10/27/21 CG: New fabric2-example is here https://github.com/chrisgo/fabric2-example
Example of how you can organize a set of fabric scripts. Mostly this is just how I organized my fabric build and release process and sharing to possibly help other folks get started.
- Fabric: http://fabfile.org
- Fabtools: https://github.com/ronnix/fabtools
- S3FS: https://code.google.com/p/s3fs/
- Boto: https://github.com/boto/boto (didn't get to AWS yet)
Mostly I deal with a standard LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL and PHP-fpm) on Debian so please adapt for your own use. The original goal was to deal with Vagrant and Linode or Amazon AWS but I ended up just implementing Vagrant and DigitalOcean as "deployment targets".
These scripts should be run in the directory where the fabfile directory lives. If you do an ls, you should see the directory called "fabfile"
Build servers quickly based on:
- Environments => developer, dev, qa, stage, production
- Roles => www, database, resque, balance
Normalize all the different cloud providers
- Providers => digitalocean, ec2, linode, vagrant
Be able to customize each project while sharing core fabric files
- Core: init.py, roles/, lib/ and providers/ folders
- Per project: environments/ folder
fab <environment> <branch> release # Release code
fab <environment> <role> <task> # Builds servers
fab dev master release # standard release to dev
fav developer:chris master release # standard release to chris (developer)
fab dev www server_normalize # step 1 (normalize providers + basic)
fab dev www server_setup # step 2 (server role specific)
fab dev www project_setup # step 3 (project specific)
- Check environments/init.py to make sure all project-specific settings are correct
- Check environments/*.py to make sure all the servers are correct
For new servers (new file environments), we need to do some setup:
Create the appropriate settings for the system, usually this is for a new developer or a new server starting from scratch
- Make sure to note down the provider (Vagrant, Linode, etc.)
- Make sure this is unique across everything ever created for this project
- The fabric system will pick up the settings for that environment
Run through steps 1-3
- fab server_normalize
- Normalizes each provider (Vagrant, Linode, etc)
- Installs basic setup for ALL servers
- fab server_setup
- Installs more software by server role
- fab project_setup
- Installs project-specific software by server role
- Also initializes the project on the server by server role
- fab server_normalize
For normal releases to an environment (for example: dev), run
fab dev master release
and for PRODUCTION, run it with a group argument
fab production master release
- Move build date tokenization out of init
- Break release() to 2 parts: Core init.py and execute project-specific stuff in environments/init.py