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fullVerif tool for verification of masked hardware implementations


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fullVerif is a tool to analyze security of masked circuits at the composition level: based on elementary gadgets that are assumed to be correct, this tool checks that the larger composite circuit is secure by using a compositional strategy (e.g. based on PINI, SNI, NI).

For more background on compositional strategies for masked hardware implementations, see the paper on which this tool is based.


The tool analyzes the dataflow of masked sharings in the circuit and check that it satifies the compositional strategy. fullVerif takes Verilog code as input. In order to simplify its analysis, it first simplifies it to and abstract netlist using the open-source synthesizer yosys. To get the dataflow of a complex circuit with loops, the tool then simulates (using the IcarusVerilog simulator) one execution of the circuit, which gives it the values for all the control signals of the circuit (e.g. round counter, muxes select, etc.). Once those control signals are known, the dataflow can be computed and analyzed.





  • git clone
  • cd fullverif/fullverif-check
  • cargo build --release

Test (unix-like)

Assuming Yosys and Iverilog are installed in /usr/local (otherwise, edit the script accordingly).

  • git clone
  • ./fullverif/ present_hpc MSKpresent_encrypt tb_present_128

Custom run

The previous test section uses the shell script to automate the three main steps of the tool:

  • synthesis
  • simulation
  • analysis

This script can be adapted to suit other configurations, or the three steps can be run in by any other mean. In the following, we describe the steps.

Synthesis takes the design as input and must be performed by Yosys, using the provided msk_presynth.tcl script. This outputs a netlist in two formats: a verilog and a json one. By default (configurable in, the outputs are written in a temporary directory, whose name is displayed (on stdout). In order to support various usages an tools (while not producing thousands of warnings), the verilog netlist is written down in 3 variant: one that contains attributes, ones that does not contain any attributes, and finally one where attributes are converted to comments.

Simulation takes the verilog netlist, a testbench and optionnally other verilog files and outputs a vcd. This can be done by any verilog simulator, although only Icarus Verilog has been tested (and only the git master version is able to handle the annotations we have in the code).

Analysis takes as input the json netlist, the vcd files, and a few parameters describing the design. It outputs a report.

If you intend to use this tool on other code than the provided examples, you should read, in addition to this README, all the settings in the script, since those must match the verilog code. You might also find the output of the fullverif binary (fullverif/target/release/fullverif --help) and the msk_presynth.tcl helpful.


In this section, we describe under what conditions the tool may sucessfully analyze a design.


Each gadget is implemented by a verilog module. Once a gadget has been converted to a netlist, it is made of wires and modules. Among those modules, we denote sub-gadgets (that is, modules which are themselves gadgets), randomness manipulation gates, and control modules. The randomness distribution gates are the modules that manipulate values coming from the randomness input of the gadgets, they must be either flip-flops or muxes. The control modules are the remaining part of the logic, which can impact the two other parts through control signal (for muxes, e.g.). Those control signal are not symbolically analized by the tool, instead their value is obtained thanks to the simulation.

The main datapath of a gadget is thus made of sub-gadgets, whose input and output sharings are interconnected (and connected to the input and output sharings of the gadget). The analysis of the randomness distribution happens symbolically for flip-flops and muxes: fullverif assumes that a fresh random bit is present on each of its randomenss inputs at each cycles and computes how these bits propagate to inputs of sub-gadgets, deducing which ones are needed.


We use verilog annotations to convey informations about the masking scheme to fullVerif. For each gadget, the following annotation are required on the module itself:

  • fv_order (int): specifies the number of shares of the masking.
  • fv_prop (string): gives the security property satisfied by this module. The following properties are understood: PINI, NI, SNI, affine (for gadget which preserve strict isolation of shares).
  • fv_strat (string): strategy for proving this module.
    • "assumed": the tool will perform no check on the gadget (typically used for gadgets whose implementation has been checked either manually or using another tool),
    • "composite": the tool will check the gadget using a compositional strategy, and will recursively check any sub-gadget instantiated inside the gadget.
    • "flatten": this module will be flattened during verilog synthesis and will thus not be analyzed by itself (its components will be analyzed as part of the modules in which it is instantiated). Therefore, no other annotation is required on this module or on its ports.
    • "isolate": this strategies only applies to gadgets whose property is affine, and makes a topological check that the gadget is a "trivial implementation": any output share of the gadget must only be wired to the corresponding input shares.

