These MUST be installed before you continue.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (or higher) (Windows 10 and newer may have this installed)
- Install Github Desktop
- Open GitHub desktop and select "file" then "clone repository" or click CTRL + SHIFT + O
- Select URL and enter the following: ""
- Select a local path you want to save to. I selected "C:\Users\dom\Desktop\kolbot\kolbot"
- Click Clone and you have successfully downloaded kolbot.
The Kolbot scripting library gets regular updates. There is no auto-updater for security reasons so it will be up to you to regularly check for updates.
- Open GitHub Desktop and it should automatically fetch any updates if there are any.
- If there are any new updates you should see a button "Pull origin" Click on that to pull all the latest updates!
- If you don't see anything you are fully updated.
- Other places to check for updates:
- The blizzhackers discord development channel will also post any new updates.
If you run into any issues with D2Bot.exe launching you can try running it in compatibility mode.
- Right-click D2Bot.exe and select properties. From there click compatibility.
- For Win 8 if you get issues, try to "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 7"
- Note compatibility will not fix the "D2BS is not responding error" For that make sure you install the Requirements