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493 lines (421 loc) · 27.5 KB

File metadata and controls

493 lines (421 loc) · 27.5 KB


Collection Hooks | Breaking Change!

The biggest change in 1.10.0 is the removal of the meteor-collection-hooks package. If your app or plugin is dependent on collection hooks, we'd recommend refactoring to eliminate the need for those types of hooks. If you're not up for refactoring you can just add that package back into your app though you'll lose some of the benefits that Reaction will see by eliminating that dependency. The removal of this package is a breaking change for any plugin that depends on collection hooks or uses the direct method to update a collection. For example, Products.before, Products.after, and will no longer work. These hooks have all been migrated to our event hook system. If you were using Collection hooks to perform an action that you cannot perform in 1.10.0 with the current set of event hooks, please file an issue and we can determine if we need to add additional event hooks. This change should lead to much simpler code that is easier to understand.

New GraphQL API

In addition to a few performance updates, refactors, and bug fixes, this release starts the rollout of our GraphQL API. Until further notice, this GraphQL API should be considered a prototype and should not be used for production. If you're interested in following along with our GraphQL work, tracking our GraphQL issues is probably the easiest way for now.

In short, this release adds a prototype GraphQL server running in the Reaction project with the following urls exposed:

/graphql - The GraphQL endpoint.
/graphiql - The GraphiQL user interface.

We'll be incrementally adding functionality to this GraphQL endpoint, but this release serves as the starting point for our GraphQL api.


  • feat: GraphQL Prototype (#3898) .. Resolves #3935, Resolves #3928, Resolves #3910
  • feat: GraphQL Jest testing pattern (#3995) .. Resolves #3936
  • feat: Create GraphQL viewer query (#4019)
  • feat: Create GraphQL account query (#3991)


  • refactor: remove collection hooks in search mongo package (#3889) .. Resolves #3866
  • refactor: remove collection hooks for Products collection (#3825)
  • refactor: remove media hooks (#4035) .. Resolves #3994
  • refactor: hooks in the inventory package to use Hooks.Events (#3887)
  • refactor: remove collection hooks package (#4036)


  • perf: Memoize/Cache getShopId to Reduce DB Load (#3510) .. Resolves #3507


  • fix: typo fix (#4000) .. Resolves #3975
  • fix: Browser console warning when beginning checkout (#3980)
  • fix: PDP Image gallery does not handle portrait sized images well (#3993)
  • fix: Cloning products is not reactive (#3964)
  • fix: Uploading Product Image (#4029)
  • fix: ProductsContainers are not replaceable (#4025)
  • fix: ProductGridItem is not replaceable (#4027)


  • CI: Run Jest and Meteor tests in parallel (#4030)


  • docs(jsdoc): namespace MethodHooks into its own JSDoc section. (#3844) .. Resolves #3840


This release contains a lot of fixes, some of them performance related and several enormous refactors. The three biggest changes are:

  1. We've migrated from the Meteor version of Simple Schema to the npm version. See notes in the breaking changes section below.
  2. We've dropped our dependency on the deprecated Meteor-CollectionFS package. We've replaced it with an npm package we've created called reaction-file-collections
  3. We've created a new catalog collection for use on the Product Grid when viewed by a consumer or other user without a product admin role

There's a full list of changes and fixes below, as well as detailed explanations of potential breaking changes and what you might need to do to migrate


This is a breaking change for any plugin that implements or modifies a schema based on the Meteor simple-schema package.

From the Simple Schema update

This PR updates the aldeed:simple-schema Meteor package dependency to instead depend on the simpl-schema NPM package, which is the newest release of the same library. As part of this change, there are several breaking changes and other gotchas to be aware of.

IMPORTANT! The NPM package does not play nice with the previous Meteor package. After updating to this Reaction release, run the app one time, and then look at the .meteor/versions file. Make sure that aldeed:simple-schema is not listed. If it is there, that is because you depend on another Meteor package that depends on aldeed:simple-schema. You will have to update or remove any such packages (with meteor remove / meteor add) until aldeed:simple-schema disappears from your .meteor/versions file. Search your app for any import { SimpleSchema } from "meteor/aldeed:simple-schema" lines that you have added in your custom code, and replace them with import SimpleSchema from "simpl-schema" Be aware that the package name does not have the "e" on "simpl". (There is a different NPM package called simple-schema with the "e", and that is NOT the one you want.) If you have your own custom schemas, refer to the SimpleSchema changelog to update them for the breaking changes: If you use attachSchema in your code, be aware that passing an array to attachSchema will no longer work. You should first merge all the schemas and then pass the combined schema to attachSchema

Please read the PR if you need more details Use NPM SimpleSchema rather than Meteor #3331

From the removal of CollecitonFS

If you've saved the file URLs anywhere, they're now different.








