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Reporting false positives

Arris Huijgen edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page describes how to submit reports of returning incorrect results. This way we have a complete set of information sufficient to properly investigate each case.

Commandline Description
systeminfo > systeminfo_yyyyMMdd.txt Output of systeminfo command
wmic qfe list brief > qfe_yyyyMMdd.txt List of patches installed according to the Win32_QuickFixEngineering WMI table systeminfo.txt > wes_yyyyMMdd.txt Output of WES-NG. Make sure to have the latest WES-NG definitions installed by running --update prior to executing the script.
cscript /nologo listupdates.vbs > updates_yyyyMMdd.txt Determines the updates currently available for the system by checking Microsoft Update [1]

Make sure to replace yyyyMMdd with the YearMonthDay of today (for example 20190226 -> systeminfo_20190226.txt) so the approperiate WES-NG definition file can be located when investigating.

[1] Have Windows Update search for updates and output them in a table. The listupdates.vbs script is available from the validation folder and works from Windows 7 onwards. Make sure you are connected to the Internet while executing it, and in case the results don't match the results from the regular Windows Update tool, it sometimes helps to run it again.

Examples are available in the validation/systeminfos/falsepositives folder.

Zip the above files into a single archive, upload it to a filehosting like Share the download link at the issues page and make sure to add the 'false positive' label to the issue.

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