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The Rhizome assembler takes the names of assembly code instructions, and their arguments, and converts them to the binary machine code which your processor can directly run.

The assembler is an object that has a method on it for each assembly code instruction. Assembly registers are available as Ruby constants, and registers support arithmetic to use a register as the base of a computed address. This makes the Rhizome assembler work a bit like a DSL for writing assembly code in Ruby.

For example this code assembles a machine code function to add two integers.

assembler.push RBP  RSP, RBP  RDI, RBP - 0x8  RSI, RBP - 0x10  RBP - 0x8, RAX  RBP - 0x10, RCX
assembler.add  RCX, RAX
assembler.pop  RBP

assembler.bytes # -> 101010101001000100010011110010101001000100010010111...

Rhizome only has an assembler for the AM64 (also know as x86-64, or x64) instruction set architecture, supported by most laptops and servers.

We'll just take a couple of paragraphs here to explain AMD64 assembly.

Each line is an instruction, with the name of the instruction coming first. Instructions are followed by operands, which are like arguments if the instruction were viewed like a function call. We're using what is called the AT&T convention, used in HotSpot and Unix, where the source comes first, and then the destination. Operands are usually registers, which are like local variables inside your processor. If you write + or - a number after a register it means to read or write memory at the address stored in the register plus or minus the number as an offset. That sounds very specific, but it turns out to be pattern that you want a lot.

An instruction like ret has no operand, and returns from the function, like return does in Ruby.

An instruction like push or pop has just one operand and either reads from it, in the case of push which pushes the value onto the stack from a register, or writes to it in the case of pop which pops a value off the stack into the register.

An instruction like mov or add copies a value from the source to the destination, and in the case of add adds it to the value that is already in the destination.

The registers that we are using here are RBP and RSP, which store the location of this functions local variables on the stack, and the current top of the stack, respectively. We also use RDI which is usually the first argument to a function, and RSI, which is usually the second. RCX is just a general purpose register we're using here to store a temporary value, and RAX the same except it is also where the return value for a function goes.

This code stores the RBP from the calling function on the stack, and then stores the current top of the stack, RSP, which will be the start of where we store our local variables, into RBP. It then stores the two arguments onto the stack as local variables. It stores into the stack by referencing the function's stack space, which remember we just put into RBP, minus an offset that is unique for each local variable.

The code then loads them back out (which is redundant we know, but we're just illustrating basic instructions) into RAX and RCX which are two general purpose registers. We then add them together and store the result back into RAX, where we leave it for the calling function to read the return value.

We'll explain other details of AMD64 assembly where relevant, but it isn't essential to know much more to understand how Rhizome works.

Why we need it

The assembler adds a level of abstraction, so that the code choosing which machine code instructions to use to implement your Ruby code does not have to worry about how they represented as binary machine code for the processor to actually read and execute.

How it works

Registers are Ruby objects stored in constants, with - and + operators that wrap them into an address object referencing both the register and the value that was added or subtracted.

The assembler object is just a wrapper around an array of bytes, with a method for each instruction which pushes more bytes onto the end of the array, based on the rules for encoding AMD64 machine code.

Labels and jumps

The only complexity in the interface to the assembler (so aside from the actual encoding, described below) is labels and jumps.

Assembly code doesn't have structured control-flow, such as if statements and while loops. Instead it has labels and instructions similar to goto statements as languages such as C have.

For example, an infinite loop has a label, a loop body, and then a jump back to the label. The label is a Ruby object that the assemler gives you.

head = assembler.label
# Loop body here head

This works well for backward jumps, because when we emit the jmp instruction we already know where the head label was. If we want to jump forwards, to jump over conditional code, we won't know the location of the label when we want to emit the jump.

When we want to do this we emit a jmp instruction (or similar such as jne, meaning jump-if-not-equal in the previous cmp comparison), but don't pass a label object. Instead the assembler will pass a new label back to us, which we can then pass to the label method later.

assembler.cmp rX, rY
else_part = assembler.jne
# then part here
finished =
assembler.label else_part
# else part here
assembler.label finished

Internally, the assembler emits a jump to 0 when you jump to a label that hasn't been defined yet, and records all the places that it has done so. When you do define the label later on, it goes back to the record of places where the jump was used before it was defined and patches the actual relative address in.

Patching for installed location

Jumps to labels can be patched as the code is generated because a relative address is used in jump instructions and we know how far apart the jump and label are. However, call instructions use relative addressing but to a target that is already installed and so already has a fixed address - such as code from another method or a runtime routine. We can't work out the relative address until the code we are generating is installed.

Perhaps we could allocate the memory for our code before we started generating it, so we already know where the code would be installed, but we don't know how much space our code will take until we have generated it.

Instead, what we do is emit a call to relative address 0, as with jumps to a label that is not yet defined. The assembler records that there is a pending relative address at that location. We then provide a method in the assembler to patch the code when the installed address is known - so after the memory has been allocated and before the machine code bytes are copied into it.


In some cases you may want to reference Ruby objects from compiled code that you emit from the assembler. The Ruby GC does not understand our compiled code, so if the only place that the objects are referenced from is the compiled code the GC may collect them. To prevent this, the assembler maintains a conventional Ruby Array of objects that were referenced from the compiled code. As long as you reference the assembler or this array of references, the objects will be kept alive.

More technical details

The rules for encoding assembly instructions to machine code bytes in AMD64 are extremely complicated. They're documented along with other details for Intel-compatible processors in a 2,234 page manual.

The design of ADM64 has a long legacy and there are also considerations such as using as few bytes as possible for common cases (the encoding is effectively compressed) and allowing the processor to decode efficiently. An instruction which you may think would be very simple, such as mov actually has 34 different ways of being encoded for different types of operands. There is a specified way to encode all of these, but it is far from simple.

In Rhizome we have implemented a small subset of AMD64 instruction encoding to keep the code simple, but this means that the number of instructions available to use is limited. For example, it is normally possible to add a value in a register to a value loaded from memory and store the result back to memory in one instruction, but we haven't implemented the encoding for this so we would load in one instruction, do an add that only uses registers because that's easier to encode, and then store in another instruction.

This means we generate less efficient code, but for the examples we have it isn't very important. Some machines with simpler architectures, such as RISC machines or load-store architectures, are always programmed like this.

Potential projects

  • Implement encoding for a wider range of instructions and improve our code generation to use them.