- It's Time for a New Old Language - Guy Steele
- Redex, Abstract Machines, and Abstract Interpretation 1 - David Van Horn - OPLSS 2017
- Intro to Hoare Logic - David Quarel
- Separation Logic - Peter O Hearn
- Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Godel's Proof - Ernest Nagel
- The Annotated Turing - Charles Petzold
- An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming - C. A. R. Hoare
- Assigning Meanings to Programs - Robert W. Floyd
- Checking a large routine - Alan Turing
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools first 4 Chapters
- Learn You a gocc for Great Good - Marius Ackerman
- Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation
- Combinator Parsers A Short Tutorial
- Tree-Sitter - a new parsing system for programming tools - Max Brunsfeld
- Earley Parsing Explained — The Recogniser- Loup Vaillant
- Tree Automata and Tree Grammars - Joost Engelfriet
- Lecture 6: Alternating Automata
- Regular-expression derivatives reexamined
- Parsing with Derivatives - a functional pearl - Matthew Might, David Darais and Daniel Spiewak - Video
- Visibly Pushdown Languages - Rajeev Alur and P Madhusudan
- High-Performance Complex Event Processing over XML Streams - Barzan Mozafari, Kai Zeng, Carlo Zaniolo
- Visibly Pushdown Automata for Streaming XML - Varij Kumar, P Madhusdan, Mahesh Viswanathan
- Regular Expression Sub-Matching using Partial Derivatives - Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu
- Correct and Efficient POSIX Submatch Extraction with Regular Expression Derivatives - Martin Sulzmann and Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu
- Taxonomy of XML Schema Languages Using Formal Language Theory - Makoto Murata
- Foundations of XML Processing: The Tree Automata Approach - Haruo Hosoya
- Restricting Grammars with Tree Automata - Michael D. Adams and Matthew Might
- Verified Decision Procedures for MSO on Words Based on Derivatives of Regular Expressions
- A Practical Introduction To Finger Trees
- Logic and Proof, Lecture 10: Binary Decision Diagrams - Lawrence Paulson
- Dynamic Programming
- Algorithms - Lecture 9: Dynamic Programming, Stairs, Woodcutting
- Algorithms - Lecture 10: Dynamic Programming, Matrix Chain Multiplication and Typesetting
- Algorithms - Lecture 11: Dynamic Programming, Typesetting and Seam Carving
- Algorithms - Lecture 12: Dynamic Programming, Seam Carving and Gerrymandering
- A First Course in Probability - Sheldon M. Ross
- Machine Learning - Coursera - Andrew Ng
- Efficient Mixed-Order Hidden Markov Model Inference - Ludwig Schwardt
- The power of amnesia: Learning probabilistic automata with variable memory length - Dana Ron, Yoram Singer, Naftali Tishby
- Probabilistic finite-state machines - Part 1 - E. Vidal, F. Thollard, C. de la Higuera
- The danger of AI is weirder than you think - Janelle Shane