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Troubleshooting LME Install

Logging Issues

Space issues during install:

If your system has size constraints and doesn't meet our expected requirements, you could run into issues like this Getting error with Step 3.2.2 when running the script .

You can try this: DISK-SPACE-20.04

root@util:# vgdisplay
root@util:# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv
root@util:~# resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv

Containers restarting/not running:

Usually If you have issues with containers restarting, check your host or the container itself. Like in the above sample, a wrong password could prevent the Elastic Stack from operating properly. You can check the container logs like so:

sudo -i podman ps --format "{{.Names}} {{.Status}}"
#Using the above name you found, check its logs here. 
sudo -i podman logs -f $CONTAINER_NAME

If this doesn’t determine the issue, see below for some common issues you could encounter.

Container Troubleshooting:

"dependent containers which must be removed"

sometimes podman doesn't kill containers properly when you stop and start lme.service

If you get the below error after inspecting the logs in systemd:

journalctl -xeu lme-elasticsearch.service
#OR systemctl
systemctl status lme*


ubuntu lme-elasticsearch[43436]: Error: container bf9cb322d092c13126bd0341a1b9c5e03b475599e6371e82d4d866fb088fc3c4 has dependent containers which must be removed before it: ff7a6b654913838050360a2cea14fa1fdf5be1d542e5420354ddf03b88a1d2c9: container already exists

Then you'll need to do the following:

  1. kill the other containers it lists manually
sudo -i podman rm  ff7a6b654913838050360a2cea14fa1fdf5be1d542e5420354ddf03b88a1d2c9
sudo -i podman rm  bf9cb322d092c13126bd0341a1b9c5e03b475599e6371e82d4d866fb088fc3c4
  1. remove other containers that are dead:
sudo -i podman ps -a
sudo podman rm $CONTAINER_ID
  1. restart the lme.service
systemctl restart lme.service

Memory in containers (need more RAM//less RAM usage)

If you're on a resource constrained host and need to limit/edit the memory used by the containers add the following into the quadlet file.

 PodmanArgs=--memory 8gb --network-alias lme-elasticsearch --health-interval=2s


  • You don't need to run the commands, but simply change the quadlet file you want to update. If this is before you've installed LME, you can edit the quadlet in the directory you've cloned: ~/LME/quadlet/lme-elasticsearch.container

  • If this is after installation you can edit the quadlet file in /etc/containers/systemd/lme-elasticsearch.container quadlet/lme-elasticsearch.container and add the line --memory Xgb, with the nubmer of Gigabytes you want to limit for the container.

You can repeat this for any containers you for which you want to limit the memory.

JVM heap size

If you have alot of RAM (i.e., greater than 128GB) to work with and want your container to consume that RAM (especially in the case of Elasticsearch running under the Java Virtual Machine. Elasticsearch is written in Java).

So you'll want to edit the JVM options: ELASTIC_DOCS_JVM

By default Elastic only goes up to 31GB of memory usage if you don't set the appropriate variable. If you have a server that has 128 GB and you want to use 64 (the recommendation is half of your total memory) you need to set the ES_JAVA_OPTS variable. To do that you can edit the .container and restart your lme.service like so:

sudo nano /opt/lme/quadlet/lme-elasticsearch.container

add to the file something like this:

Environment=ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms64g -Xmx64g

restart LME

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user restart lme.service

Elastic troubleshooting steps

Manual Dashboard Install

You can now import the dashboards by clicking ‘Management’ -> ‘Stack Management’ -> ‘Saved Objects’. Please follow the steps in Figure 4 below.

This step should not be required by default. Only use if the installer failed to automatically populate the expected dashboards or if you wish to make use of your own modified version of the supplied visualizations.

Each dashboard and its visualization objects are contained within a NDJSON file (previously JSON) and can be easily imported. The NDJSON files are in dashboards/.

Importing Objects

Importing Objects

Importing Objects

Figure 4 - Steps to import objects

Elastic Specific Troubleshooting

Elastic maintains a series of troubleshooting guides that we suggest you review as part of the standard investigation process if the issue you are experiencing is within the Elastic stack within LME.

These guides can be found here and cover a number of common issues.

