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278 lines (215 loc) · 8.27 KB

File metadata and controls

278 lines (215 loc) · 8.27 KB



application depends on graalvm or jvm. we strongly suggest build and run it on graalvm for performance and ability purposes.

you can download graalvm at offical website

building and runtime requirements:

  • graalvm-ce >= 20.0.0
  • sbt == 1.3.8


in order to build or run tests, you don't need to install scala manually. change your work directory to source directory of ghostparsers, then just run sbt command to let it download and install scala language and compiler.

when you start to build or test application, sbt will start download dependencies automatically.


in project directory, run sbt command, it will start sbt's interactive shell.

then you can run test command to run platform dependent tests.

  • graalvm compatible tests: graalvm / test
  • jvm compatible tests: jvm / test


in sbt's interactive shell, you should use platform dependent commands as well. after completing compile progress, it will create a .tar.gz file which satisfies your all expectation. you can reach this file in target directory of platform directory.just copy that .tar.gz file, extract in a directory and then go through bin directory which extracted from archive file, and you are now able to run ./ghostparsers command to let it run!

  • graalvm build: graalvm / packArchive
  • jvm build: jvm / packArchive


$> sbt
sbt:ghostparsers> graalvm / packArchive
sbt:ghostparsers> exit
$> cp -v graalvm/target/graalvm-0.1.0.tar.gz path/to/deployment/dir
$> cd path/to/deployment/dir
$> tar zxvf graalvm-0.1.0.tar.gz
$> mv -v graalvm-0.1.0 ghostparsers-0.1.0
$> cd ghostparsers-0.1.0/bin
$> ./ghostparsers



to specify a custom configuration file, you can pass a cli parameter like:

./ghostparsers -Dconfig.file="/path/to/conf/app.conf"

example conf file:

queue {
  capacity = 64
  ttl = 300000  # milliseconds

worker {
  size = 8
  output = "/path/to/location/store/parsed/files"

http {
  host = "localhost"
  port = 8080


Health check

GET /_health


    "queued": 0,
    "engine": "graalvm-polyglot",
    "message": "If you've had a dose of a freaky eods, baby, you better call, ghostparsers!"

Create job



	"file": "/Users/baris.yuksel/Downloads/S_2655059129_01.06.2016_01.06.2016_IDY.xls",
	"format": "excel",
	"options": {
		"sheet_at": 0,
		"header_starts_at": 0,
		"rows_start_at": 1
	"source": "function map(data){let d=JSON.parse(data);let res=mapper(d);return JSON.stringify(res)};function reduce(data){let d=JSON.parse(data);let res=reducer(data);return JSON.stringify(res)};function line_data(data,groupBy){return{data:data,groupBy:groupBy}};function map_tx_type(t){let tx_type={'Satış':'charge','İade':'refund'};return tx_type[t]};function clear_amount(a){return a.replace(',','').replace('-','')};function clear_installments(i){if(i=='0'){return'1'};return i};function calculate_commission(data){let merchant_comm=parseFloat(clear_amount(data['İşyeri Kom. Tutarı']));let service_comm=parseFloat(clear_amount(data['Hizmet Kom. Tutarı']));let point_comm=parseFloat(clear_amount(data['İşyeri Puan Katkı Tutarı']));let discount_comm=parseFloat(clear_amount(data['İskonto Tutarı']));let comm=merchant_comm+service_comm+point_comm+discount_comm;return comm.toString()};function map_currency(c){if(c=='TL'){return'TRY'};return c};function mapper(data){let out={date:data['İşlem Tarihi'],type:map_tx_type(data['İşlem Tipi']),tx_amount:clear_amount(data['İşlem Tutarı']),installments:clear_installments(data['Taksit Sayısı']),eod_date:data['Gün Sonu Tarihi'],valor_date:data['Hesaba Geçiş Tarihi'],auth_code:data['Onay Kodu'],commissions:calculate_commission(data),currency:map_currency(data['Para Birimi']),net_amount:clear_amount(data['Net Tutar']),ref_id:data['Üye İşyeri Bilgisi']};return line_data(out,null)};function reducer(data){return data[0]}"


