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202 lines (125 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (125 loc) · 5.31 KB

Node HID integration

The current walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

A change is needed in the main.js file on line 17:

  const appBtc = new AppBtc({ transport, currency: "bitcoin" });

Regarding the package.json file, the dependecies must be upgraded to the latest version (cf. present package.json file)

Web USB and Web HID

The current walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

A change is needed in the main.js file on line 23 for both usb and hid:

  const appBtc = new AppBtc({ transport, currency: "bitcoin" });

Regarding the package.json file, the dependecies must be upgraded to the latest version (cf. present package.json file)

Web Bluetooth

Using Next.js. Functional with Node.js version 18.18.2 and 20.9.0

Command to run: npm run dev

Transfer of Sol between accounts

The current walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

Transfer of Ether between accounts

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

Uses the Goerli network (see changes made in index.js file)

Added 'import ledgerservice' in index.js

In the package.json file: ether version @ 5.4.7 --> Run the following command when installing the packages: npm install --save [email protected]

Sign a personal message

The current walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

For the last step "Verify on", change the code to run with the following:

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
ethers.verifyMessage("test", "0xefb42c22baa0143b322e93b24b0903a0ef47a64b716fbb77debbea55a93dec3e4417aff7dce845723240916c6e34cf17c674828b3addfb0afad966334df5b6311b");

Call a smart contract

Using Next.js. Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0

Command to run: npm run dev

Uses the Goerli network (see changes made in index.js file)

Added 'import ledgerservice' in SmartContract.js

New smart contract used: cf. ethereum.js file

React Native Android HID

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0 using React Native 0.73.0 and React 18.2.0

Android Studio prerequisites (cf. React Native doc):

  • Android 13 Tiramisu
  • Android SDK Platform 33
  • Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image or Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image or (for Apple M1 Silicon) Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image
  • Android SDK Build-tools 33.0.0
  • Install Java JRE and JDK: brew install --cask zulu17
  • Set the environment variables:
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Remove the install React Native command line. Instead, in the Project Initialization part, run:

npx react-native@latest init myApp
cd myApp

Code implementation part:

Add the babel.config.js file in the code implementation

Dependencies installation: currently written npm install --save @ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb Change for the following: npm install --save @ledgerhq/react-native-hid

Add the following command: npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-module-resolver

Rxjs is not used

Install the app on device: instead of npm run android, run npm run android --mode="release"

React Native Bluetooth on Android

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0 using Expo 49.0.15

Prerequisites + Android development prerequisites: cf. above in React Native Android HID recommendations

Mobile app build:

For project initialization, run the following:

npx create-expo-app ledgerApp
cd ledgerApp

Code implementation part:


touch polyfill.js
touch DeviceItem.js
touch DeviceSelectionScreen.js
touch ShowAddressScreen.js
touch tsconfig.json

Copy the App.js file

Index.js file doesn't exist anymore. Import the polyfill in App.js

DeviceSelectionScreen.js: Copy the file (added lines for Android permissions requests)

Add the babel.config.js file in code implementation

Update the folder view since there is no "src" file anymore

Dependencies installation:

Specific versions for the following:

npx expo install [email protected]
npx expo install [email protected]


npx expo install babel-plugin-module-resolver
npx expo install @react-native-anywhere/polyfill-base64

Remove the line npx react-native link react-native-ble-plx

Remove the Build Gradle modification

Start the development server: Run:

npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:android -d

The rest of the walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

React Native Bluetooth on iOS

Functional with Node.js version 20.9.0 using Expo 49.0.15


Java JRE and JDK: Install Java JRE and JDK: brew install --cask zulu17

Mobile app build part:

Install Java JRE and JDK: brew install --cask zulu17

Projet initialization + Code implementation + Dependencies installation: cf. above in the React Native Bluetooth on Android part

Remove the Pod installation part

Mobile app test:

Application build on XCode is not needed. Instead run:

npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:ios -d

The rest of the walkthrough is suitable for a correct implementation

NB: The folder named "tuto-react-native-bluetooth" is suitable for both Android and iOS development