Releases: chkwon/PATHSolver.jl
Releases · chkwon/PATHSolver.jl
PATHSolver v1.5.0
Diff since v1.4.2
Closed issues:
- PATHSolver doesn't build on aarch64-apple-darwin (#61)
- Solver error crashes Julia session (#70)
Merged pull requests:
- Various minor maintenance changes (#86) (@odow)
- Add support for Apple Silicon (#88) (@odow)
PATHSolver v1.4.1
Diff since v1.4.0
Closed issues:
- Feedback (#72)
- v1.4.0 is giving incorrect solutions (#80)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix models with no VariablePrimalStart set (#81) (@odow)
PATHSolver v1.4.0
Diff since v1.3.0
Closed issues:
- Can we hide the options reading output somehow? (#52)
- Provide AMPL executables (#53)
- Support MOI.SolveTimeSec (#65)
- What is the difference between Julia PATH and GAMS PATH? (#69)
- Global state? (#71)
- solve_mcp(): NNZ or NNZ+1 (#77)
Merged pull requests:
- Add better documention of PATHSolver.solve_mcp (#73) (@odow)
- Support MOI.SolveTimeSec (#74) (@odow)
- Wrap Jacobian_Structure_Constant and Jacobian_Data_Contiguous functions (#75) (@odow)
- Add support for MCP_SetPresolveInterface (#76) (@odow)
- Fix nnz passed to MCP_Create (#78) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.4.0 (#79) (@odow)
PATHSolver v1.2.1
Diff since v1.2.0
Closed issues:
- Tag a version (#60)
- Thread Safety (#62)
- Solver info reported incorrectly? (#66)
Merged pull requests:
- Add warning on thread safety (#63) (@odow)
- Add link to option pdf in README (#64) (@odow)
- Add missing field to Information struct (#67) (@lassepe)
PATHSolver v1.2.0
Diff since v1.1.1
Closed issues:
- Non linear problems (#47)
- Distribute binaries as artifacts (#57)
Merged pull requests:
PATHSolver v1.1.0
Diff since v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- Error in version v0.6, v0.6.2 works (#46)
Merged pull requests:
- variable_name, constraint_name in solve_mcp (#48) (@chkwon)
PATHSolver v1.0.0
Diff since v0.6.2
Closed issues:
- license management function (#4)
- Calling from python via pyjulia - allow any callable object, not just ::Function arguments #8 (#18)
- path.opt not read on windows (#38)
- Can't load in 1.5 (#42)
Merged pull requests:
- Replace PATHSolver with odow/PATH.jl (#44) (@odow)