There are four different ways to test P9K:
- Most obvious: You could change settings in your Shell, and directly test them in your shell with your environment; Like you use it.
- Old way: With vagrant and virtualbox. This starts a whole operating system in a virtual machine. This is still the way to go, if you want to test on BSD. Downside: There is just one ZSH version available per VM..
- New way: With test-in-docker. This way starts a docker container with the ZSH version and ZSH Framework you want. This is the way to go, if you want to test something on a specific ZSH version. Because this is more flexible, you should use this method if you want to test in a different (more limited) environment. This is especially helpful if you want a similar environment like Travis.
- Automatic way: We have a lot of test scripts that test specific parts of P9K everytime somebody pushes a commit. The tests are executed by Travis, an external Service that we connected with this Repo. You could execute these tests on your machine locally as well, we added shUnit as git submodule. After you installed the submodules, it is possible to simply execute the test scripts (see test/ folder).
So, option 1-3 are for manual testing, but it is possible to execute the test scripts in that environments as well.
The Unit-Tests do not follow exactly the file structure of Powerlevel9k itself,
but we try to reflect the structure as much as possible. All tests are located
under test/
. Segment specific tests under test/segments/
(one file per
In order to execute the tests you need to install shunit2
, which is a
submodule. To install the submodule, you can execute
git submodule init && git submodule update
The tests are shell scripts on their own. So you can execute them right away.
To execute all tests you could just execute ./test/suite.spec
The tests usually have a setUp()
function which is executed before every
test function. Speaking of, test functions must be prefixed with test
. In
the tests, you can do different Assertions.
It is always a good idea to mock the program you want to test (just have a
look at other tests), so that the testrunner does not have to have all
programs installed.
We use Travis for Continuous Integration. This
service executes our tests after every push. For now, we need to tell travis
where to find the tests, which is what happens in the .travis.yml
If unit tests are not sufficient (e.g. you have an issue with your prompt that occurs only in a specific ZSH framework) then you can use either Docker or or our Vagrant.
This is the easiest to use if you have Docker already installed and running.
The command ./test-in-docker
should make it fairly easy to get into a running
container with the framework of your choice.
# Test Antigen with the oldest version of ZSH
$ ./test-in-docker antigen
# Test Prezto with ZSH version 5.2
$ ./test-in-docker --zsh 5.2 prezto
You can get Docker at
Note: Not all frameworks work with all versions of ZSH (or the underlying OS).
Currently there are two test VMs. test-vm
is an Ubuntu machine with several
pre-installed ZSH frameworks. And there is test-bsd-vm
which is a FreeBSD!
For how to run the machines see here.