Some usefull Windows Explorer extensions and context menue entrys.
- Windows Vista SP2+
- Windows 7 SP1+
- Windows 8
- Server 2008 + R2
- Server 2012
Compile with VS2012 Install: regsvr32 ExplorerUtilitys_x86.dll Uninstall: regsvr32 -u ExplorerUtilitys_x86.dll
- Show NTFS Streams by Rightclick in Explorer
- SHA1 / MD5 Checksum validation
- set/unset hidden /system
- automatic setup (msi) with selectable features
- Filename Encode (replace "%20" with Space etc.)
- Visual Studio 2012
- VC++ 11
- WIX Installer
- master - released versions
- dev - development
- rlXY - temporary beta Branch
- hotfixXY - temporary Hotfix
- featureXY - temporary implementation
Under Development