diff --git a/MonoToMicroAssets/MonoToMicroCF.yaml b/MonoToMicroAssets/MonoToMicroCF.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16feef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/MonoToMicroAssets/MonoToMicroCF.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,571 @@ +AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 +Description: Monolith stack for the Application Modernization Workshop/ Immersion Day +Parameters: + LatestAmiId: + Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value + Default: /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/amzn2-ami-hvm-x86_64-gp2 + Description: Use an AMI of your choosing, we recommend to use the latest available +Resources: + MonoToMicroVPC: + Type: AWS::EC2::VPC + Properties: + CidrBlock: + EnableDnsSupport: true + EnableDnsHostnames: true + InstanceTenancy: default + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroVPC + MonoToMicroIGW: + Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway + Properties: + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroIGW + AttachGateway: + Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment + Properties: + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + InternetGatewayId: !Ref MonoToMicroIGW + MonoToMicroSubnet1: + Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet + Properties: + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + CidrBlock: + AvailabilityZone: !Select + - '0' + - !GetAZs + Ref: AWS::Region + MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroSubnet1 + MonoToMicroSubnet2: + Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet + Properties: + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + CidrBlock: + AvailabilityZone: !Select + - '1' + - !GetAZs + Ref: AWS::Region + MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroSubnet2 + MonoToMicroPublicRoutTable: + Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable + Properties: + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroPublicRoute + MonoToMicroPublicRout: + Type: AWS::EC2::Route + DependsOn: AttachGateway + Properties: + RouteTableId: !Ref MonoToMicroPublicRoutTable + GatewayId: !Ref MonoToMicroIGW + DestinationCidrBlock: + MonoToMicroPublicSubnetRoutTableAssoc1: + Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation + Properties: + RouteTableId: !Ref MonoToMicroPublicRoutTable + SubnetId: !Ref MonoToMicroSubnet1 + MonoToMicroPublicSubnetRoutTableAssoc2: + Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation + Properties: + RouteTableId: !Ref MonoToMicroPublicRoutTable + SubnetId: !Ref MonoToMicroSubnet2 + DBSecurityGroup: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup + Properties: + GroupDescription: Open database for access + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + SecurityGroupIngress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 3306 + ToPort: 3306 + SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref EC2SecurityGroup + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroDBSG + DBSubnetGroup: + Type: AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup + Properties: + DBSubnetGroupDescription: MonoToMicroDBSubnetGroup + SubnetIds: + - !Ref MonoToMicroSubnet1 + - !Ref MonoToMicroSubnet2 + EC2SecurityGroup: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup + Properties: + GroupDescription: Open App access + VpcId: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + SecurityGroupIngress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 80 + ToPort: 80 + CidrIp: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 443 + ToPort: 443 + CidrIp: + SecurityGroupEgress: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 80 + ToPort: 80 + CidrIp: + - IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 443 + ToPort: 443 + CidrIp: + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroEC2SG + EC2SecurityGroupDBRule: + Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress + Properties: + GroupId: !Ref EC2SecurityGroup + IpProtocol: tcp + FromPort: 3306 + ToPort: 3306 + DestinationSecurityGroupId: !Ref DBSecurityGroup + InstanceLogGroup: + Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup + Properties: + RetentionInDays: 7 + S3InstanceProfile: + Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile + Properties: + Path: / + Roles: + - !Ref S3Role + S3Policy: + Type: AWS::IAM::Policy + Properties: + PolicyName: S3Policy + PolicyDocument: + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Action: + - s3:GetBucketLocation + - s3:GetObject + - s3:GetObjectAcl + - s3:PutObject + - s3:PutObjectAcl + Resource: + - !GetAtt + - UIBucket + - Arn + - !GetAtt + - AssetBucket + - Arn + - !Join + - '' + - - !GetAtt + - UIBucket + - Arn + - /* + - !Join + - '' + - - !GetAtt + - AssetBucket + - Arn + - /* + Roles: + - !Ref S3Role + S3Role: + Type: AWS::IAM::Role + Properties: + RoleName: MonoToMicroRole + AssumeRolePolicyDocument: + Version: 2012-10-17 + Statement: + - Effect: Allow + Principal: + Service: + - ec2.amazonaws.com + Action: + - sts:AssumeRole + ManagedPolicyArns: + - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore + - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy + Path: / + DBInstance: + Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance + DeletionPolicy: Delete + Properties: + DBName: MonoToMicroDB + DBInstanceIdentifier: MonoToMicroDB + Engine: MySQL + DBInstanceClass: db.t2.micro + Port: 3306 + MasterUsername: MonoToMicroUser + MasterUserPassword: MonoToMicroPassword + VPCSecurityGroups: + - !Ref DBSecurityGroup + AllocatedStorage: 5 + DBSubnetGroupName: !Ref DBSubnetGroup + MultiAZ: false + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroDB + UIBucket: + Type: AWS::S3::Bucket + Properties: + WebsiteConfiguration: + ErrorDocument: error.html + IndexDocument: index.html + AssetBucket: + Type: AWS::S3::Bucket + EC2Instance: + Type: AWS::EC2::Instance + DependsOn: DBInstance + CreationPolicy: + ResourceSignal: + Count: 1 + Timeout: PT30M + Metadata: + AWS::CloudFormation::Init: + configSets: + default: + - update + - install + - configure + - create-service-files + - start-service + update: + commands: + update: + command: sudo yum update -y + install: + packages: + rpm: + https://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads-windows/SSMAgent/latest/linux_amd64/amazon-ssm-agent.rpm: [] + yum: + amazon-cloudwatch-agent: [] + git: [] + java-11-amazon-corretto-headless: [] + mariadb: [] + unzip: [] + configure: + commands: + 0-clone-repo: + command: >- + git clone + https://github.com/aws-samples/unishop-monolith-to-microservices.git + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro + 1-create-tables: + command: !Join + - '' + - - 'sudo mysql -u MonoToMicroUser -h ' + - !GetAtt + - DBInstance + - Endpoint.Address + - |2 + -P 3306 -pMonoToMicroPassword < /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLegacy/database/create_tables.sql + 2-exportDbEndpoint: + command: !Join + - '' + - - export MONO_TO_MICRO_DB_ENDPOINT= + - !GetAtt + - DBInstance + - Endpoint.Address + 3-gradle-install-build: + command: !Join + - '' + - - | + cd /home/ec2-user/ + - > + sudo wget + https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-6.9-bin.zip + - > + sudo unzip -d /home/ec2-user/ + /home/ec2-user/gradle-6.9-bin.zip + - | + export PATH=$PATH:/home/ec2-user/gradle-6.9/bin + - | + cd /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLegacy + - | + gradle clean build + - | + cd /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLambda + - | + ./gradlew clean shadowJar + 4-modify-configuration: + command: >- + sed -i "s/:\/\/.*\"/:\/\/$(curl -s +\"/g" + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroUI/config.json + 5-populate-buckets: + command: !Join + - '' + - - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= + - !Ref AWS::Region + - |+ + + - UI_RANDOM_NAME= + - !Ref UIBucket + - |+ + + - ASSETS_RANDOM_NAME= + - !Ref AssetBucket + - |+ + + - > + aws s3 cp /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroUI + s3://$UI_RANDOM_NAME/ --recursive --grants + read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers + - > + aws s3 cp + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLambda/build/libs + s3://$ASSETS_RANDOM_NAME/ --recursive --grants + read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers + create-service-files: + files: + /etc/systemd/system/mono2micro.service: + encoding: plain + content: !Join + - '' + - - | + [Unit] + - | + Description=Restart Mono2Micro + - | + Wants=network.target + - > + After=syslog.target network-online.target + amazon-cloudwatch-agent.target + - |+ + + - | + [Service] + - | + Type=simple + - | + ExecStart=/home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2minit.sh + - | + Restart=on-failure + - | + RestartSec=60 + - | + KillMode=process + - |+ + + - | + [Install] + - | + WantedBy=multi-user.target + mode: '000644' + group: root + user: root + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2minit.sh: + encoding: plain + content: !Join + - '' + - - | + #!