Processing steps below.
- Sentinel-1 SLC split
- Thermal noise removal
- Calibration
- Deburst
- Merge - optional when multiple subswaths selected
- Range doppler terrain correction
- Thermal noise removal
- Calibration
- Range doppler terrain correction
- ~13 GB RAM for full scene (3 subswaths)
- ~1.3 GB GPU memory for full scene (depending on DEM tiles)
ALUs - Calibration
Version 1.6.0
-h [ --help ] Print help
-i [ --input ] arg Input SAFE dataset (zipped or unpacked)
-o [ --output ] arg Output folder or filename
-w [ --wif ] Write intermediate results (will be saved in the
same folder as final outcome). NOTE - this may
decrease performance. Default OFF.
--sw arg Subswath for which the calibration will be
performed, one of the following - IW1;IW2;IW3. Not
used for GRD.
-p [ --polarisation ] arg Polarisation for which the calibration will be
performed - VV;VH
--bi1 arg First burst index - starting at '1', leave
unspecified for whole subswath and GRD
--bi2 arg Last burst index - starting at '1', leave
unspecified for whole subswath and GRD
-a [ --aoi ] arg Area Of Interest WKT polygon. Or shapefile (.shp)
consisting similar geometry.Overrules first and
last burst indexes and subswath selections. Not
effective for GRD.
-t [ --type ] arg Type of calibration to be performed, one of the
following - sigma;beta;gamma;dn
--dem arg DEM file(s). SRTM3 and Copernicus DEM 30m COG are
currently supported.
--ll arg (=verbose) Log level, one of the following -
--gpu_mem arg (=100) Percentage of how much GPU memory can be used for
Please see the latest and always updated comprehensive evaluation in the Wiki
Following contents below might be deprecated
Reference laptop computer details:
CPU: Intel i7 10750h
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB
Compared against SNAP 8 GPT on Ubuntu 20.04.
Tile size 512
Number of threads 12
- S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE
Processing options:
- Subswath IW2 (all bursts)
- Polarisation VV
- calibration type sigma
For more raw computing comparison, the IW2 subswath GeoTIFF file has been stored on ram disk - this way I/O influences results less. Also outputs are stored on ram disk.
SNAP using SRTM3
./gpt calibration_routine_snap_graph.xml
-Poutput=/mnt/ramdisk/snap_cal_iw2.tif -Psw=IW2 -Ppol=VV
~42.5 seconds
./alus-cal -i S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE -o /mnt/ramdisk --sw IW2 -p VV
-t sigma --dem srtm_37_02.tif --dem srtm_37_03.tif --dem srtm_38_02.tif --dem srtm_38_03.tif --ll info
[2023-02-22 16:10:55.524778] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Processing parameters:
Input product - ../S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE
Subswath - IW2
Polarisation - VV
Calibration type - sigma
First burst index - 0
Last burst index - 0
Write intermediate files - NO
[2023-02-22 16:10:55.699153] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Sentinel 1 split done - 174ms
[2023-02-22 16:10:55.699182] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Using 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti' device nr 0 for calculations
[2023-02-22 16:10:55.709495] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Target bands count: 1
[2023-02-22 16:10:55.709515] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Processing band i_IW2_VV_VV
[2023-02-22 16:10:58.266871] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Thermal noise removal done - 2567ms
[2023-02-22 16:10:58.289810] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] target bands count 1
[2023-02-22 16:10:58.289835] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Processing band Sigma0_IW2_VV_VV
[2023-02-22 16:10:59.024776] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Sentinel1 calibration done - 757ms
[2023-02-22 16:10:59.137422] [0x00007fd0ad7b5000] [info] Loading SRTM3 tile ID 3702 to GPU
[2023-02-22 16:10:59.219146] [0x00007fd0ad7b5000] [info] Loading SRTM3 tile ID 3703 to GPU
[2023-02-22 16:10:59.286741] [0x00007fd0ad7b5000] [info] Loading SRTM3 tile ID 3802 to GPU
[2023-02-22 16:10:59.365022] [0x00007fd0ad7b5000] [info] Loading SRTM3 tile ID 3803 to GPU
[2023-02-22 16:11:00.287164] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] TOPSAR Deburst done - 1186ms
[2023-02-22 16:11:00.287185] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Merge done - 0ms
[2023-02-22 16:11:02.285407] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Terrain correction done - 1998ms
[2023-02-22 16:11:02.539286] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Algorithm completed, output file @ S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_cal_deb_tc_srtm3.tif
[2023-02-22 16:11:02.539304] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Another test
[2023-02-22 16:11:02.701453] [0x00007fd0ad7df000] [info] Unloading SRTM3 tiles from GPU
~/alus/alus-github/cmake-build-release/alus_package/alus-cal -i -t sigma -p 10.14s user 4.80s system 204% cpu 7.319 total
~7.4 seconds
