All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixing dependencies not published properly in
. - Revert eslint-plugin-lodash version bump because it requires ESLint v9.
- Updating eslint-plugin dependencies.
- Updating typescript-eslint dependencies.
- Updating naming convention for imports. Added
- Updating dependencies before migration to ESlint 9.
- Bumped prettier to v3 and eslint-plugin-prettier to v5 because of compatibility issues between them.
- Breaking change in how type imports are sorted [email protected].
- Just run
eslint . --fix
- Just run
- Bumped dependencies.
- Bumped
dependencies after security alert.
- Bump dependencies
- Bump dependencies
- Bump dependencies
- Bump dependencies
- ESLint v8 is now required as a peer dependency.
- Node.js 10, 13, and 15 are no longer supported.
- New rules and changes into some of the old ones.
- Init