/bin/bash + - | + source /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2mcfg.sh + - | + source /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2mrun.sh + mode: '000555' + group: ec2-user + user: ec2-user + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2mcfg.sh: + encoding: plain + content: !Join + - '' + - - | + #!/bin/bash + - export Database= + - !GetAtt + - DBInstance + - Endpoint.Address + - |+ + + - export MONO_TO_MICRO_DB_ENDPOINT= + - !GetAtt + - DBInstance + - Endpoint.Address + - |+ + + - export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= + - !Ref AWS::Region + - |+ + + - export UI_RANDOM_NAME= + - !Ref UIBucket + - |+ + + - export ASSETS_RANDOM_NAME= + - !Ref AssetBucket + - |+ + + - | + export PATH=$PATH:/home/ec2-user/gradle-6.9/bin + mode: '000555' + group: ec2-user + user: ec2-user + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/m2mrun.sh: + encoding: plain + content: !Join + - '' + - - | + #!/bin/bash + - > + java -jar + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLegacy/build/libs/MonoToMicroLegacy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar + &> + /home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLegacy/build/libs/app.log + & + mode: '000555' + group: ec2-user + user: ec2-user + /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json: + content: !Join + - '' + - - | + { + - |2 + "logs": { + - |2 + "logs_collected": { + - |2 + "files": { + - |2 + "collect_list": [ + - |2 + { + - |2 + "file_path": "/home/ec2-user/MonoToMicro/MonoToMicroLegacy/build/libs/app.log", + - !Join + - '' + - - ' "log_group_name":' + - '"' + - !Ref InstanceLogGroup + - | + ", + - !Join + - '' + - - ' "log_stream_name":' + - '"' + - !Ref InstanceLogGroup + - | + -app", + - |2 + "timezone": "Local" + - |2 + } + - |2 + ] + - |2 + } + - |2 + } + - |2 + } + - '}' + mode: '000444' + group: ec2-user + user: ec2-user + start-service: + commands: + 0-start-service: + command: !Join + - '' + - - | + sudo systemctl daemon-reload + - | + sudo systemctl enable mono2micro + - | + sudo systemctl start mono2micro + - > + sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -s -m ec2 + -c + file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json + Properties: + InstanceType: t3.small + ImageId: !Ref LatestAmiId + SubnetId: !Ref MonoToMicroSubnet1 + SecurityGroupIds: + - !Ref EC2SecurityGroup + IamInstanceProfile: !Ref S3InstanceProfile + UserData: !Base64 + 'Fn::Join': + - '' + - - | + #!/bin/bash + - | + sudo yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap + - '/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ' + - ' --stack ' + - !Ref AWS::StackName + - ' --resource EC2Instance ' + - ' --region ' + - !Ref AWS::Region + - ' --configsets default' + - |+ + + - /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? + - ' --stack ' + - !Ref AWS::StackName + - ' --resource EC2Instance' + - ' --region ' + - !Ref AWS::Region + - |+ + + Tags: + - Key: Name + Value: MonoToMicroEC2 + + PublicDnsNameSSMParam: + Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter + Properties: + Name: UniShopPublicDnsName + Value: !Join + - / + - - 'http:/' + - !GetAtt + - EC2Instance + - PublicDnsName + Type: String + Description: Monolith Public DNS Param + + VpcIdSSMParam: + Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter + Properties: + Name: UniShopVpcId + Value: !Ref MonoToMicroVPC + Type: String + Description: Monolith VPC ID + + LambdaAssetBucketSSMParam: + Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter + Properties: + Name: LambdaAssetBucketName + Type: String + Value: !Ref AssetBucket + +Outputs: + PublicDns: + Value: !GetAtt + - PublicDnsNameSSMParam + - Value + Description: Server Public DNS + VpcId: + Value: !GetAtt + - VpcIdSSMParam + - Value + AssetBucket: + Value: !Ref AssetBucket + Description: S3 Bucket containing the compiled Lambda function + UIBucket: + Value: !Ref UIBucket + Description: S3 Bucket containing the UniShop website + WebsiteURL: + Value: !GetAtt + - UIBucket + - WebsiteURL + Description: URL for UniShop website hosted on S3