- Definir coding rules, à minima sur le nommage des fontions/classe, attribut membre/local/static
- Mesh loader
- No STL (ou juste algorithm) EASTL?
- Minimal math : Vec3 / Matrix ...
- Abstract mouse/keyboard event
- ...
- Init
- Swapchain
- Vertex Buffer / Index Buffer
- Shader
- Texture
- Submit command
- Capturer avec NSIGHT et/ou Renderdoc
- native ImGui impl dans notre renderer
- Double buffer command in order to remove vkDeviceWaitIdle in main loop
- Double buffered the CommandPool (i forgot this)
- Add stage buffer to upload Data (Vertex/IndexBuffer etc) in device memory for non unified memory device
- Try UBO/SBO / descriptor set / descriptor bind
- Try ConstantBuffer (small sized buffer use for high frequency update, for ModelView matrix)
- Manage the Push descriptor extension instead of BindDescriptor
- Clean/refactor all the code in different file
- Add the possibility to use include directive in GLSL (use the GOOGLE extension at the moment)
- Add reflection
- Add texture binding
- Bench the way i manage the double buffering synchronisation by mesure with no double buffer
- Use 1.2 synchronization object, VkSemaphore, VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore comme mecanisme de synchronisation