There are 2 ways of initializing image gallery powered by ScrollGalleryView library:
- using fluent API (experimental)
- using old initialization method
You can use one of them depending on your needs.
From version 1.2.0
and higher ScrollGalleryView library includes fluent API which simplifies image gallery initialization.
Add dependencies to your project (you can use Picasso, Glide or Fresco loaders):
implementation 'com.veinhorn.scrollgalleryview:library:1.2.0'
implementation 'com.veinhorn.scrollgalleryview:picasso-loader:1.2.0'
Here we use media()
and video()
methods from picasso-loader
import static com.veinhorn.scrollgalleryview.loader.picasso.dsl.DSL.*;
galleryView = ScrollGalleryView
.from((ScrollGalleryView) findViewById(
There is also GalleryBuilder add(MediaInfo mediaInfo);
method from GalleryBuilder
which you can use to populate gallery with media.
You can also use old initialization method which is supported by all versions of ScrollGalleryView library.
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
private static final ArrayList<String> images = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
private static final String movieUrl = "";
private ScrollGalleryView scrollGalleryView;
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
List<MediaInfo> infos = new ArrayList<>(images.size());
for (String url : images) infos.add(MediaInfo.mediaLoader(new PicassoImageLoader(url)));
scrollGalleryView = (ScrollGalleryView) findViewById(;
.addMedia(MediaInfo.mediaLoader(new DefaultImageLoader(R.drawable.wallpaper1)))
.addMedia(MediaInfo.mediaLoader(new DefaultImageLoader(toBitmap(R.drawable.wallpaper7))))
.addMedia(MediaInfo.mediaLoader(new MediaLoader() {
@Override public boolean isImage() {
return true;
@Override public void loadMedia(Context context, ImageView imageView,
MediaLoader.SuccessCallback callback) {
@Override public void loadThumbnail(Context context, ImageView thumbnailView,
MediaLoader.SuccessCallback callback) {
.addMedia(MediaInfo.mediaLoader(new DefaultVideoLoader(movieUrl, R.mipmap.default_video)))
private Bitmap toBitmap(int image) {
return ((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(image)).getBitmap();