VapourSynth Script Importer for Avisynth2.6/Avisynth+
VapourSynth r30 or later
AviSynth2.60 / Avisynth+MT r2005 or greater
Windows Vista sp2 or later
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package
SSE2 capable CPU
as follows.:
VSImport(string source, bool "stacked", int "index") source - input script path. stacked - if this is set to true, MSB/LSB will be separated and be stacked vertically (default: false). index - index of input clip(default:0). VSEval(string source, bool "stacked", int "index", bool "utf8") source - vapoursynth script. stacked and index are same as VSImport. utf8 - if this is set to true, source is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded (default: false).
VapourSynth input is converted as follows.:
VapourSynth Avisynth2.6 Avisynth+MT GRAY8 Y8 Y8 GRAY16/H Y8(x2 width) Y16 GRAYS Y8(x4 width) Y32 YUV444P8 YV24 YV24 YUV444P9/10/16/H YV24(x2 width) YUV444P16 YUV444PS YV24(x4 width) YUV444PS YUV422P8 YV16 YV16 YUV422P9/10/16 YV16(x2 width) YUV422P16 YUV420P8 YV12 YV12 YUV420P9/10/16 YV12(x2 width) YUV420P16 COMPATBGR32 RGB32 RGB32 COMPATYUY2 YUY2 YUY2
Others are not supported.
VSImport example:
LoadPlugin("c:/avisynth/plugins/VapourSource.dll") VSImport("d:/my_scripts/16bits_yuv_clip.vpy", stacked=false)
VSEval example:
LoadPlugin("c:/avisynth/plugins/VapourSource.dll") script = """ import vapoursynth as vs bc = vs.get_core().std.BlankClip clip0 = bc(format=vs.YUV422P8, color=[0, 128, 128]) clip1 = bc(format=vs.YUV422P8, color=[255, 128, 128]) clip0.set_output(index=0) clip1.set_output(index=1) """ VSEval(script, index=1)
Not constant format/resolution/framerate clips are unsupported.