Amazon Comprehend is a service that uses natural language processing (NLP) to extract insights about the content of documents. Comprehend takes text (UTF-8) as input and recognize entities, key phrases, language and sentiments.
In this lab, we will use the text previously extracted with Textract and apply Comprehend on it, in order to retrieve entities.
Either you chose the synchronous path or the asynchronous one, the job will be done in one or the other Lambda function.
In step 8, we call the DetectEntities
API from Comprehend in the second Lambda function we created, the one that deals with the result of Textract (documentAnalysis).
The function needs persmissions to invoke Comprehend. Let's update the role automatically created during the function creation. Click on the documentAnalysis function, then scroll down to the Execution Role and click View the documentAnalysis-role-xyz:
In the new window, click on Attach policies, search for ComprehendReadOnly, check it. Then search for TranslateReadOnly, check it and click Attach policy:
Back to the lambda function screen, refresh the page, you should now see Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate in the Permissions tab. Our lambda function is now able to call both Comprehend and Translate APIs:
In the inline code editor, click File, New file and paste the following code:
import boto3
comprehend = boto3.client('comprehend')
translate = boto3.client('translate')
class DocumentAnalyzer():
def extract_entities(self, pages):
""" extract entities from pages with Comprehend """
selected_entity_types = ["ORGANIZATION", "PERSON", "LOCATION", "DATE"]
final_entities = []
for page in pages:
text = self.__get_clean_text_in_supported_language(page['Content'])
detected_entities = comprehend.detect_entities(
# uncomment to see output of comprehend
# print(detected_entities)
selected_entities = [x for x in detected_entities['Entities']
if x['Score'] > 0.9 and
x['Type'] in selected_entity_types]
for selected_entity in selected_entities:
clean_entity = {key: selected_entity[key]
for key in ["Text", "Type"]}
if clean_entity not in final_entities:
return final_entities
def __get_clean_text_in_supported_language(self, inputText):
""" Prepare text for Comprehend:
reduce the size of the text to 5000 bytes
and translate it in english if not in supported language """
# max size for Comprehend: 5000 bytes
text = inputText[:5000]
languages = comprehend.detect_dominant_language(
dominant_languages = sorted(languages['Languages'],
key=lambda k: k['LanguageCode'])
dominant_language = dominant_languages[0]['LanguageCode']
if dominant_language not in ['en', 'es', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'pt']:
translation = translate.translate_text(
text = translation['TranslatedText']
return text[:5000]
Take a moment to analyse the code:
This is a class, dedicated to the document analysis with Comprehend. We will use it in a moment in the handler of the function.
Before calling the
API, we need to be aware of few limits of the service:-
First, the text must contain less that 5000 bytes (UTF-8 encoded characters). That's why we cut the text to 5000 on the first line.
Second, the text must be in a supported language: German ("de"), English ("en"), Spanish ("es"), French ("fr"), Italian ("it"), or Portuguese ("pt"). Comprehend provides an API to detect the language of a document. We associate this with another service, Amazon Translate, to get the translation of the text in the desired language, if not already.
We then call the
API to retrieve entities in the document. The API will return a list of Entity: the text, their position (offsets), a score for the level of confidence, and a type (PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANIZATION, DATE, ...). In our code, we select only a subset of all types and only the entities with a score higher than 0.9 over 1. You can test without that filter if you want to see everything that is returned by Comprehend.
Once you're comfortable with the code, click File, Save, and use as filename.
In the file, add the following code at the top:
from document_analyzer import DocumentAnalyzer
document_analyzer = DocumentAnalyzer()
And the following one at the end of the lambda_handler function:
entities = document_analyzer.extract_entities(list(pages.values()))
Hit Save in the top right corner of the screen and then click Test. Observe the result in CloudWatch logs:
[{'Text': 'SUNDAY July 6, 1969', 'Type': 'DATE'}, {'Text': 'NASA', 'Type': 'ORGANIZATION'}, {'Text': 'Neil A. Armstrong', 'Type': 'PERSON'}, ...]
In Lab 3, we will index both the content text and the entities in Elasticsearch.