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150 lines (104 loc) · 8.79 KB

File metadata and controls

150 lines (104 loc) · 8.79 KB

Developer Guidelines


  • npm
  • Python 3.10+
  • Chrome

Dev Environment Setup

1. Install dependencies

2. Run the server

  • $ make build-for-server-dev to build the client and put static files in place.
  • $ ./ [dataset] [options]
    • (ie. $ ./ example-dataset/ runs a small dataset included in this repository) Note: Ensure that the dataset format is in CXG. The pbmc3k.cxg is not specified in the command because the program expects a directory of datasets. To view the [options] available, go to [TODO].
  • Navivate to http://localhost:5005/d/{dataset_name} to view the dataset. (ie. http://localhost:5005/d/pbmc3k.cxg/)
    • Note: there will not be hot-loading for the frontend for changes to the client at this port. If you make changes to the server, you will need to restart the server in order for the changes to take.

3. Run the client (optionally for hot-reloading on the front end)

  • Ensure that you have the server running on http://localhost:5005
  • $ cd client/ && make start-frontend
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/d/{dataset_name} to view frontend. (ie. http://localhost:3000/d/super-cool-spatial.cxg/)
  • FYI
    • Default base_url of d is hard-coded.
    • The {dataset_name} will be the argument passed to the server launch script OR will default to example dataset.
    • The entire url is automatically copied to the clipboard on MacOS -- simply paste in browser address bar.
    • Hot Reloading launchs the server and the client separately. Node starts the client on its own node server and auto-refreshes when changes are made to source files.
    • In case you need to just build the client alone, you can run $ make build-client.

If you have an M1 or M2 chip...

Attempting to run Explorer locally (server and/or client) will fail with something that looks like:

npm ERR! The chromium binary is not available for arm64.
npm ERR! If you are on Ubuntu, you can install with:
npm ERR!
npm ERR!  sudo apt install chromium
npm ERR!
npm ERR!
npm ERR!  sudo apt install chromium-browser

Puppeteer is a dependency for e2e tests, but it's not used for running Explorer locally. If you want to run Explorer locally, you can get around this by setting export PUPPETEER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD=true in your virtual environment. That will skip the Puppeteer installation.

If you want to actually run e2e tests, then you'll need to set up Chromium to enable Puppeteer. This blog post should show you how to do that on an M1/M2 machine.

Mocking the dataset-metadata endpoint

The dataset-metadata endpoint requires using data-portal. A true local build would require running an instance of data-portal locally. An easier solution that works for most use cases is to just mock the response of dataset-metadata. To do this, you can update the DatasetMetadataAPI class in server/app/api/ to:

class DatasetMetadataAPI(DatasetResource):
    @cache_control(public=True, no_store=True, max_age=0)
    def get(self, data_adaptor):
        with open("server/tests/fixtures/liver_dataset_metadata_response.json", "r") as file:
            mock_response = json.load(file)

        json_response = json.dumps(mock_response)
        return Response(json_response, content_type='application/json')

Note that you'll need to import json and also add Response to the flask import. This will mock the expected response to the liver.cxg dataset that is in the example-dataset/ directory. After updating the mock response, you can build the backend + frontend the same way you normally would.

One way to set up a Python Virtual Environment

There are many tools you can use to setup a Python Virtual Environment, here is one using pyenv & pyenv-virtualenv:

  • brew install pyenv-virtualenv
  • Set up your shell environment for pyenv
  • pyenv install 3.12.4
  • pyenv virtualenv 3.12.4 single-cell-env
  • pyenv activate single-cell-env
  • python3 -v should output 3.12.4

How to request a PR review

Please lint and format your code before requesting a PR review.

We use flake8 to lint Python and black for auto-formatting Python. The frontend Javascript/Typescript code is linted by eslint and formatted by prettier.

  1. Format your code by running make fmt. Note that this command will make changes to your files that you will need to commit to your branch.
  2. Lint your code by running make lint. This command will only emit errors and warnings and will not make changes to your files. You will have to manually address the issues.
  3. Follow these guidelines to format your pull request.

How to run tests

Client and server tests run on Github Actions for every push, PR, and commit to main on Github. Smoke tests are run upon every dev deployment which occurs automatically every time a PR merged into main.


For all make commands, automatically checks whether required environment variables are set and, if they are not set, assigns them default values from environment.default.json.

You can set these environment variables manually with the export shell command, as in export JEST_ENV=debug, or you can just pass the variables as part of the command. E.g., HEADFUL=true make e2e or JEST_ENV=debug npm run e2e


  1. Start in the project root directory
  2. Run make dev-env

Testing Command Cheat Sheet

What are you testing Command
I want to run unit tests for the backend only. make unit-test-server
I want to run unit tests for the frontend only. make unit-test-client
I want to run unit and smoke tests for the backend. make test-server
I want to only run smoke tests. make smoke-test
I want to run smoke tests against my hot-loaded verion of the client. cd client && npm run e2e


  1. JEST_ENV: This enables the following E2E test options. You can find their corresponding configs in jest-puppeteer.config.js:

    • dev - opens window, runs tests with minimal slowdown, close on exit.
    • debug - opens window, runs tests with 100ms slowdown, dev tools open, chrome stays open on exit.
    • prod[default] - run headless with no slowdown, window will not open.
  2. HEADFUL: Default is false. When set to true, it will launch the Chrome window for visual inspection. E.g., HEADFUL=true npm run e2e

  3. HEADLESS: Default is true. When set to false, it will launch the Chrome window for visual inspection. E.g., HEADLESS=false npm run e2e

Run end to end tests interactively during development

  1. The Explorer requirements should be installed as specified in client dev

  2. Follow launch instructions for client dev (defaults to example-dataset/pbmc3k.cxg dataset unless otherwise specified)

  3. Run npm run e2e from the client directory

  4. To debug a failing test, add debugger in any line of JS code as breakpoint, and launch the test again with ndb. E.g., ndb make e2e or ndb npm run e2e.

    1. Please make sure to install ndb via npm install -g ndb
    2. Check out Debugging Tips for more ideas!

To run end to end tests exactly as they will be run on CI use the following command

JEST_ENV=prod make dev-env smoke-test

See more on E2E testing here