We've deleted some unused Blaze templates rather than update URL handling within them:

  • shopBrandImageOption
  • ordersListItems
  • select
  • upload
  • productMetaField
  • productMetaFieldForm
  • metaComponent
  • productDetailEdit
  • productDetailField
  • productImageGallery
  • imageDetail
  • imageUploader
  • productSocial
  • variantList
  • variant
  • Media-related publishing is changed and improved:

Publications have been added, removed, or changed:

  • CartItemImage publication is removed
  • CartImages now takes an ID
  • Added ProductGridMedia to replace Media being included with the products publication for the grid
  • Added ProductMedia
  • Added OrderImages, similar to CartImages, used for order now rather than reusing CartImages

Full notes on the PR to replace CFS #3782

From the customer product catalog

The old imports/plugins/included/product-variants/containers/productsContainer.js has been renamed to productsContainerAdmin.js and a new component named productsContainer.js now handles which products container to load based on the user's permissions. Full notes on the PR #3876

From the Dockerfile updates

reactioncommerce/base:v4.0.1 removed the following:

  • Removed the conditional MongoDB installation (via $INSTALL_MONGO env). Use mongo as a service in docker-compose, see example in README.
  • Removed the conditional PhantomJS installation (via $INSTALL_PHANTOMJS env). If PhantomJS is required in your build, you can include it in your custom Dockerfile. Full notes on the PR

Dockerfile Updates

  • Base image updated to reactioncommerce/base:v4.0.1 which has:
    • node:8.9.4 as base image (same Debian base as before, but with Node 8 preinstalled)
    • Meteor 1.6.1 preinstalled
  • Multi-stage build support. This helped reduce the size of the production image by removing un-required dependencies.
  • Final production bundle uses node:8.9.4-slim

Docker Compose changes

  • Updated existing docker-compose.yml to serve as the config for running a local development environment.
  • Added a new docker-compose-demo.yml for testing out production builds (this is the replacement for the previous docker-compose.yml).


  • Use NPM SimpleSchema rather than Meteor (#3331)


We've updated our circle ci config to use v2 of Workflows. This permits us to run additional automated tests on circle instead of using other services. We now have 6 workflow steps that must pass before a PR can be merged.


  • refactor: rename Import to Importer (#3613) .. Resolves ##1364
  • refactor: convert search modal wrapper to React (#3853)
  • refactor: replace CFS (#3782)
  • refactor: customer product grid publishing (#3876) .. Resolves #3662
  • refactor: remove unused collection hook (#3950)


