Do Nothing: Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing and Underliving - Celeste Headlee
Essential qualities of a human being: social skills and language, a need to belong that fosters empathy, rule making, music and play. We excel at these things, and we need them in order to be healthy.
Create an ideal schedule: work fewer hours, schedule leisure, schedule socials, work in teams, commit small selfless acts.
- Headspace Acceptance Course Episode 10
Acceptance isn’t something we need to try to do. We simply need to notice resistance and see it clearly. If we see resistance clearly, it disappears. As often as you can notice the moments of resistance, use them to learn more about your mind. Giving up resistance is acceptance Rather than strive for acceptance, notice resistance and let it go.
How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use - Randy. J Paterson
tl;dr Exercise and CBT
- Something that isn't in my control is not my worry to have and I am to laugh at myself if things not in my control are important to me. Focus on things in my control which are free and unhindered by things out of my control. Also both the things in and out of my control are all temporary, so enjoy the good things while they last and know that the bad times will pass.
Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word, whatever are not our own actions.
The things in our control are by nature free, unrestrained, unhindered; but those not in our control are weak, slavish, restrained, belonging to others
if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared to say that it is nothing to you.
Never say of anything, "I have lost it"; but, "I have returned it." Is your child dead? It is returned
If you wish your children, and your wife, and your friends to live for ever, you are stupid; for you wish to be in control of things which you cannot
for your part, don't wish to be a general, or a senator, or a consul, but to be free; and the only way to this is a contempt of things not in our own control
Improve Your Self Esteem in Just 2 Weeks - Dr. Douglas Lisle (Interview)
- Self esteem is a word, but esteem is rarely used as a word.
- Self esteem is the reputation you have with your internal audience.
- Esteem is the reputation you have with others, your Status. (relates to SCARF)
- The internal audience is your evolved testing ground to check how your actions will affect your esteem before you do them, but if you trained them wrong they will be very negative and cause you to procrastinate.
- We don’t attempt some things that other people already think we can do, because if we do and we fail we will lose the esteem we already have.
- You are only in charge of your self esteem, esteem is outside of your control
- Luckily you are also the only person in charge of your self esteem, so you can retrain the internal audience (relates to mCBT and being kind with yourself)
- Set goals that are totally in your control and eventually your internal audience will commend you for being diligent, which is in your control, instead of looking good to others, which is outside of your control. (relates to SMART goals)
Emotional Mastery: The Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings - Dr Joan Rosenberg
- Lean into unpleasant feelings, instead of avoiding them.
- The physical sensation will wash over in 90 seconds.
- By leaning into them you will gain insight and become confident in yourself.
- Grief has multiple 90 second waves.
The Chinese Proverb of 'Sai Weng Lost His Horse'
An event my seem bad or good right now, but how do you it will be a good or bad thing for you in the future or long term.
Make your life an RPG (video lost)
- Have a long term goal that you are working towards. This simulates the end game goal.
- Break down a first part into subquests, that level you up towards the goal. This makes it clear what to do.
- Write down every day what you did. This represents progress bars, helps provide some dopamine hits.
- When you complete a sub goal reward yourself in a way that progresses you more towards the goal. Don’t eat cake after exercising rather buy yourself new running shoes after. In an RPG you get better equipment and your stats go up, so you can fight tougher monsters, you aren't punished with lower stats as a reward.
- Add a bit of variety in your routine. Change your desk setup. Try a new editor. This simulates new environments in the game.
- The difficulty of the current challenge has to match your skill level. If it is overwhelming, break the task down and focus on easiest part first. If it is too boring, make it challenging by adding a constraint, like a time limit.
Self Worth Theory: The Key to Understanding & Overcoming Procrastination - Nic Voge
Self Worth Theory: The Key to Understanding & Overcoming Procrastination - Nic Voge - My Notes
How to Set SMART Goals with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | The Great Courses Plus
A Complete Guide to Goal Setting
- Specific, clear and unambiguous
- Measurable, using numbers or something that can be broken down into steps
- Actionable, it needs to be immediately clear what action needs to be taken to accomplish the goal
- Achievable given external constraints and factors
- Relevant, in service of your bigger goals
- Realistic, something you can develop a high confidence in achieving
- Timely, not necessarily time bound but not very far off goals
- Evaluate, read every week and evaluate them every month
- Reward
Neural Plasticity - Finding Center with Nick Hardwick - Episode 3 - Andrew Huberman, PhD
Neural Plasticity - Finding Center with Nick Hardwick - Episode 3 - Andrew Huberman, PhD - My Notes
tl;dr You are not too old to learn. Short bouts of learning with focus and urgency. Reward yourself. Repeat.