All the ports of the module also have to be annotated using the fv_type attribute, which may have any of the four following values:

  • "sharing": denotes an input or output sharing (depending on the direction of the port). The fv_latency attribute is required (see below). The optional fv_count attribute denotes the number of sharings contained into the sharing (defaults to 1). The width of the port must be fv_count*fv_order, and the share of one sharing must be packed together (i.e., the first sharing is port[0 +: d], the second is port[d +: d]... where d is the number of shares).
  • "clock": The must be at most one input clock signal (whose width must be 1).
  • "control": A port which is not analyzed by the tool.
  • "random": Randomness input used for masked gadgets. Each randomness port must specify its latency, this is done by first splitting the input into contiguous chunks of bits (starting at bit 0), where the size of chunk i is fv_rnd_count_{i}. The number of chunks must be given in the fv_count attribute. The latency for chunk i is given in attribute fv_rnd_lat_{i}. Chunks may be valid at more than one clock cycle. This is specified by using the fv_rnd_lats_{i} attribute in place of the fv_rnd_lat_{i} attribute; the semantic of its value is identical to the that of the fv_latencies attribute of input sharings (see below). For the top-level module, all chunks and latency information may not be provided by setting fv_count=0, in which case random latencies are inferred. For the top-level module, instead of fv_rnd_lat(s)_{i}, the latencies may be specified by means of a signal in the module. The randomness is considered valid for all cycles c that satisfy the following condition: the signal denoted in the attribute fv_en_{i} is asserted at the cycle c+o, where o is the value of the fv_en_offset_{i} attribute.

Latency specification. The latency is given for input and output sharings and randomness in number of clock cycles. For each module, all latencies must be postitive integers. Input sharings may be valid at more than one clock cycle. This is specified by using the fv_latencies attribute in place of the fv_latency attribute. The value of the fv_latencies attribute must be a positive integer. Let bi be the i-th bit of the binary decomposition of that value, with b0 the LSB. The input is valid at cycle i iff bi is 1.

Structure of fullverif (analysis phase)

Composite strategy

In the first stage, fullverif lists the gadgets from the netlist, and reads their ports to construct an abstract representation of their interface.

In the second stage, fullverif takes the main gadget (as specified on the command-line) and analyzes its internals: it lists all the sub-gadgets, their interconnects, the randomness distribution, and the input/output connections. At this stage, only the netlist is used, hence nothing is known about the control signals. However, some checks can already be performed, such as checking that all sharings are properly generated and only used as inputs sharings of other gadgets. (Therefore, standard verilog constructs such as conditional statements, ternary operator or arithmetic operations cannot be used on sharings at the level of a composite gadget.)

In the third stage, the sequential nature of the circuit starts to be taken into account: each sub-gadget from the netlist is instantiated into a distinct gadget for each cycle of the computation (from the "valid in" signal until all outputs are computed). Then, those new gadgets are interconnected, taking the "latency" information into account. From there on, the sub-gadget graph corresponds more to a computation graph than to a physical netlist, and we call it a "GadgetFlow" graph. Then, the following computations are performed on the GadgetFlow graph:

  • Each edge of the graph is annotated with validity and sensitivity information. An edge is valid if it carries a sharing of a variable that depends on the inputs of the circuit (and not on the initial state of the circuit, which is considered to be invalid). An edge is sensitive if the share it carries depend on the input sharings of the gadget. (The edge may also by glitch-sensitive: its value is non-sensitive but there may be glitches that depend on sensitive variable). A gadget is valid if all its inputs are valid, and it is sensitive if any of its inputs is sensitive. This step makes a special treatment of muxes in order to compute the validity and sensitivity of their outputs. The validity sensitivity of each and gadget is shown for each cycle. This requires knowledge of the control signals of the muxes, which are extracted from the result of the simulation.
  • It is checked that the output sharings are valid when the annotations specify the they should be valid.
  • The randomness usage of each subgadget is traced back (when it is sensitive) to the randomness input of the gadget. It is checked that a fresh random bit needed for a subgadget is not used elsewhere. The list of input random bits used is reported for each cycle and checked against the annotation (if present). The randomness bits tracking is able to handle muxes and registers, but forbids any other gate.
  • It is checked that after the last execution cycle, no sensitive state remains in the circuit in order to prevent unintended leakage from happening afterwards.