  • fix: inventory updated on shopify sync (#3897) .. Resolves #3718
  • fix: settings startup error (#3939)
  • fix: email validation (#3899) .. Resolves #3733
  • fix: change all email verification links to use tokens (#3884)
  • fix: update shopId the right way. (#3947) .. Resolves #3945
  • fix: migration version after SimpleSchema NPM merge (#3929)
  • fix: ui glitches using dynamic merchandising (#3932)
  • fix: setting or changing a products perma-link causes hard refresh (#3755) .. #2246
  • fix: removing search-mongo plugin causes errors at startup (#3837) .. Resolves #3797
  • fix: Reaction.getShopId missing () (#3891)
  • fix: added delay and loader (#3796) .. #2863
  • fix: add back missing browser policy (#3894)
  • fix: discount codes limits are not honored (#3824) .. #3783
  • fix: remove cfs:graphicsmagick (#3869) .. Resolves #3868
  • fix: password validation (#3860) .. Resolves #3854
  • fix: set localstorage even when no Meteor.user exists (#3856) .. Resolves #3846
  • fix: handle misconfigured Avalara api (#3827) .. Resolves #3813
  • fix: fix for "capturing bulk orders throws server side error" (#3822) .. Resolves #3705
  • fix: shop switcher opens off-screen (#3809) .. Resolves #3619
  • fix: /shop added to URL (#3794) .. Resolves #2810
  • fix: adding country code to phone number before sending SMS (#3751) .. Resolves #3597
  • fix: changing the permalink before publishing a product results in "not found" (#3748)
  • fix: errors when updating default shipping and billing addresses (#3802)
  • fix: delayed response in localization settings (#3872)
  • fix: handle integer schema type when getting form field type (#3930)
  • fix: check for number if sms is enabled. (#3983) .. Resolves #3965
  • fix: marketplace shipping (#3981) .. Resolves #3979
  • fix: summary not shown in Invoice (#3989)
  • fix: dirty badge in product grid does not work (#3984)
  • fix: reactivity error when products are not published yet (#3970)
  • fix: global route hooks (#3896) .. Resolves #3895
  • fix: added all the missing avalara settings fields to the fieldsProps… (#3969)
  • fix: publishing group related to current shop (#3943) .. Resolves #3942
  • fix: break payment before sending to paypal (#3859) .. Resolves #1236
  • fix: delete shipping rates one at a time (#3968)
  • fix: card validator (#3892) .. Resolves #3875
  • fix: can't input refund properly (#3893) .. Resolves #3703
  • fix: clean paymentMethod objects before validating (#3961)
  • fix: console error during checkout (#3948)


  • chore: add imports/plugins/custom to eslint ignore (#3901)
  • chore: update Docker base for multi-stage builds (#3653)
  • chore: use circleci workflows 2 in circle config (#3959)
  • chore: remove ability to load Meteor.settings from settings.json (#3951)
  • chore: upgrade react-dates to 16.3.6 (#3952)


  • docs(jsdoc) - document and namespace Router.Hooks methods (#3874) .. Resolves #3840


Thanks to @pmn4 for contributing to this release!



  • fix: added unique to slug (#3745) .. Resolves #2736
  • fix: Correct Inventory updates when canceling an order (#3776)
  • fix: bulk order status corrected (#3807) .. Resolves #3692
  • fix: order refunding number input (#3826) .. Resolves #3702
  • fix: Changing user currency does not update prices (#3835)
  • fix: Fix invite shop owner (#3845) .. Resolves #3836


  • perf: performance upgrades by refactoring shopSelectDropdown Trackers (#3651)
  • perf: Improve unnecessary translation loading (#3838)


  • feat: Allow for ShopId when adding Brand Assets (#3529)


  • refactor: Call OrdersList as a Component (#3848)


  • chore: Add CodeTriage badge to reactioncommerce/reaction (#3666)
  • chore: Update React to 16.2.0 (#3801)


  • docs(jsdoc): Namespace Hooks.Events methods and add examples (#3843) .. Resolves #3840


Thanks to @pmn4 and @willmoss1000 for contributing to this release



  • (fix): email status (#3781) .. Resolves #3701
  • (fix): cannot search accounts in search modal (#3829)


Meteor 1.6.1

This release upgrades Reaction to Meteor 1.6.1

This is a possible BREAKING CHANGE. We've done our best to keep core reaction backwards compatible with this release, but as this update includes bumping to Babel 7, if you have plugins that depend on Babel 6, they will break. The Meteor 1.6.1 announcement or release notes are the best places to go for help debugging problems specific to Meteor introduced by this release. Additionally, you may want to check out Babel's own guide on Upgrading to Babel 7 or Planning for Babel 7

The biggest change in this release is that we're upgrading to Babel 7.

"@babel/runtime": "7.0.0-beta.38",

and in our dev-dependencies

"@babel/cli": "7.0.0-beta.38",
"@babel/core": "7.0.0-beta.38",
"@babel/preset-react": "7.0.0-beta.38",
"babel-preset-meteor": "7.0.0-beta.38-1"

Our babel presets now looks like this:

"presets": []

Yes, we've removed stage-2 and env from our presets. That's recommended as meteor now includes babel-preset-meteor

Please see the PR #3615 for even more detail on what has changed in the update to Meteor 1.6.1


This release introduces the following changes to our .eslintrc file


We've added the recommended set of rules for jsx-a11y. Reaction has always maintained a commitment to accessibility and adding this rule set provides linting rules to help enforce Aria and a11y compliance.