time ~/alus/alus-github/cmake-build-release/alus_package/alus-cal -i ../S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE -t sigma -p VV --sw IW2 --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N49_00_E004_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N49_00_E005_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N50_00_E004_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N50_00_E005_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N50_00_E006_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N51_00_E004_00_DEM.tif --dem Copernicus_DSM_COG_10_N51_00_E005_00_DEM.tif -o S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_cal_deb_tc_copdem.tif --ll info
[2023-02-23 11:24:53.843607] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Processing parameters:
Input product - ../S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE
Subswath - IW2
Polarisation - VV
Calibration type - sigma
First burst index - 0
Last burst index - 0
Write intermediate files - NO
[2023-02-23 11:24:54.030635] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Sentinel 1 split done - 186ms
[2023-02-23 11:24:54.030664] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Using 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti' device nr 0 for calculations
[2023-02-23 11:24:54.040753] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Target bands count: 1
[2023-02-23 11:24:54.040771] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Processing band i_IW2_VV_VV
[2023-02-23 11:24:56.622863] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Thermal noise removal done - 2592ms
[2023-02-23 11:24:56.645418] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] target bands count 1
[2023-02-23 11:24:56.645439] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Processing band Sigma0_IW2_VV_VV
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.373840] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Sentinel1 calibration done - 750ms
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.486067] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 184041 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.512886] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 185041 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.532775] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 184040 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.553562] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 185040 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.573801] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 186040 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.592789] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 184039 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:57.611409] [0x00007f32b98d7000] [info] COPDEM COG 30m tile ID 185039 loaded to GPU
[2023-02-23 11:24:58.635122] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] TOPSAR Deburst done - 1175ms
[2023-02-23 11:24:58.635144] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Merge done - 0ms
[2023-02-23 11:25:00.550532] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Terrain correction done - 1915ms
[2023-02-23 11:25:00.803102] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Algorithm completed, output file @ S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_cal_deb_tc_copdem.tif
[2023-02-23 11:25:00.803121] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Another test
[2023-02-23 11:25:00.951947] [0x00007f32c100b000] [info] Unloading COPDEM COG 30m tiles
~/alus/alus-github/cmake-build-release/alus_package/alus-cal -i -t sigma -p 11.87s user 4.84s system 229% cpu 7.288 total
~7.2 seconds
Resulting diff file statistics when using SRTM3: -A S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_tnr_Cal_deb_TC_snap.tif
-B S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_tnr_Cal_IW2_deb_tc.tif --calc="A-B"
--outfile=/tmp/snap_man_min_alus_cal_diff.tif --NoDataValue=0
Band 1 Block=14224x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Computed Min/Max=-0.004,0.004
Minimum=-0.004, Maximum=0.004, Mean=0.000, StdDev=0.000
NoData Value=0
Difference when using SRTM3 DEM
Difference when using Copernicus DEM 30m COG
There are known bugs for both of the tools when using Copernicus DEM documented in - -A snap/S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_Cal_deb_TC_copdem_no_data.tif -B S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_cal_deb_tc_copdem.tif --calc="A-B" --outfile=S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7_split_IW2_tnr_cal_deb_tc_copdem_snap_min_alus_diff.tif --NoDataValue=0
Resulting diff file statistics:
Band 1 Block=14224x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
Minimum=-0.000, Maximum=0.000, Mean=0.000, StdDev=0.000
NoData Value=0
The match is nearly identical for Copernicus DEM, since its resolution is higher and less floating point arithmetics introduced rounding errors between interpolated values of the pixels. The relative difference picture is almost completely dark. The 'nodata' values are a box with white color, inside, the difference can be seen (black == equal).
Here is a zoomed in picture where pixels are different on byte level (maximum difference 4.5299530029297e-05) are marked with white, highlighted with red.
- S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20210703T055050_20210703T055117_038609_048E45_35F7.SAFE