[Work in progress]
Also see Bibliography
- Goal
- What is data and structure?
- Value of unstructured data
- Value of structured data
- Cost of data modeling
- The art of readable knowledge
- Naming resources
- Locating resources
- Relating resources
- Syntax: XML, JSON, YAML, RDF, Python etc.
- Implementation: some Python (RDFLib...)
- Cost of modeling and indexing semantics in database
- Use relational DB for semantic modeling
- Use key-value store to represent semantic relations: Redis etc.
- Document database: MongoDB, Elastic Search etc
- Graph database: TinkerPop stack, Neo4j, OrientDB
- Graph batch processing: Pregel, Hama, GraphChi etc
- Querying triples (with RDB, document db, graph db, or dedicated triple store)
- Implementation: some Python
- Database vs search engine
- Cost of inverted index
- Extend inverted index to model semantic relations
- Understanding user queries: from keywords to sentences
- Faceted search: Elastic Search and Solr
- Graph search
- Implementation: some Python (ESClient...)
- Portablility
- Protocol Buffers and Thrift
- Email and MIME
- XMPP and Google Wave Protocol
- REST API design
- Some most important data APIs
- Implementation: some Python (JSON...)
- Cost of reasoner and index (IR, DB, KB)
- Just-in-time knowledge
- Practical rule modeling
- Inference as graph operations
- Inference using databases
- Inference using functional programming
- Implementation: some Python (Pydatalog, Fuxi)
- Cost of knowledge extraction
- Data cleaning
- Structure extraction
- Shallow parsing
- Entity extraction
- Relation extraction
- Implementation: some Python (NLTK...)
- Cognitive background
- Exhibit and others
- D3 (and other JavaScript lib)
- NetworkX and (and other Python lib)
- Implementation: some Python (mapplotlib...) and Javascript
- It's about people, not machine
- Guided data exploration and discovery: why semantics is part of the solution
- Query formulating
- Faceted Browser
- Mobile search, Voice interface and personal assistants
- Implementation: some Python (ElasticSearch, Redis, RDF store based)
- Measuring semantics in data
- Small is beautiful in knowledge
- The rule of knowledge growth on Web
- Small knowledge: in-memory graph models
- Big knowledge: knowledge bases on clusters
- Big data
- Datasets: Freebase, DBPedia, LOGD, Factual etc.
- Platforms: EC2, and some others
- Implementation: some Python (boto, starcluster)
- Build, measure, learn
- Lean Canvas
- Build: mockup strategies, pretotyping, prototyping
- Measure: key metrics, but not vanity metrics
- Learn: why^5
- Semantic Wordpress/Drupal/Wiki, etc,
- Data-oriented Programming
- Implementation: some Python (mwclient) and some wiki
- Table of Python tools