"extends": [

Base rule set

We've added the following base eslint rules. You can find their descriptions and examples of failing and passing code here:

"array-bracket-spacing": ["error", "never"],
"array-callback-return": ["error", { "allowImplicit": true }],
"arrow-body-style": ["error", "as-needed", { "requireReturnForObjectLiteral": false }],
"arrow-parens": [ "error", "always", { "requireForBlockBody": true }],
"no-await-in-loop": "error",
"no-bitwise": "error",
"no-case-declarations": "error",
"no-confusing-arrow": ["error", { "allowParens": true }],
"no-empty-pattern": "error",
"no-lonely-if": "error",
"no-mixed-operators": ["error", {
  "groups": [
    ["%", "**"],
    ["%", "+"],
    ["%", "-"],
    ["%", "*"],
    ["%", "/"],
    ["**", "+"],
    ["**", "-"],
    ["**", "*"],
    ["**", "/"],
    ["&", "|", "^", "~", "<<", ">>", ">>>"],
    ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", ">", ">=", "<", "<="],
    ["&&", "||"],
    ["in", "instanceof"]
  "allowSamePrecedence": false
"no-multi-assign": ["error"],
"no-multi-spaces": ["error", { "ignoreEOLComments": false }],
"no-plusplus": "error",
"no-prototype-builtins": "error",
"no-tabs": "error",
"no-undef-init": "error",
"no-unneeded-ternary": ["error", { "defaultAssignment": false }],
"no-unsafe-finally": "error",
"no-useless-computed-key": "error",
"no-useless-concat": "error",
"no-useless-constructor": "error",
"no-useless-escape": "error",
"no-void": "error",
"object-curly-newline": ["error", { "ObjectExpression": { "multiline": true, "consistent": true }, "ObjectPattern": { "multiline": true, "consistent": true } }],
"object-property-newline": ["error", { "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": true }],
"operator-assignment": ["error", "always"],
"prefer-destructuring": ["error", {
  "VariableDeclarator": {
    "array": false,
    "object": true
  "AssignmentExpression": {
    "array": true,
    "object": true
}, {
  "enforceForRenamedProperties": false
"prefer-rest-params": "error",
"prefer-spread": "error",
"prefer-template": "error",
"rest-spread-spacing": ["error", "never"],

Collection Hooks

We've removed the Collection Hooks package. This may be a breaking change if you're relying on Collection Hooks in your plugins. You can follow our examples to remove the Collection Hooks dependencies from your plugins or (not recommended) you can install the collection hooks meteor package back into your application without error.

We've replaced Accounts and Revisions Collection Hooks in #3642

  • Replaced all Account & Revision .before, .after collection hooks to use Hooks.Events API.
  • Updated Revisons.after.update(callback) to be Hooks.Events.add("afterRevisionUpdate", callback) and added"afterRevisionUpdate", userId, revision) after every Revisons.update(...) call.
  • Updated Accounts.after.insert(callback) to be Hooks.Events.add("afterAccountsInsert", callback) and added a"afterAccountsInsert", userId, user) after every Accounts.insert(...) call.
  • Updated Accounts.after.remove(callback) to be Hooks.Events.add("afterAccountsRemove", callback) and added a"afterAccountsRemove", userId, user) after every Accounts.remove(...) call.
  • Updated Accounts.after.update(callback) to be Hooks.Events.add("afterAccountsUpdate", callback) and added a"afterAccountsUpdate", userId, user) after every Accounts.update(...) call.
  • Removed .direct from any Accounts or Revisions collection calls

Breaking Changes

There are potentially breaking changes you should be aware of in this release.

  • (breaking, feat) CoreLayout should probe for React component as fallback (#3524) .. Resolves #3523 A plugin which has named React components identically to Blaze templates in core may no longer work.
  • (breaking, refactor) Remove unnecessary code in Media subscription. (#3558) .. Resolves #3548 We've renamed the Media subscription located in client/modules/core/subscriptions.js. This subscription's content has not changed, but is now more aptly named BrandAssets. This will only cause problems if you were subscribing to the Media publication seprately in your plugin.
  • (fix): remove "admin" permission from shop manager role (#3505) .. Resolves #3541 We've removed the admin role from the default role set that is granted to the Shop Manager group. This should not affect any existing shops, but if you have plugins or users that rely on the admin role being granted to the Shop Manager group you may need to update your plugins.
  • (refactor): replace imagemagick with sharp (#3631) .. Resolves #3482 This is only a breaking change if you have a plugin that depends on gm. It should be trivial to replace with sharp and this PR serves as an example of how to do so. Replace GraphicMagick/ImageMagick with sharp and remove dependency on gm Add sharp to the project and dynamically loads where necessary Update image transforms to to use the sharp() functions. Refactor the "Media" FS.Collection to map the image transforms through a buildGFS() function to create each FS.Store.GridFS collection.
  • (refactor): dynamically import moment.js (#3602) .. Resolves #2635 Provides withMoment HOC to wrap components that use moment. May cause breaking changes if you relied on any of the following Blaze templates or helpers which are no longer used in core: Remove timezoneOptions Blaze template helper from client/modules/core/helpers/templates.js, as it's no longer used in any core files. Remove ordersList, orderPage/details and orderPage Blaze templates, which were replaced by React templates Move dateFormat Blaze template helper out of the global helpers, and into a specific template helper, since it's only used in one place
  • Babel 7 / Meteor 1.6.1 update mentioned in detail at the beginning of these release notes.

Dependency Update

  • (chore): update node dependencies (#3630)
    • Updates the following npm packages by a major version number: babel-jest, jest, libphonenumber-js
    • Updates the following npm packages bya minor version number: authorize-net, autoprefixer, babel-eslint, braintree, core-js, enzyme-to-json, enzyme, eslint-plugin-react, i18next, moment, nexmo, nock, node-loggly-bulk, paypal-rest-sdk, postcss, radium, react-dropzone, react-image-magnify, react-onclickoutside, react-select, react-table, react-tether, shopify-api-node, stripe, sweetalert2, swiper, twilio, velocity-animate

React Conversion

  • We've converted the Avalara Setting page to React (see #3348)


  • (refactor): upgrade Meteor to 1.6.1 (#3615) .. Resolves #3029
  • (refactor): eslint-9 and Aria (#3582) .. Resolves #3574
  • (refactor): Enable eslint prefer-destructuring (#3610) .. Resolves #3573
  • (refactor): Fix warnings after turning on eslint prefer-destructuring (#3598) .. Resolves #3573
  • (refactor): eslint rule updates (1) (#3578) .. Resolves #3566
  • (refactor): eslint errors (#3604) .. Resolves #3570
  • (refactor): eslint rules 4 (#3599) .. Resolve #3569
  • (refactor): fix eslint and ARIA issues for notifications (#3593) .. Resolves #3574
  • (refactor): Deprecate meteor sAlert version (#3620) .. Resolves #3550
  • (refactor): import Reaction from /client|server|lib/api when possible (#3611) .. Resolves unreported issue
  • (refactor): remove theme editor (#3614) .. Resolves #2468
  • (refactor): remove meteor-collection-hooks dependency for orders (#3639) .. Resolves #3632
  • (refactor): 3636 nnnnat accounts revisions hooks events (#3642)
  • (refactor): remove TranslationProvider from lower level components (#3661)
  • (refactor): Converting Avalara Setting page to React (#3348)
  • (refactor): Dynamically import moment.js (#3602)
  • (refactor): replace imagemagick with Sharp (#3631) .. Resolves #3482
  • (refactor): removed analytics plugin (#3814) .. Resolves #2301
  • (refactor): use Events.Hooks instead of meteor collection hooks for cart events that trigger discount calculations (#3647)
  • (refactor): replace vsivsi:job-collection for npm module @reactioncommerce/job-queue (#3641) .. Resolves #3551
  • (refactor): nnnnat dynamic transliteration (#3749) .. Resolves #2634


  • Add CSS class to generic product fields (#3609) .. Resolves #3608


  • (fix): Undefined property: Reaction.Router.current().queryParam (#3384) .. Resolves #3496
  • (fix): Cart image & Remove cart icon alignment fixes (#3740)
  • (fix): Test Shopify credentials before saving. (#3468) .. Resolves #3371
  • (fix): Accounts admin: Check for return value of modal dialog. (#3659)
  • (fix): Display orderId instead of cartId (#3726) .. Resolves #3709
  • (fix): Marketplace - allow users to become sellers (#3725) .. Resolves #3617
  • (fix): substitute "-" for "/" when tagging docker image (#3739)
  • (fix): Zip is optional (#3738) .. Resolves #3530
  • (fix): Prevent mobile views having elements that are being cut off. (#3737)
  • (fix): Added css to make OR visible (#3736) .. Resolves #3293
  • (fix): Css to make whole title clickable (#3735) .. Resolves #3487
  • (fix): Added space to Taxcloud notice (#3722) .. Resolves #3720
  • (fix): shopify sync (#3663) .. Resolves #3502
  • (fix): restore remove from cart functionality (#3657)
  • (fix): Add missing address2 details (#3643)
  • (fix): Cannot complete checkout on second visit when using Anonymous user (#3640)
  • (fix): Fulfilling part of a multi-merchant order removes other parts of order (#3358) .. Resolves #3354
  • (fix): update action view size handling to fix shipping settings cutoff (#3759) .. Resolves #3396
  • (fix): Audit Product Images and update to always use optimized versions (#3730) .. Resolves #3637
  • (fix): Product url should open product detail page when user clicks on an item in the cart drawer (#3758) .. Resolves #3660
  • (fix): error when creating/update groups and/or group permissions for non-admin user (#3665) .. Resolves #3638
  • (fix): PDP placeholde image display (#3812)
  • (fix): handle invalid card details with (#3538) .. Resolves #3519
  • (fix): can't change localization values (#3817) .. Resolves #3811
  • (fix): shippo calculation error (#3774)
  • (fix): Add permission checks to template method and publication (#3606)
  • (fix): added currency formatting (#3808) .. Resolves #2286
  • (fix): PDP placeholde image display (#3812)
  • (fix): Sending the text to G+ (#3790) .. Resolves #2292
  • (fix): Edit address when already present (#3788) .. Resolves #3784
  • (fix): NavBar made only once (#3779) .. Resolves #3761
  • (fix): Add css to truncate (#3746) .. Resolves 3499:
  • (fix): Checking for shipping address and billing address (#3771) .. Resolves #3766
  • (fix): remove spinner before mounting (#3806) .. Resolves #3805
  • (fix): Don't use default for moment in invoice (#3816) .. Resolves #3815
  • (fix): Remove methods deprecated in 1.5 (#3744) .. Resolves #2882
  • (fix): handle invalid card details with (#3538) .. Resolves #3519
  • (fix): error when creating/update groups and/or group permissions for non-admin user (#3665)
  • (fix): Product url should open product detail page when user clicks on an item in the cart drawer (#3758)
  • (fix): error when switching table layout in order dashboard (#3773)
  • (fix): mobile subnav (#3775) .. Resolves #3679


  • (chore): Build Docker image, tag, and push for every branch (#3629) .. Part of #2858 Updates our CI build process to build and tag docker images on every push to github. We are now tagging docker images with the SHA1, the git-branch-name, any git tags and tagging latest if there is a push to Master with the latest tag. You can see all of tagged docker images on our docker hub.
  • (chore): Add sentence to pull request template requesting images for UIX PRs (#3741)
  • (chore): Update pull request template (#3687)
  • (chore): update node dependencies (#3630)
  • (chore): New build step "Asset Provisioning" (#3335)
  • (chore): Remove methods deprecated in 1.5 (#3744)
  • (chore): update links to issue tags and Contributing Guide (#3700)
  • (chore): add link to Contributing Guide in docs (#3688)


  • (perf): dynamically import DayPickerRangeController (#3622) .. Part of #3621
  • (perf): remove kadira:dochead meteor package and add needed functions to a core plugin (#3625) .. Resolves #3548
  • (perf): flatten startup code and speed up translation import (#3592)
  • (perf): Don't rerender on failed sign in, (#3664)
  • (perf): User prefs stored in Accounts (#3463) .. Resolves #3404
  • (perf): dynamically load transliteration (#3749) .. Resolves #2634
  • (perf): remove meteor and babel-preset-react from babel presets (#3800)


  • (i18n): Updated French translations (#3713)
  • (i18n): Changed all instances of 'shoify' to Shopify (#3723) .. Resolves #3712
  • (i18n): Update en.json (#3787)


Thanks to @thetre97, @loanlaux, @wackywombaat12 and @codejockie for contributing to this release