  • hlines.size: Numeric. Thickness of horizontal lines.
  • align.header: Character. Alignment of header text. Options are "center", "left", "right".
  • align.body: Character. Alignment of body text. Options are "center", "left", "right".



# Render a table using gt library for HTML format
  library = "gt",
  format = "html",
  font.size.header = 14,
  font.size.body = 12, = "Arial", = "Arial",
  font.bold.header = TRUE,
  font.bold.body = FALSE, = TRUE, = TRUE,
  vlines.color = "black",
  hlines.color = "black",
  vlines.size = 1,
  hlines.size = 1,
  align.header = "center",
  align.body = "left",
  caption = "Iris Dataset"


Creates customized plots using ggplot2, highcharter, or plotly based on the provided parameters.


  library = "highcharter",
  plot.object = NULL,
  plot.title = NULL,
  plot.subtitle = NULL,
  plot.height = NULL,
  plot.width = NULL,
  xAxis.legend = "X",
  yAxis.legend = "Y",
  group.legend = "ID",
  color.palette = NULL,
  plot.type = "line", = NULL, = 16,
  line.size = 1,
  point.size = 3,
  xAxis.log = FALSE,
  yAxis.log = FALSE,
  xAxis.reverse = FALSE,
  yAxis.reverse = FALSE,
  xAxis.max = NA,
  yAxis.max = NA,
  xAxis.min = NA,
  yAxis.min = NA,
  xAxis.label = TRUE,
  yAxis.label = TRUE,
  legend.layout = "horizontal",
  legend.align = "right",
  legend.valign = "top", = TRUE, = TRUE,
  plot.theme = NULL,
  xAxis.legend.fontsize = "14px",
  yAxis.legend.fontsize = "14px",
  group.legend.fontsize = "12px",
  plot.title.fontsize = "24px",
  plot.subtitle.fontsize = "18px",
  print.max.abs = FALSE,
  fill.polygon = FALSE, = "",
  point.marker = FALSE,
  point.dataLabels = FALSE


  • data: A data frame containing the variables to plot.
  • library: The plotting library to use. Options are "highcharter", "ggplot2", or "plotly".
  • plot.object: An existing plot object to which layers can be added.
  • plot.title: The title of the plot.
  • plot.subtitle: The subtitle of the plot.
  • plot.height: The height of the plot (numeric).
  • plot.width: The width of the plot (numeric).
  • xAxis.legend: Label for the X-axis.
  • yAxis.legend: Label for the Y-axis.
  • group.legend: Label for the group legend.
  • color.palette: Color palette to use for the plot.
  • plot.type: Type of plot to create. Options are "line", "spline", "point", "column", "bar".
  • Style of the line. Options depend on the plotting library.
  • Style of the points. Options depend on the plotting library.
  • line.size: Size of the line.
  • point.size: Size of the points.
  • xAxis.log: Logical. Should the X-axis be logarithmic?
  • yAxis.log: Logical. Should the Y-axis be logarithmic?
  • xAxis.reverse: Logical. Should the X-axis be reversed?
  • yAxis.reverse: Logical. Should the Y-axis be reversed?
  • xAxis.max: Maximum value for the X-axis.
  • yAxis.max: Maximum value for the Y-axis.
  • xAxis.min: Minimum value for the X-axis.
  • yAxis.min: Minimum value for the Y-axis.
  • xAxis.label: Logical. Should the X-axis labels be displayed?
  • yAxis.label: Logical. Should the Y-axis labels be displayed?
  • legend.layout: Layout of the legend. Options are "horizontal" or "vertical".
  • legend.align: Alignment of the legend. Options are "left", "center", or "right".
  • legend.valign: Vertical alignment of the legend. Options are "top", "middle", or "bottom".
  • Logical. Should the legend be displayed?
  • Logical. Should the plot be saved?
  • plot.theme: Theme to apply to the plot.
  • xAxis.legend.fontsize: Font size for the X-axis legend.
  • yAxis.legend.fontsize: Font size for the Y-axis legend.
  • group.legend.fontsize: Font size for the group legend.
  • plot.title.fontsize: Font size for the plot title.
  • plot.subtitle.fontsize: Font size for the plot subtitle.
  • print.max.abs: Logical. If TRUE, prints the maximum absolute values.
  • fill.polygon: Logical. If TRUE, fills the area under the plot.
  • Variable name to fill different groups.
  • point.marker: Logical. Should point markers be displayed?
  • point.dataLabels: Logical. Should data labels be displayed on points.



# Prepare data
DT <- data.frame(ID = iris$Species, X = iris$Sepal.Length, Y = iris$Sepal.Width)

# Create a line plot using highcharter
  data = DT,
  library = "highcharter",
  plot.type = "line",
  plot.title = "Sepal Dimensions",
  xAxis.legend = "Sepal Length",
  yAxis.legend = "Sepal Width",
  color.palette = "Set1",
  legend.align = "right",
  legend.valign = "top"

# Create a scatter plot using ggplot2
  data = DT,
  library = "ggplot2",
  plot.type = "point",
  plot.title = "Sepal Dimensions",
  xAxis.legend = "Sepal Length",
  yAxis.legend = "Sepal Width",
  point.size = 2,
  color.palette = "Dark2"


Generates comprehensive reports in various formats (HTML, PDF, Word) by integrating plots, tables, and narrative text using rmarkdown.


  home_dir = ".",
  build_dir = "_build",
  index_filename = "index.qmd",
  quarto_filename = "_quarto.yml",
  language = "EN",
  output_format = c("html", "docx"),
  extensions = c("spl", "bst", "cls", "md", "aux", "log", "tex", "jpg", "sty", "docx", "pdf", "html"),
  postRender = TRUE


  • home_dir: Path to the home directory.
  • build_dir: Name of the build directory.
  • index_filename: Name of the main Quarto index file (e.g., "index.qmd").
  • quarto_filename: Name of the Quarto configuration file (e.g., "_quarto.yml").
  • language: Language code (e.g., "EN", "ES").
  • output_format: Output formats to render (e.g., c("html", "docx", "pdf")).
  • extensions: File extensions to be removed during post-render cleaning.
  • postRender: Logical. Should post-render cleaning be performed?



# Generate report
  home_dir = ".",
  build_dir = "_build",
  index_filename = "index.qmd",
  language = "EN",
  output_format = c("html", "pdf")

Feature Highlights

Table Formatting (buildTable)

  • Libraries Supported: flextable, gt, kableExtra.
  • Fonts and Styles: Customize font sizes, families, and boldness for headers and body.
  • Global Font Settings: Use font.size.all,, and font.bold.all to apply global font settings.
  • Borders: Control vertical and horizontal line visibility, colors, and thickness.
  • Alignment: Header and body text alignment options ("center", "left", "right").
  • Captioning: Add captions to your tables for better clarity.

Plot Customization (buildPlot)

  • Plot Types: Line, spline, point, column, bar, and more.
  • Customization: Titles, subtitles, dimensions, axis labels, color palettes, styles, and themes.
  • Scales: Logarithmic scales and axis reversals.
  • Legends: Layouts, alignments, visibility toggles.
  • Fonts: Customize font sizes for axes legends, group legends, plot titles, and subtitles.
  • Advanced Options: Fill polygons, display maximum absolute values, point markers, data labels.

Report Generation (buildReport)

  • Formats: HTML, PDF, Word.
  • Content Integration: Easily include plots, tables, and text.
  • Templates: Use custom or existing Quarto templates.
  • Automation: Streamline report creation for reproducible research.
  • Language Support: Generate reports in different languages.
  • Post-Render Cleaning: Automatically remove unnecessary files after rendering.


This package is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.


Contributions are welcome! If you would like to contribute to smartReports, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.
  2. Create a New Branch: Use the command git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName.
  3. Make Your Changes: Implement your feature or bug fix.
  4. Commit Your Changes: Use descriptive commit messages.
  5. Push to Your Fork: git push origin feature/YourFeatureName.
  6. Submit a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and open a pull request.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


For any questions or issues, please contact the maintainer:

Note: This README provides a brief overview of smartReports. For detailed documentation and additional examples, please refer to the official documentation site or the GitHub repository.