The fourth stage actually verifies the abstract composition strategy, based on the GadgetFlow graph (e.g. "Are all sub-gadgets PINI ?").

Finally, steps 2 to 4 are repeated for each sub-gadget for which the strategy is "composite", and the steps are performed for each set of sequences of control values in the gadget (the relevant control values are those that are used to analyze how muxes behave).

Isolate strategy

For gadgets where the strategy is "isolate", it is checked that they can be split into d sub-circuits, one for each share, such that there is no interconnection of shares or randomness between the sub-circuits.


The testbench must exercise a standard behavior of one execution of the main module, which it should instantiate. There should be a startup signal (whose name can be set in the script) that should raise to 1 to signal the cycle '0' w.r.t. the latency annotations in the main module. Name of the main module instance and clock signal can be set in

The input sharings and randomness are not important (can be any value, including x or z).

Gadget libarry

Fullverif comes with a library of basic gadgets in lib_v, implementing functionalities such as:

Linear and affine gates:

  • mux ('MSKmux.v`)
  • flip-flop (MSKreg.v)
  • XOR (MSKxor.v)
  • NOT (MSKinv.v)

Non-linear gate:

  • PINI AND (MSKand_HPC1.v)
  • PINI AND (MSKand_HPC1.v)
  • DOM (NI) AND (MSKand_DOM.v)


  • Masking a non-sensitive value (MSKcst.v). Note: The encoding does not need randomness since the value itself originally not masked and therefore not sensitive.
  • SNI refresh (MSKref.v)

Preventing damaging synthesis optimizations

The fullverif tool cannot guarantee that its output netlist will be protected against optimizations that could break the security if it is fed to other tools such as synthesizers.

This is mainly due to a lack of standard way of describing this requirement in the HDL code. However, the usage of the provided gadget library may help, by reducing the concerns to the modules contained inside that library: all the other modules that manipulate sharings do so only with wiring, which optimizers should not have adversarial behavior. We advise to disable as much as possible optimizations that remove, simplify or re-time logic for gagdets of the library. In order to ease this, we added (* syn_keep="true", keep="true" *) attributes on sensitive wires and (* syn_preserve="true", preserve="true" *) on sensitive regs.

Any suggestion on how to handle this in a better way is welcome.

Bugs, contributing, etc.

Fullverif is an actively maintained software. You are welcome to report bugs, submit enhancements proposals or code on github, or by e-mail (to the contact author of the paper linked above).


The Fullverif tool is primarily distributed under the terms of the GPL3 license. The verilog library (lib_v/) is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).


Fullverif-check code overview

  • Parsing of vcd files and representation as a sequence of states at each clock cycles.
  • Parsing of yosys json files and of verilog annotations.
  • Interface of a gadget from the module ports and verilog annotations.
  • Representation of a composite gadget as a graph of sub-gadgets and randomness distribution circuit.
  • "Unrolling" of a gadget over time, resulting in a computation graph. Analysis of control signals and simplification.
  • checking of the compositional strategy based on the computation graph.


The computational complexity of the tool is linear in the number of gadgets and quadratic in the number of shares (like a simulation tool). Practically, fullVerif is fast enough to be used "interactively" when developing or debugging an implementation: its overhead on top of the behavioral simulation of one encryption is at most 3 seconds for a full PRESENT cipher implementation with up to 16 shares.

Execution time is faster when the verification fails.

The figure below shows the execution time of the tool for an implementation of PRESENT (running on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz with 8 GB RAM). The execution time is split among:

  • iverilog and vvp: behavioral simulation of the circuit,
  • yosys: abstract synthesis,
  • fullverif: the fullverif tool itself.

The total time can be compared to the behavioral simulation time, which is arguably the first tool in the toolbox of a digital designer.

On the x-axis, NSBOX is the number of parallel S-box instantiated in the circuit, and D is the number of shares of the masking.

Performance for PRESENT

Tips and Tricks

Reducing the number of rounds in the cipher during the development of the cipher reduces the verification time (mostly the simulation is faster), and this also reduces in some cases the number of errors shown by fullverif (when the errors occurs at every round).


fullVerif tool for verification of masked hardware implementations



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