- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- fixed padding
- added better padding options
- swapped listView for a column
- changed twitter cancel error message
- update dependencies
- fixing twitter
- update dependencies
- added custon padding to buttoms
- added avoidBottomInset
- update dependencies
- added show/hide app barq
- update dependencies
- add twitter
- after trouble sign in pop
- add function signOutProviders
- fixed empty null on Providers
- allow for usage with landscape orientation
- add mail verification option
- improve UI
- fixe sign in with mail
- improve show dialog error
- show error occured on unknown errors
- display email if no displayName (example)
- secure providers test, firebase_auth behavior change
- pop sign up !
- Upgrade to Google Services 3.2.1 and Google Sign In 3.0.3
- dart 2 fix
- improve ui
- change firebase_auth version
- initial release