Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | ID of the investment | |
id_account | Integer | ID of the related account | |
label | String | Label of the investment | |
code | String | Investment code | |
code_type | String | Code type (ISIN of AMF) | [optional] |
source | String | Source of the ISIN code (website, notFound) | [optional] |
description | String | Description of the investment | [optional] |
quantity | Float | Quantity | [optional] [default to 0.0] |
unitprice | Float | Average buy price | [optional] [default to 0.0] |
unitvalue | Float | Current unit value | [optional] [default to 0.0] |
valuation | Float | Current valuation | [optional] [default to 0.0] |
diff | Float | Capital gain | [optional] [default to 0.0] |
diff_percent | Float | Capital gain in percent (between 0 and 1) | [optional] |
prev_diff | Float | Capital gain from previous value | [optional] |
portfolio_share | Float | Percent of the portfolio | [optional] |
vdate | Date | Value date | [optional] |
prev_vdate | Date | Value date of the previous value (prev_diff) | [optional] |
id_security | Integer | ID of the related security | [optional] |
original_currency | Object | Original currency | [optional] |
original_valuation | Float | Valuation in original currency | [optional] |
original_unitvalue | Float | Average buy price in the original currency | [optional] |
original_unitprice | Float | Current unit value in the original currency | [optional] |
original_diff | Float | Capital gain in the original currency | [optional] |
last_update | DateTime | Last update of the investment | [optional] |
deleted | DateTime | If set, this investment has been removed from the website | [optional] |