    "id": "2d9bf388-8152-49b7-ae8f-a6b842414303",
    "status": "pending",
    "updated_at": "2020-03-02T11:41:30.941Z",
    "result": null,
    "completed_at": null

Job Status

GET /2d9bf388-8152-49b7-ae8f-a6b842414303


    "id": "2d9bf388-8152-49b7-ae8f-a6b842414303",
    "status": "completed",
    "updated_at": "2020-03-02T11:41:35.116Z",
    "result": {
        "succeed": true,
        "path": "/Users/baris.yuksel/Desktop/ghostparsers/2d9bf388-8152-49b7-ae8f-a6b842414303.csv"
    "completed_at": "2020-03-02T11:41:35.116Z"


ghostparsers requires a javascript code in order to evaulate on every read line. you have to provide code when creating job request, it should be at source field in payload.

a quote from graalvm official documentation about JavaScript compatibility:

GraalVM includes an ECMAScript compliant JavaScript engine. It is designed to be fully standard compliant ...

your source code just needs to have only 2 functions: map and reduce. these two functions takes a string parameter which holds a JSON data and returns a string which holds a JSON data as well. Both returned json data's values should be string.

map function

map function takes a string value that it actually holds a JSON data which associated with the header and the line in your source file (csv, xls, xlsx). you can prepare a new map data by using prodived. map function should also return a string that holds JSON.

return value object should like:

{data: your_mapped_data, groupBy: null}

assume that your csv file looks like below:


your map function will take a JSON data as parameter on first line, like:

{"a": "1", "b": "2", "c": "3", "d": "4"}

so your map function can be defined like below:

function map(d) {
    let data = JSON.parse(d);
    let a = parseInt(data["a"]);
    let b = parseInt(data["b"]);
    let c = parseInt(data["c"]);
    let d = parseInt(data["d"]);

    let total = a + b + c + d;
    let is_a_odd = a % 2 == 1;
    let is_b_odd = b % 2 == 1;
    let is_c_odd = c % 2 == 1;
    let is_d_odd = d % 2 == 1;

    let out = {
        total: total.toString(),
        a: is_a_odd.toString(),
        b: is_b_odd.toString(),
        c: is_c_odd.toString(),
        d: is_d_odd.toString()

    let ret = {data: out, groupBy: null};
    return JSON.stringify(ret);

after mapping lines by function above, you will have a csv file like:


reduce function

when your map function indicates the data that should be grouped by a key via groupBy property, ghostparsers holds the mapped data together in a list. after completing parsing file, these grouped data will be passed to reduce function as a list.

assume that you have a csv like below:


you can see that charge1 payments are splitted and reported line-by-line. if you want to merge these lines, your map function should inform ghostparsers that they will be grouped.

function map(d) {
    let data = JSON.parse(d);
    let out = {
        id: data["id"],
        amount: data["amount"]
    let installment = parseInt(data["installment"]);

    var groupBy = null;
    if(installment > 1) {
        groupBy = data["id"];

    let ret = {data: out, groupBy: groupBy}

after parsing entire file, your reduce function will be invoked with a list that contains grouped lines. for our example, the input data will be like below:

  {"id": "charge1", "amount": "100"},
  {"id": "charge1", "amount": "100"},
  {"id": "charge1", "amount": "100"}

so your reduce function merge these three lines into a line:

function reduce(d) {
    let data = JSON.parse(d);
    val ret = data.reduce((acc, e) => {
        let total = parseFloat(acc["amount"]) + parseFloat(e["amount"]);
        acc["amount"] = total.toString();
        return acc;
    // in reduce function, you should return only data,
    // you don't need to envelope it into another object as like map function.
    return JSON.stringify(ret);