Kibana Discover View Showing Wrong Index

If the Discover section of Kibana persistently shows the wrong index by default, check that the winlogbeat index pattern is still set as the default within Kibana. To do this, see the steps below:

Select "Stack Management" from the left-hand menu:

Check Default Index

Select "Index Patterns" under Kibana Stack Management:

Check Default Index

Verify that the "Default" label is set next to the INDEX_NAME-* Index pattern:

Check Default Index

If this Index pattern is not selected as the default, this can be re-done by clicking on the INDEX_NAME-* pattern and then selecting the following option in the subsequent page:

Set Default Index

Unhealthy Cluster Status

There are several reasons why the cluster's health may be yellow or red, but a common cause is unassigned replica shards. As LME is a single-node instance by default this is means that replicas will never be assigned. However, this issue is commonly caused by built-in indices which do not have the index.auto_expand_replicas value correctly set. This will be fixed in a future release of Elastic, but can be temporarily diagnosed and resolved as follows:

Check the cluster health by running the following request against Elasticsearch (an easy way to do this is to navigate to Dev Tools in Kibana under Management on the left-hand menu):

GET _cluster/health?filter_path=status,*_shards

If it shows any unassigned shards, these can be enumerated with the following command:

GET _cat/shards?v=true&h=index,shard,prirep,state,node,unassigned.reason&s=state

If the UNASSIGNED shard is shown as r rather than p this means it's a replica. In this case tyou can fix the error in the single-node default installation of LME by forcing all indices to have a replica count of 0 using the following request:

PUT _settings
  "index.number_of_replicas": 1

If the above solution was unable to resolve your issue, further information on this and general advice on troubleshooting an unhealthy cluster status can be found here.

FLEET SERVER - ADD AGENT shows missing url for Fleet Server Host

When trying to add Elastic Agent on host server, you may see Missing URL for Fleet Server host as shown in screenshot below.

Check Default Index

This can happen when LME post install steps were run before lme-fleet-server displayed status of Up when you check podman status. Do make sure your post installation verification steps are completed. If post installation verification steps fail, then uninstall and re-install LME is recommended. Otherwise a simple reboot of the host server or restart of lme-service should fix the problem.

Start/Stop LME:

Re-Indexing Errors

For errors encountered when re-indexing existing data as part of an an LME version upgrade please review the Elastic re-indexing documentation for help, available here.

Illegal Argument Exception While Re-Indexing

With the correct mapping in place it is not possible to store a string value in any of the fields which represent IP addresses. For example source.ip or destination.ip. If you see any of these values represented in your current data as strings, such as LOCAL you cannot successfully re-index with the correct mapping. In this instance the simplest fix is to modify your existing data to store the relevant fields as valid IP representations using the update_by_query method, documented here.

An example of this is shown below, which may need to be modified for the particular field that is causing problems:

POST winlogbeat-11.06.2021/_update_by_query
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source.source.ip = ''",
    "lang": "painless"
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "source.ip": "LOCAL"

Note that this will need to be run for each index that contains problematic data before re-indexing can be completed.

TLS Certificates Expired

For security the self-signed certificates generated for use by LME at install time will only remain valid for a period of two years, which will cause LME to stop functioning once these certificates expire. In this case the certificates can be recreated by following the instructions detailed here.

Other Common Errors

Windows Log with Error Code #2150859027

If you are on Windows 2016 or higher and are getting error code 2150859027, or messages about HTTP URLs not being available in your Windows logs, please review this guide.

Start/Stop LME:

To Stop LME:

sudo systemctl stop lme.service

To Start LME:

sudo systemctl restart lme.service

Using API

Changing elastic Username Password

After installing, if you wish to change the password to the Elastic username you can use the following command:

Note: You will need to run this command with an account that can access /opt/lme. If you can't sudo, the user account will need access to the certs located in the command.

sudo curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
  "password" : "newpassword"
}' --cacert /opt/lme/Chapter\ 3\ Files/certs/root-ca.crt -u elastic:currentpassword
>>>>>>> release-2.0.0

Issues installing Elastic Agent

If you have see the error "Elastic Agent is installed but broken" when trying to install the Elastic Agent add the following flag to your install command:
