Each node needs an edge to itself.
digraph G {
singlenode -> singlenode [label="id"]
Each node needs an edge to itself that is the id edge. Since the edge can be composed with itself, we could have infinitely many composed morphisms.
digraph G {
singlenode -> singlenode [label = "id"]
singlenode -> singlenode [label = "existing"]
singlenode:w -> singlenode [label = "existing . existing"]
singlenode:n -> singlenode:n [label = "existing . existing . existing"]
Each node needs an id edge to itself.
digraph G {
nodeone -> nodetwo [label="existing"]
nodeone -> nodeone [label="id"]
nodetwo -> nodetwo [label="id"]
3.1.4. A graph with a single node and 26 arrows marked with the letters of the alphabet: a, b, c ... z.
Each node needs an id edge to itself. I left out d .. z otherwise the picture becomes too large, but this will still have infinite arrows.
digraph G {
singlenode -> singlenode [label="a"]
singlenode -> singlenode [label="b"]
singlenode -> singlenode [label="c"]
singlenode -> singlenode [label="id"]
singlenode:se -> singlenode:nw [label="a . b"]
singlenode:nw -> singlenode:sw [label="b . a"]
singlenode:se -> singlenode:se [label="a . a"]
singlenode:se -> singlenode:se [label="a . a . a"]
singlenode -> singlenode [label="c . a"]
singlenode:se -> singlenode:se [label="a . b . c"]
3.2.1. A set of sets with the inclusion relation: A is included in B if every element of A is also an element of B.
Our morphisms are subset relations. Every set includes itself, A ⊆ A. Inclusion is also composable. A ⊆ B and B ⊆ C implies A ⊆ C. This means that we at least have a preorder. If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A then A = B, which means that we at least have a partial order. Not all objects are a subset of each other though. For example {1} and {2,3} are not subsets of each other. This means we don't have a total order and only a partial order.
3.2.2. C++ types with the following subtyping relation: T1 is a subtype of T2 if a pointer to T1 can be passed to a function that expects a pointer to T2 without triggering a compilation error.
Our morphisms are subtypes. Every type includes itself as a subtype. Subtypes are also composable. This means that we at least have a preorder. I am not sure, since I am not familiar with C++, but I assume that if A can be passed to a function expecting a B and B can be passed to a function expecting an A then A = B, which means that we at least have a partial order. Not all types are subtypes of each other. So we don't have a total order, only a partial order.
3.3. Considering that Bool is a set of two values True and False, show that it forms two (set-theoretical) monoids with respect to, respectively, operator && (AND) and || (OR).
A monoid is a binary relation that needs to be associative and have a special element that behaves like unit. Boolean operators AND and OR are both associative:
a && (b && c) = (a && b) && c
a || (b || c) = (a || b) || c
AND has the special element TRUE:
a && true = a
true && a = a
OR has the special element FALSE:
a || false = a
false || a = a
3.4. Represent the Bool monoid with the AND operator as a category: List the morphisms and their rules of composition.
digraph G {
Bool:n -> Bool:n [label="AND TRUE (id)"]
Bool:s -> Bool:s [label="AND FALSE"]
id = (AND True)
id . (AND False) = (AND False)
(AND False) . (AND False) = (AND False)
(AND False) . id = (AND False)
id . id = id
digraph G {
N:n -> N:n [label="(+ 0) % 3 => id"]
N -> N [label="(+ 1) % 3"]
N:s -> N:s [label="(+ 2) % 3"]