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Drupal Audit Guide |
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This document outlines the process to follow for auditing any Drupal project:
Audit is a run-through of an implementation of a site. Audits are done for many different reasons and thus the actual process of doing an audit varies.
- Basic knowledge of Drupal and its architecture
- Understanding the business involving Drupal
- Acquisition audit
- Implementation Verification audit
- Vendor management audit
- Support audit
- Generally done before the decision to buy a business
- A part of the ‘due diligence’ process
- Usually done to smaller startups who base their business to a web site / web service
- Typically more in-depth
- Focuses on whatever business plans there are for the system
- A customer want to validate their vendor’s work on their Drupal system
- Usually pretty brief, done in collaboration with the implementing vendor
- Shouldn’t ever be done for a system that’s not finished, unless it’s a strict architecture audit
- Usually the client isn’t expecting major problems to be found
- Vendor management audit is usually done to either switch vendors or due to problems with the current vendor
- Usually done without the knowledge of the current vendor, thus done usually with limited documentation and/or information
- Might be either very brief or very profound audit
- Client expects to find problems in the implementation
- A very brief audit done to move the system to be supported by the auditing partner
- These are done with minimal resources, but must be done well, because the vendor carries all the risks
- The only type of audit where the auditing consultant can learn from the experience, as all the details will be revealed in the longer run
TIP #1 You always need the source code
- First and foremost: start taking notes from day 1
- Secure the source code and a dump of the database
- If the data is too private, ask for it to be obfuscated
- Don’t ever settle for partial source code, just the custom modules, for example
- They’ll be happy to leave the hacked core and
contrib modules outside of the audit
- Whichever audit you’re doing, start by installing the site
- It’s a learning experience, you’ll find out what’s missing and what’s not documented
- You’ll probably have to stop several times to ask more data, code, Varnish VCL configs, Apache rewrites, API definitions (to create dummies) etc. so reserve enough calendar time for this
- Still worth the time - every time
TIP #2 You must understand the architecture
- Once installed, look at the architecture of the site
- Usually Drupal sites are based on certain contrib combinations to build functionality
- Remember not to be biased
- Does it fit the purpose?
- Is the site using Drupal as it should?
- Are there custom parts where there’s a well-working contrib available?
- Is it overly complicated?
- Always make sure you understand the architecture
- When the site is very complicated, integrated and contains a lot of custom code, understanding the architecture might take several days. You’ll just have to endure it, it’s the prerequisite for a proper audit
- Reading code is not a big problem in regular Drupal audits
- There’s relatively little custom code to be read and you can find where it is by running [Hacked](https://!
- When there’s a lot of code, remember you can’t read it all
- With limited time and too much code to read, focus on the parts that matter
- Security holes
- Looking for: security holes?
- Check for SSL login
- Check for old contribs without security patches
- Check out if all the custom parts are using abstraction to interface with the database
- Look for usage of uncleaned inputs in UI
- Don’t forget the Javascript, a lot of XSS possibilities there
- Look for API calls without HTTPS but with private data
- Looking for: security holes?
- Beginner mistakes
- Looking for: beginner mistakes?
- Look for unclean access to Drupal Accessing database straight (and not own tables)
- Look for unnecessary custom modules (good contribs available)
- Look for wrong hooks (e.g. init instead of cron for stuff that’s needed to be done rarely)
- Looking for: beginner mistakes?
- Performance problems
- Looking for: performance problems?
- Check out static caches for time-consuming functions
- Check out the amount of processing in init hook
- Look for slow backend APIs
- Check out the caching strategy
- Look for unnecessary, but very slow contrib modules
- Look for mis-usage of contrib modules
- Looking for: performance problems?
- Talk to the original site developers whenever it’s possible
- They’ll tell you how it works and why it works like that
- They might even point you to potential problems
- Just be polite and friendly, especially in acquisition audits - auditing is not about pissing people off
TIP #3 It’s not just the code
- A really professionally made site might still be deployed by a total newbie
- Always look at the production environment
- You’ll need at least read access to the actual server or a copy of all the relevant configuration files
- There’s a lot to check for security, performance and reliability
- Look at the PHP, httpd and PHP process manager configurations
- Opcode cache in use
scary options
off - Apache/Nginx safely configured
- MySQL and other databases
- Replication configurations
- Backups
- Check for open ports, services running, MySQL passwords
- Look at the sweet extras, memcache configuration, Varnish VCLs, MongoDB, Redis, SOLR configurations
- While you’re at it, make sure you check out the SOLR schemas, too
- Then take a look at the Drupal configuration
- User roles and privileges
- Registration and login settings
- Caching settings
- Contrib module settings, beware, there might be some really scary ones
- Custom module settings
- SEO configurations, that’s easily forgotten
- Cleanup for automatic imports or other automatically growing data
- Multisite configurations
- Language configurations
- etc...
TIP #4 A quick benchmark never hurt anyone
- Depending on the audit, performance is just a part of the audit, or the main focus of the audit
- In acquisition audits, performance issues are usually very important
- But even in the normal case, a quick benchmark is in order
- Just run couple of pages with anonymous user and logged in user with a benchmarking tool (ab, siege) and profile (xdebug, xhprof) the backend (on a separate benchmark run) under load
- You’ll see the bottlenecks immediately and get an idea if the site is slower than normal, or properly optimized
TIP #5 Auditing is a gentleman’s game
- Usually one or two written reports are produced as an output
- Two written reports are needed when we need a technical and a non-technical report
- Frequently they contain parts of code or runtime grinds, but sometimes the NDA bans that (possible in acquisition audits)
- The usual audit document is divided into three parts
- Introduction: explains the system, its architecture and platform, modules and implementation on a high level
- Findings: lists all the findings, usually also mentions the stuff that was okay, but focuses on the problems
- Improvement suggestions: lists all the suggested improvements for the problems listed in the previous chapter
- Never bash the vendor who implemented the system
- Just list the problems neutrally
- You’ll be on the receiving end at some point and you’ll appreciate the auditor to understand that there are different circumstances in which Drupal systems are made - some harder than others
- Auditing is a gentleman’s game
- We’re a small community of professionals and there’s no need to sell by bashing others
TIP #6 list only real findings
- What if you can’t find anything?
- Did you remember to manage customer expectations?
- Never exaggerate problems!
- If you can’t find anything, then you don’t list anything!
TIP #7 Audits need to be done by an expert
- The time needed for a Drupal audit is very hard to estimate
- Ranging from 2 man-days to 30 man-days
- Pricing is usually by the hour, and goes by the pricing of the most experienced consultant
- For support audits the time is usually very limited
- The person doing the audit needs to be a real expert
- In Drupal audits, Drupal skills are not enough: the person needs to have rock-solid programming skills, especially in PHP
- Also, experience in integrations, high-performance and security is hugely beneficial
TIP #8 Get a reference - if you can
- The most problematic part in selling Drupal audits is to get the proper public references to be credible
- Auditing is a subtle business, so make sure you read the NDA
- When your customer is changing vendors, from someone to you, you should try and sell an audit
- It’s for your own security - you never know what you’re getting into
- Same goes for taking an existing site into support, always demand to make an audit as a part of the support deal
- Never promise you’ll find anything wrong in an audit - you don’t know that
- Never promise you’ll find everything that’s wrong with the system during an audit - nobody can guarantee that. I can only guarantee you’ll miss something
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