You are welcome to contribute to the Apollo project. To contribute, please agree with the [Apollo individual contributor license agreement] ( first.
You can follow the standard Github approach to contribute code. There is also a detailed how-to guide on How to Create Pull Request in both English and Chinese.
There are issues with label "help wanted" that are best to help you get started.
If you are currently working on an issue, leave a message to let people know that you are working on it.
Before sending in your pull request for review, make sure your changes follow the guidelines mentioned below, namely: license, testing and coding style guidelines.
For each new file, please include a license at the top of the file.
C++ code License example util.h;
Python code License example;
Bash code License example;
Please include unit tests for the contributed code to prove that your code works
correctly, and make sure that your code does not break existing tests. Test
files are always named to end with
, and the test target names in the
BUILD file always end with test
. Here is an example test file
You can use command bash test
to run all unit tests.
C/C++ coding style: Apollo adopted the Google C++ Style Guide. Make sure your code conforms to this style guide. You can use command
bash lint
to check if your code has any style issue. -
Python coding style: Apollo adopted the Google Python Style Guide. You can use the yapf command
yapf -i --style='{based_on_style: google}'
to format a file -
Apollo best coding practice: Please also refer to Apollo Best Coding Practice for more coding practice disciplines.
BUILD file coding style : you can use command
bash format path/to/BUILD/files
to format your BUILD files before you submit.
If your code is not straightforward for other contributors to understand, it is
recommended to implement the code in a clear and efficient way, and provide
sufficient comments and documentation. Apollo uses doxygen to help generate
formatted API Document with command bash doc generate
. To document
your code, please follow the guide:
How to document code.
The first line of commit message should be a one-line summary of the change. A paragraph can be added following the summary to clearly explain the details of the change. If your code fixed an issue, add the issue number to your commit message. An example of a good commit message is:
Control: Replaced algorithm A with algorithm B in modules/control.
Algorithm B is faster than A because it uses binary search. The runtime is reduced from O(N) to O(log(N)).
Fixes #1234
After you finish your code and are ready to create a Pull Request, please make
sure your change don't break build/test/lint by running bash check
which is equivalent to a combination of bash build
bash test
and bash lint